Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Drivin’ Me Insane

NO, “I ain’t gonna work on Maggie’s Farm no more” and I am not talking to myself either, contrary to popular demand - there’s company present! See, now that COSTCO is selling these “Doomsday” survival packages like prepaid prepared meals-on-wheels need a hot-dog fix before it all ends, damn they also sold out on the 1-ply TP. What an advertising ploy, mount a “Doomsday Clock” above the front door entry with sounds of “fire and fury”! Back on the subject of “bum wipe”, it means I had to spoil the pot and buy the more luxurious 2-ply and wait there’s more - TP with a face shot of Rex Tillerson’s Fucking Moron. The shelves were bareish like the DOW, as there was a run on TP and all that remained was this stuff with the Moron’s mug! So yes indeed, when the duty calls I call out the Moron’s bluff to get my money’s worth - Theresa May as well point the finger of blame toward its rightful owner - it stinks! How come the Fucking Moron remains so silent on this Scotland Yard retaliation against Vladimir Portnoy? It is like the Moron saw his shadow and ran for cover. Maybe he saw an over-shadowing with “The Shadow Knows” of a Robert Mueller. What you mean the Moron is hiding out in California of all places - just because his “Trump Tower” came tumbling down with that GOP lose in Pennsylvania and the kids are playing “hooky” today, backed by their 1st Amendment Right-ON! Our kids are taking over as the current 115th Congress is persona non grata and cannot stomach the “State of the Eunuch”. But this GOP “cesspool” upset in Pennsylvania, it is a warning shot across the bow and take it as a remodel of “The Deer Hunter” as the Fucking Moron is playing Russian Roulette with DEMOCRACY. I am going to miss Rex and the name game he started. So, what will Pompous Ass Pompeo’s trademark name be for the Moron? This guy that is chain-migrating through the rank & file of the Fucking Moron’s executive branch, it is like diarrhea - explosive at that. Yes “Pompous Asshole”, give it a little time it will stink in you will become familiar with their kind in the workplace - the guy that will throw you under that “Bridge to Nowhere” because of major psychiatric insecurities - you be a threat to his ability to climb high that ladder. I can see it in that “FAKE” smile, a “Trust Me” with the bad breath of “Beware”! OK, if Stormy said the Moron was the best she has ever shared a condom with, how came Melanomia sees differently? I mean having a sexual relation once in 11-years, isn’t that a little on the stingy side? Yes, when the kid the Fucking Moron is afraid to showcase was conceived. But I have a choice, this “Toilet-side Chat” as either way no-one is really listening and this “Twitter” that is driving us all insane, well low and behold steering wheels are falling off “Made in America” Fords! And all the time we thought those cars swerving in and out were on “Twitter Control”. Time for a piss…can you hear me now?

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