Saturday, March 17, 2018

Wooden Ships

No, that is not a Saturday morning snap-shot of “Free People” heading to the voting booths ahead of the Russian Federation’s 2018 Presidential Election. It means families without “freedom from prosecution” fleeing the premeditated outcome of an election still 24-hours away. Yes, with the prediction that Vladimir Portnoy Putin will see a 4th term, it means Syria will continue to be a “blood bath” wherein to date the 7-Year WAR finds hundreds of thousands killed and millions displaced. But this WAR is for the WAR MACHINE, which includes investments by WALL STREET DEFENSE CONTRACTORS courtesy of Uncle Sam's generosity upwards $1.5Billion as opposed to Putin’s Oligarchy stake at $2.2Billion - par for the course we are on equal footing. Now what is disturbing, the Syrian economy has been stymied by this Bastard al-Asshole regime’s “Blood bath” in the tune of $226Billion, so the cost of the WAR is meaningless to the economic hardships…WRONG! See, economic hardships are felt by the citizens as a direct consequence - that is why families are displaced, kids go hungry and what future? Since 2001, “We the People” have spent $5.6Trillion on “Smiley Face WARS”. Our engagement today in the theater of battle costs 5x the WWI receipts and 2.5x the “Fall of Saigon” costs. See, the WarLORDs went smart after the Vietnam War, wherein the death toll of American kids…it is too damn sad to recite upon our retreat. But in efforts to continue to find WAR as an investment opportunity, because Uncle Sam is so fortunate to have a “Treasury” that can forever be raided for “Military Considerations”, it demanded less casualties so hi-tech the hell out of our combat missions. The only problem with these WARS in places most could not pinpoint on a map, what do we gain by continuing a presence? Nothing, because gains - like in declaring US winning - it is not the intent as that “forever presence love it or leave it” has to do with the “stock portfolio”. When is the last time you saw our troops raise up the American flag in victory? WAR makes money, “Blood Greed” money. So, when the Russian Federation vote is finalized in another day or so…

“I can see by your coat, my friend
You're from the other side
There's just one thing I got to know
Can you tell me please, who won?”

Yes, I ask “Who Won”? See, this was that castration opportunity eye-for-eye tooth-for-tooth to fight back - upon the Russian Federation “meddling” in our 2016 election. Maybe I have Rex Tillerson’s Fucking Moron all wrong! Maybe he will go down as the Greatest U.S. President of all times, by winning the WAR against Vladismear Portnoy Putin. See, maybe the reasoning the Moron looks and acts so damn lame with respect to that “meddling” is the fact behind the scenes secret “Eyes Only”, that the Tillersons and McMasters and Mattis have implemented a strategic attack upon Russian, wherein it will be unleashed during this election - to boot Putin out. Let’s hope so, as if we see Vladimir packing his bags and heading out to pasture by this time tomorrow, then and only then will I be able to address “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” president as Donald John Trump, Honorable 45th U.S. President and Commander-in-Chief and would stand proud during that parade, as it would be in his honor. Else, if Putin is still able and willing to kill children in Syria, then the Fucking Moron deserves to be impeached and held in contempt of…Ted Kaczynski is in need of a cellmate!

"Let the Meddling Begin!"

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