Friday, March 16, 2018

Bridge to Nowhere - Again!

Net Neutrality, it was DOA upon arrival to the 115th Congress - take that back it was OK’d by Rex Tillerson’s Fucking Moron and rests in the “repeal” cesspool - of the Do Nothing Good 115th Congress. Over the years we have chain migrated from a “Nothing Congress” to a “Do Nothing Congress” to today’s “Do Nothing Good Congress”, what the hell will be next? That “chain” thing, with the ball also on our freedoms by such Moronic dereliction - and we still pay them a salary with benefits! Talk about benefits, we have reached the point of “non-sustainability” with this nation’s deficit. What does it mean for you and me? Well before the “Moron’s Tax ReStormy” the middle-class salt-of-the-earth proletariats paid out on average 2-months of our hard-earned income to Uncle Sam for services rendered. To shore up the heist by the wealthy, it will soon be 6.6-months pay back else we leave Miss Liberty in ruins for future generations of wealthy Morons. It means the “Reform by a Moron” increases your tax burden by a 3.2x adjustment factor - Moronic Justice. The reason “New Bridges” under the “Make America Great Again” push are falling down, falling down and only after a week’s worth of use! As GOP contractors are being forced to use oatmeal as a filler for concrete because more money is required to support the Moron’s agenda - that PAC legal fund - and maybe we are also paying ransom to the Russian “MOB”. Collateral, so the Moron can finally have his dream come true, that Истинка козырная башня курортная москва(Istinka Rump Tower Resort Moscow). So, getting back to business with this “NET”, it is still stuck in limbo for another…well until April 1st and if through Congressional “inaction”, it will automatically become law! It will probably become the Moron’s best “April Fool’s Joke”. But due the fact it’s on appeal for repeal, it is already being shoved down our throats like doctor’s subscribing opioids - let Mikey try it!  The American Medical Society’s new motto, “Addiction Pays”. You can see it already with this Netanyahu Neutrality streaming, as it takes 3x as long time-wise to load up the “Front Page” of the liberal news over that of the FOX. To understand what is going on today from sea to shining sea, as of my last breath it was still “This land is your land this land is my land”, best read in-between the lines both sides of the story as the isle is cluttered with trash - hazardous at that. But with delays in getting to 1st base never mind home again, it appears designed for One-Way news. But all the network security gurus that are pissing in their pants this morning over the latest Department of Homeland Security’s issuance of a “Cyber Alert” upon the vulnerability of our nation’s “Industrial Sites”, talk about a new age “Bridge to Nowhere”. See, at one time the Don Young’s proverbial “Bridge” had an entry point, just no exit, “Pass” at your own risk! OK, the bridge exited into the raging Copper River. No, the bridge existed into a place with no roads and nothing else but a prison with no toilets. No, the bridge exited into a bay of no return with a “wicked rip” that would sail your ass off towards Russia. It’s confusing, because at one-time Alaska had not one, not two, but three $Million$ dollar bridges with no traffic. This fascination with a “Nowhere Man’s Bridge”, it started in Alaska. But today, it appears the news’ media rests its case upon such a bridge, or a landing that has both an entry point and exit point going over a cliff into the cold waters of a raging mad river - no life preservers required. The pavement pounding pundits analysis of the present news warrants a suspicion into the future and also from wherein we came from, or half-baked! That is why it looks to many as “FAKE”! There is like a rush to judgement on which way the seesaw will fall. So, it is like Net Neutrality, stay focused on the focal point. Case in Point: I reviewed the DNS “Cyber Alert” about the Russian Federation and its “Trolls” hanging out at our refineries, our power generation facilities, our grid and Stormy’s “Striptease” revival…well does Mr. StuxNET ring a bell? Here we go again with the “NET” thing! See, this kind of “Industrial Espionage” is NOT new, we started it and today they find a fascination to “meddle” in the infrastructure that controls things, like the production of gasoline and the present possibility a “Troll” could dim your lights at night, or if you were watching a liberal news outlet cause the screen to go static. But back in 2005 under “Dubya”, our hi-tech spies engaged in a covert operation to infiltrate the Iranian nuclear facilities at Natanz - wherein enriched uranium was making “bomb grade” goods. Come about 2010, now with Obama at the helm, after what is considered the most costly and time-consuming of “spy vs. spy” computer crimes dedicated to destroying an enemy’s infrastructure, we were able to play games on the computers owned by Mahmoud - it was successful. The “bug” was disassembled into little pieces of “bits” so it would never be detected and delivered to thousands of critical control computers called SCADA - in Iran and North Korea. See, it was a control system designed by Siemens and hijacked to Iran, so the onboard code was understood which allowed our cyber guys to build an indestructible “virus”. And that is where it…well after the “worm” was called into action and destroyed the centrifuges and set back that nation’s bomb making capabilities for years, we forgot one thing of major impact importance. We didn’t extinguish the “Beast”! But a mole who supposedly helped US out, he saw something of value and with the Iranian tech guys were able to find the foot-prints of this virus and reassembled it - and sold it to the highest bidder - like maybe North Korea and the Moron’s friend, Vladimir. So we stoked the fire this type of espionage, and our efforts in this “Industrial Domain” went discovered by a Sergey that worked for Kaspersky Labs - one of those outfits that somehow found its way into a bunch of laptops when all the time is was part of the Russian spy network - it gives “hoodwinked” a different outlook on life. But by now, variants of the StuxNET find behavior 1000x more disruptive, like with the Daqu, Flame and most recently the “Triton”. And herein is where it gets really scary. Not too long ago a computer in Saudi Arabia was hijacked and was then used to cause destruction to an industrial facility. Now this government owned facility was designed with one of the most secure of SCADA systems available, by Triconex which sells what is called a “Triple Redundant” control system. It basically has 3-sperate of everything and uses “Safety Integrated System” logic to vote on how things should be controlled. If processor “A” is sick, it gets booted out. For a “hacker” to wreck-havoc with this kind of system, we are in dire straits as it beast up the odds. See, these are industrial type devices that do not get the over-sight scrutiny like does Microsoft code, with a cast of engineers dedicated to the subject of espionage. So, who knows what kind of “bits” have been sheltered away in the thousands of control computers here in the states, destructive code that goes undetected until such time a piece of “Good Code” is send and accepted as a command to assemble the destruction and do justice. And herein is why we are so vulnerable. Due to cost cutting, operators that monitor this equipment and can take over control if something goes south just like a real pilot having a duel with that auto-man, well we rely more and more on this automation - as it works 24/7 and doesn’t require a lunchbreak or OT pay. So even if under monitor by a human, hey what if I need to pee? Go ahead and then the shit hits the fan. What was interesting about the StuxNET and the attack unleashed in Iran, it made everything appear “Normal” to the operators, when in reality it was all “FAKE” and things flew apart. There is rumor that the “Deep Water Horizon” accident was due a capture by a “hack” that was on a retaliatory mission and in the end 11-workers perished in the aftermath of destruction. When the deep-water “well” went south and mud and gas started escaping out-of-control on the drill floor, the gas sniffers on the generators should have cut off all fuel, as a safety precaution. Instead, the engines continued to run and when the combustion air went mixed with “well” gas, it blew fast with fury. Extinguishing sources of ignition is paramount out-of-control conditions. So even though the gas detectors indicated unsafe levels of gas in close proximity to an ignition source, the “vote” system refused to work - and this can only happen by sabotage. Then how do we fix this problem, as more likely than not our SCADA systems have been compromised and the guy that holds the sabotage codes has more power then that “Nuclear Football”? Immediately hire more operators that can manually operate the process, those that are considered critical - like refineries, pipelines and electrical generation, which includes the “Grid”. Back before hi-tech computers infiltrated the industry, when analog was king, we ran the operation - so to say it cannot be done today like before is a fallacy, and any reason Not to have humans take over is based on the bottom-line, so we will remain vulnerable and many facility owners will just increase that liability insurance limit - so buy stock in that sector. The “CyberWAR” has begun in earnest, brace yourself as I smell gas and it is not a fart! Damn, maybe it’s the stench from that Congressional “cesspool”.

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