Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Black Hole Wake

R.I.P. - we wake to hear that Stephen Hawking is on his “Final Voyage”. I hope upon his soft landing he finds a higher power to brag about, like with a “Creator”! Wherein he finds the decency to S.O.S. relay his humankind failure that “God is a concept by which we measure our pain. Look, when we observe Nature surrounding, the bird on the wing and the “slug” on the limb, all such harmony without any demonstrable “Chaos” did not come from a “Big Bang” - get over it this mindset fantasy of a “Black Hole” as the origin of pain and suffering. Amazing how nothing can become a subject of something, but in humans it is “Chaos Theory” that seems to be the guiding light of a whole lot of this nothing - if not for “Chaos” acting as a main ingredient in our ways & means of destruction - you get my point. We seem to embrace this “Nothing” as a guiding light as it follows the proverbial “Mobius Strip” mentality - so we are easily fooled as we don’t know where it all started. Forget about it, it’s above your pay grade, else the “chaos” takes a stranglehold when we try to comprehend why people believe “Pi” day is for eating pie!  Eat it everyday, fruit is good for the soul. “Chaos”, not only with science, but look at the “Twitter” madness, a cheap mechanism that destroys the element of time - we only live once. Another thing we seem to know about but forget about - nothing for something and something for nothing. In Nature, which is the “Gospel” provided by the Creator as a genuine guiding light, survival of the fittest supports the “continuum” and we are but innocent bystanders the might behind this destiny - yes we are the child of the latter so part of it. Yes again, we are part of Nature yet our “mission” is so different, so unique an evolutionary obligation to learn one aspect - love over hate. That is mankind’s only profession, and we have let our “Creator” down - but it is due to our allegiance to other things - like “black holes” and in the meantime we waste time in getting to where we are supposed to be by this stage in the game. Time is on our side, as one day we will see the light of wherein we should apply our thoughts of “Goodwill”. There exists many factors which prolongs our quest, like with “greed” and above all WAR. I guess with this renowned scientist of “Nothing” and his death wish, it is that proverbial “Day the Music Died” for many, as maybe Hawking did see into the future and what he saw in store scared the life out of him. If so, the theory of “Nothing is gained as Nothing is lost”, summons the appetite some more this “chaos”. As today could be the commencement of WWIII. It is going to happen, get over it. “I can see it very well” there is a “Madman Across the Water” - namely Vladimir Portnoy Putin and a “Madman across the Water” also in Rex Tillerson’s Fucking Moron. Both seem angry upon the hour-glass taking so damn long to run out and the call to “Start Your War”. WAR happens because we are weaklings, and the weaker an individual the more that weakling may harbor an interest in WAR, as it is an easy thing to start as “Hate” finds very little upon the migraine thought process - it is still like an automatic response this hatred. We are all guilty. Putin wants a World War. The Moron wants a World War. We are all WARLORDS, with “Twitter” as it demonstrates another form of this “Hate" that can easily “bomb” another human’s peace-of-mind while we lounge at a secure location. A “World at WAR” again, it is part of the history books “premeditation” and maybe long overdue, as the pain & suffering continues all over the world - maybe under a “ONE” world leader things would be less “chaotic”. It would have to be, as the ultimate in power would be as a Supreme Being Leader, and that means playing GOD! Choose your weapon, Putin or the Moron? But back to “black holes”. First and foremost, why is it a black hole” instead of a “white hole”? “Black is the color of my true love’s hair” and the epitome of empty nothing and sucks away all known forms of energy, like how the wealthy behave with someone else’s hard earned money - it all about the money! Whereas “Nights in white satin” is full formed with character and qualities unbecoming its opposite, so the science of the origin of nothing was flawed since inception. A “Black Hole” with nothing then in time cannot have something now in time. It is fantasy science because it is pure speculation based on inferior postulates, it is way far away so cannot be proven - and until such time best be considered disproven as without a “Creator”, it is a “Black Hole” and you would not be reading this argument. The cradle of civilization is this earth, there are no Aliens! If other beings are out there laughing at where we are today as so called modern man with brain hemorrhoids, they ascended into the heavens from this Mother Earth, after they figured out WAR was hampering their quest to “Go where no man or woman has gone before”. Look into space, do you see another rotating mass that is anything close this marvel we stand here today engaged on spin cycle? No, as every other mass looks like an abandoned rock quarry or a giant gas bubble. But that is for a non-inferior reason, when we vacate this earth, we will live indoors in underground caverns of environmentally controlled dugouts - another gift of the “Creator”. Yes, one day our surviving generations will look down upon this earth, in realization it was a sacred place where it all began and when finally WAR was abandoned, wealth of a different kind allowed for new technologies that allowed mankind to abandon this Mother. Is the Universe growing, no it is here in infinity but it is changing as the law of physics requires change for purposes of stability. When there is heat, things change, it is that simple. But once under a one leader government, then when WAR is but a thing of the past, we will bother our spare time with finding ways to discover space, the only frontier. We are not going far on a fire cracker so our efforts so far in vain. See, we were on the right course once upon a time in history, wherein WAR was not as widespread…it wasn’t a money-making opportunity and science was gaining traction leaps and bounds. Today, name an invention that is worthwhile an honor? I think the last great discovery was the “Transistor”, and that was a gift from the “Creator”. WAR sets us back, and maybe that is why Mr. Hawking tried to free himself away from being stuck here on earth, within earshot of that pain and suffering because we refuse to embrace the very concept of “Brotherly Love”. Said again, what will be discovered once we have severed all ties with “Destruction” will amaze beyond belief and maybe then Mr. Hawking will smile a “Creator”. So maybe in honor of Stephen Hawking, let’s name that “Black Hole” his namesake, nothing gained nothing lost finds new meaning and it is a grave that will last, until we decide to change our evil ways and I already hear Stephen crying out loud for what he knows after meeting his “Creator”. One leader under socialism, take it or leave…some day we will conquer the ether after peace conquers us.

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