Tuesday, March 20, 2018


It is official, it is NO longer questionable. Rex Tillerson was correct, Donald John Trump in the capacity as the 45th President of the United States is a “FUCKING MORON”. I had a good laugh when I heard that soon after adding a “Conspiracy” expert to the Trump Tower legal team, that the Fucking Moron reached out to Theodore Olson to join the “Team”. But now we have been notified that this “Patriotic American” well versed in “Constitutional Law” will not entertain such a foolish notion, as to defend “Treason” is in itself “Treason”. And I am sure that with “Conspiracy Experts” added to this “Treason Season Showing”, that the maddening crowd that has hijacked the “White House” will soon be blaming Barack Obama for the “serial bombings” in Texas, because of Jade Helm!

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