Thursday, March 15, 2018

Russian Collusion Collision

Wow, the DOW just went on a 94245/30 investment hungry confiscating spree, that’s a $94 bucks and change “golden parachute” reward over a 30-minute time snap-shot - or in Stephen Hawking’s physics No God math, equal to Pi. Something is going on? The word is out that finally, finally after it was approved 98 AYE 2 NAY back in 2017 and after numerous delays by the “Little White House that Lies”, the Russian Federation sanctions have been OK’d by Rex Tillerson’s Fucking Moron. Time for the Moron’s parade, without tanks or thanks!

The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching one by one,
The little one stops to suck his thumb
And they all go marching down to the ground
To get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM

And there is a reason it happened today, these sanctions, one day after U.K.’s Theresa May showed her gonads to our Eunuch-in-Chief. See, yesterday was the day that Scotland Yard blamed Russia for poisoning people on its “sovereign soil” and the “House of Commons” said AYE to sanctions. Which were unanimously approved and on the very same day - within minutes no delays it was shoved in Putin’s face, unlike we are getting used to that demonstrates “Don’t mess With US” is but a joke! But herein we find the collusion collision, as the way Devin Nunes confiscates “My Eyes Only” top-secret documents when the Fucking Moron cannot sleep at night and summons the “Treason Caucus” for Midol relief, maybe just maybe Vladimir knew what was in store with these “sanctions” and went prepared? Hey, being friends with Rex Tillerson, maybe some of that Boy Scout of America knowhow rubbed off. And since Putin has said today will be the day of retaliation against Theresa May’s sanctions, it means no such retaliation against our “meaningless” sanctions. It is part of that defend through deflect. Of course the Fucking Moron is an opportunist, and now he can say he did indeed impose those Congressional sanctions to satisfy his pathetic base, which includes “Turncoats”, men of “Treason” without a Constitutional reason, perverts and…the list goes on. But no “Patriots”, and a whole lot of Russian namesakes! A little too late these delayed sanctions, as all the “Big Phony Tits” money laundering that may have been confiscated by these sanctions if timely administered, its been sheltered. Why? Because “Trump Tower” property is used as a convenient hiding place for Russian “MOB” blood money. It is well known, so of course the Moron must be careful his approach to bad mothing Mr. Putin Oligarch. Look, Russian KGB have been in this espionage business a long, long time. And of course it has the goods on the Moron, from sex in the city to funny money - anything and everything that could take down the “Trump Tower” dysentery dynasty. And believe it or not, what comes as a priority above that presidential oath of “I David Dennison swear to….”? Family, the way “Old Man Trump” the patriarch taught his children and I must admit, what is wrong with this kind of “Family First Loyalty”? Especially when you are a “minority vote” president - best place that family ahead of US. So, from here on out, don’t expect any loyalty to the U.S. Constitution if that interferes with the “Family”, like with money and any ransom money wherein Vladimir Portnoy Putin holds the keys - as in the safe, who knows what the Russians know about this Moron’s extracurricular affairs. Collusion collision is here, love it or leave it! But if you decide to leave for greener pastures wherein a democracy still stands stall a Miss Liberty presence, best know how to take a lie detector test. As most countries are asking not only your name, rank and serial number as general questions, but who did you vote for in 2016 and that means some 62984825 are stuck forever! Why in hell should another nation, even our allies, entertain entry that which may lower the general consensus IQ of the citizenry? Wow, kids are asking about this thing called “Congress” they are learning about in history and asking “where is it today”! In ending, so appropriate this Fucking Moron’s legacy:

America where are you now?
Don't you care about your sons and daughters?
Don't you know we need you now
We can't fight alone against the monster
Songwriters: Jerry Edmonton / John Kay

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