Thursday, March 15, 2018


I believe the DOW is constipated, we need some relief! Is it me or just a fantasy, but it appears the “Futures” is shoring up the DOW going into each trading session by on average an extra 100-points, ever since January 26th? How long can this insider-intervention continue, as eventually if this morning after pill doesn’t work, the addiction will collapse someone’s investment - that may be Vladimir Portnoy Putin’s Complaint plan. Now take away the inflation of this addiction and the DOW is about minus 3000-points from “Reality”. And that my fine flat-footed friend is wherein Barack Obama left home - which means the Moron’s business brilliance has erased all gains for the last year - “Oh Corporate Tax Relief, Oh Tax Relief your gain be another’s pain”, is there any constipation medicine in the “House”? But even though the Russian Federation “MOB” money laundered here and there could be used to threaten the economic prosperity of this nation, by manipulating the “market” through controlled “chaos”, according to the Kudlow Ski Resort Report the markets are reacting to “Little White House Lies”. See, when the Rex Tillerson’s Fucking Moron leaks out that there is a “Trade Deficit” with another nation when it is truly a “fib”, this nation building causes the “Market” fibrillations. Wow, since when did the “WALL” become a lie-detector test? January 20th, 2017.

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