Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Antonin Scalia on TREASON

Very fluid, all this anger about that Facebook breach of data from 50-million “unwitting” individuals that thought there was a “Right to Privacy” under the U.S. Constitution. Don’t take it from me, just listen to what Antonin Scalia “opined” in 2013: THERE IS NO RIGHT TO PRIVACY. NO GENERALIZED RIGHT TO PRIVACY.” Scalia followed the lead of Justice Hugo Black, one of the few court jesters that had repeatedly “dissented” away from the High Court’s unanimous opinion this issue of “Privacy”. Black took issue, imposing a curfew on any such right under the 4th Amendment which many thought held some semblance of “privacy”. He sighted restrictions upon this right of protection for seizure of “tangible things with size, form and weight”. That seems to be the case today, so case closed Black was right and Scalia so correct to follow that lead. Which means a phone call or data about your sexual preferences contains neither size, form or weight - so it is free game for Facebook let the data hijacking begin. If you placed confidence in any privacy protection, the saying stands “Don’t place all your loot in the same bank” or all those eggs, broken…whatever. Why the Facebook stock crashed when this “breach” was brought to the public’s attention, it goes to show we think it came out as a fart when in reality…And according to a snapshot by Adam Serwer in 2012 to sum it all up:

“Two hundred years ago the Framers of the Constitution may not have been able to imagine a world in which personal effects and correspondence, the very material the Fourth Amendment is designed to protect from the government’s prying hands and eyes, would someday exist in digital rather than physical form. But it would be surprising if they thought that technological transition obliterated a basic constitutional right. The logic of Black’s view, which Scalia appears to agree with, is that if the 13 colonies had Facebook and GMail for King George III’s agents to rifle through, the colonists would have had nothing to complain about.”


So, with this breach the $500-Billion “Social Media Giant” has realized a devaluation of $50-billion in the last two days of trading - which equates to a $1000-buck fine for the 50-million individuals whose data was breached. Who pays that fine? The wealthy because today 84% of the Wall Street Wolf’s “wealth” is owned by 10% of the traders - that would be better off labeled as the “Traitors” because it was the wealthy that has so far benefitted from how that “breached” data was used to conceive a Fucking Moron and in this case, I think I would have preferred an abortion!

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