Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Russian Roulette

Get over it Mr. & Mrs. GOP Slugfestus, as small time ruralite communities in Pennsylvania that find forever roots in the “Industrial Revolution” - wherein generation upon generation helped build a heritage of “Make America Strong” - well today it was those small townships that turned the tides on what was once “Trump Tower” domination territory. Remember, the Ruffed Grouse Keystone was a member in good standing the 13-Original Colonies kinship, and knows all about “Revolutions”. Why this Hail Mary storm, in places once thought to be “Trump Forever” property? Like in “The Deer Hunter”, which took place in Clairton-Allegheny County, it is a sign that “We the People” have reason to believe that Rex Tillerson’s Fucking Moron is playing “Russian Roulette” with our DEMOCRACY. It means “Make America Strong” by taking it back as there is a coup d’état brewing on the horizon, the mutiny is being “Twittervised”. And what is with this “Missing Moron Formation”? As today, our kids made history with a nation-wide walkout, their pledge to honor their Constitutional commitment upon their right to stand strong upon that 1st Amendment Right - to be heard out loud on the out-of-control gun scene and a message for the persona non grata 115th Congress, nolo contendere dereliction the conviction to protect Americans. And this March in March, it all started at 1000am EST. So it means from sea to shining sea “this land is your land this land is my land from the California to the New York islands” walkouts will be holding our murder spree thoughts hostage - as we have failed at protecting our kids when trying to learn it all in kindergarten - like being nice and A, B, C, D! So this show of “Solidarity” is what we need, this is truly the American Spirit alive and well move out of the way “if you can’t lend a hand for the times they are a changin” Yet there is a main ingredient missing, call it the “Missing Moron Formation” and this was a selfish plan by a White House that is totally out-of-touch and more in-tune to the Soviet Manifesto - Chapter XVII - On a Collusion Collision Course with the United States by Vladimir Portnoy Putin. See, the Fucking Moron is camped out on Air Force One at a military base runway in California, which means when the March hits the west coast, he will be airborne and get back to the Oval Office about the time it is supper-time back on the East Coast - which means the kids will have completed the “mission” with the “omission” of the Moron-in-Thief making a show, as that would have made the Wayne Sapierre and Dana Lochness NRA very upset. Our kids needed the president’s support more than ever this day, yet he was a no-show and hiding out on high. Pathetic, despicable, deplorable, take your pick as this “Trinity” paints the picture of what has hijacked the Oval Office. It will never be the same and Barack Obama will go down in the history books as the “Last of the U.S. Presidents”. But Donald John Trump may have an excuse why he acts so childish, he was never a “kid”, he is the ultimate “live in a bubble” person - as with his upbringing…he had none with an “Old Man Trump”.

Come senators, congressmen
Please heed the call
Don't stand in the doorway
Don't block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
There's a battle outside
And it is ragin'.
It'll soon shake your windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin'.

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