Friday, March 16, 2018

Huggies, Please Hurry

Low and behold “Huggies” some kid wanting to become a man and run for the U.S. Senate in the category of “Libertarian” and thinks that “shotguns” should be handed out to the “Homeless”? Now it didn’t say anything about ammunition or training, but what a concept! Arm the homeless and then offer free meals at our schools, instant gratification just like that “Instant Bridge” down Mar-a-lago way. A No-Show to the cafeteria? No jello no bullets! Looks like the Rex Tillerson’s Fucking Moron’s “Make America Great Again” infrastructure program is off to a “death-grip” start! Hey, if we can’t find an interest with the teaching staff to “bear arms”, why not give the “Homeless” the duty as that “Well Regulated Militia” - instant school security and it bridges the gap of opinion! Sorry if I cannot get off that subject of “Instant and Bridges”! Now didn’t your mother ever warn you about “Instant Oatmeal”, Theresa May as well eat soggy-bottom boy cardboard if not the Real McCoy. Just pile on the sugar. Wow, the engineering school that designed that “Accelerated Bridge Construction” program with the “Instant Oatmeal” ingredients also employs Marco Rubio to teach “politics”. I am wondering if Stormy’s mom is one of his students, as she is of record as quoted: “If Mr. Trump runs four more times, I would vote him in every time.” See, I really think this Russian Federation “meddling” is at Deep Throat State status, as that many “Terms of Endangerment” is only possible in…Russia! And guess what happens on March 18th, Vladimir Portnoy Putin is set to be elected for…drum roll please, his 4th term. See, how can an American…we need stricter “U.S. Constitutional” training upon the citizens of the United States, mandatory at that, then maybe we can harm the homeless by arming the homeless. Today, the Founding Fathers are disrespected, by the 115th GOP Congress. Please spell out yell out after me: “TREASON” - T R E A S O N. And why in hell did Steve Mnuchin and his trophy wife spend well over a $million$ of U.S. Taxpayer money for “luxury” air travel, not for pleasure but during the work-week? This guy is so insecure that he brings his wife to work, and he holds the keys to the U.S. Treasury which by close of business today, is almost “Broke”! It is apparent that the “blackmailed the Sergeant-at-Arms into leaving his post” was successful and the “Little White Lie House” has left that Devin Nunes’ backdoor unlocked, the hen-house is getting raided as RT’s Fucking Moron naps under the Oval Office desk with Sarah “Rumble Time” Palin, Ted “Shit My Pants” Nugent and Kid “ “ Rock! Oh so sorry, those contestants have been replaced by Rikishi Stinkface, so room only for two stinking assets. But now we hear that Mnuchin, because he suffers from lack of oxygen being “high” all the time, he placed sanctions against Vladimir’s “chef”? Which means these fines for high crimes against the Russians amounts to, well “Instant Oatmeal” over the mature stuff - Huggies!  And “Just Like Tom Thumb’s Blues”, the filth that the present Moron surrounds himself with, like that George Nader protégé of a pedophile, it doesn’t matter whether or not the corruption is by virtue of rape or fake or fraud to the “Trump Tower” dysentery dynasty - as long as it means a lucrative $$$ contact contract. This Moron was never supposed to take up residency in our pride and joy! But we are supposed to learn from our mistakes, yet it appears that “politics” finds immunity any attempt to move away from diapers to training pants. See, that “Instant Oatmeal” bridge that killed 6-innocent victims has its hands in the “political” quagmire cookie jar. It has used the power of the $buck$ to decay the American Spirit - we are outnumbered today, our voice is overshadowed by the wealth that uses its power to pick our back-pocket leaders as the front-runners, then we are forced to pick the individual that suffices our ideals shy - but it is no longer a “Free State” choice. Here is my point, if you really cared about America and its “indivisible” rights, instead of using that loot to outnumber US upon the equality of that “Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness”, take your earning and - well make your projects safe for AMERICANS! Give your low-paid workers a raise! Wow, what a thought. Instead of Toys ‘R’ US going into bankruptcy, sell the chain to Uncle Sam and make these outlets the day cares for these elected officials that call themselves Congressional statesmen - as we are better off if they played with toys instead of playing around with the United States Constitution. 

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