Wednesday, March 21, 2018

A Few GOOD Rejected MEN

Wow, talk about a “Patriotic American”! Rex Tillerson’s Fucking Moron just hired a very honorable attorney for that “Stormy” tag-team match. No NOT talking about Ted Olson, he refused to join the team due Constitutional conviction scheduling conflicts. I am talking about Joseph diGenova. Now the “FAKE NEWS” is reporting that diGenova is one of those “Conspiracy Theory” guys, like we find in Texas with Ted Cruz and that “Jade Helm” fascination. In fact the Jade Helm fan club thinks that Barack Obama is behind the Austin serial bombings. But unlike the Fucking Moron and that “heel spurs” Vietnam get-away “Who me serve”, diGenova finds a very interesting and honorable military service attempt to serve. OK he is of record that “I didn’t go to Canada, though, I did go for my physical and got rejected.”  According to an interview with Washington personality Ockershausen, diGenova said he was rejected because of “Industrial Blindness” and rages on: “Here’s what’s so stupid about the draft, they wouldn’t take me, so I said, wait a minute, I can do paperwork. I’m a pre-law student, I can do … No, no, the doctor said to me, ‘we are not going to pay your medical bills for the rest of your life. Can you believe that? This was ridiculous.” Now Joseph diGenova was born on February 22, 1945. That is significant because that year was included in the “Live From Washington - It’s Lottery Night 1969”! That was on December 1, 1969 and Mr. diGenova’s birthdate won him a 290 out of 366 on the “Lottery”. Now the “Administrative Processing Number” crept its way up to 195 - which means higher up could breath a sigh of relief. But it appears that Mr. diGenova went above and beyond and wanted to “voluntarily enlist” which warranted a 3-year commitment instead of 2-years if saluting by that lottery number. So diGenova had a very high number and was safe from being drafted and that would have occurred only through not enough volunteers, it would have then meant only a 2-year stint. But he wanted to enlist, even though college was on his mind and had he been accepted by Uncle Sam, it would have meant deferring that college degree by a minimum of 3-years - if not a casualty as that was a very bad year with his age group with over 6000 “See your kids come home in a box”. Not many can showoff this kind of “Patriotism” to try and enlist, a safe draft number along with an easy-street college deferment, but Joe went out of his way and was rejected. Now I am sure there are many counter-conspiracy theorists out there that will say this is a bogus story, that Joe was safe from that December 1st “Lottery” and that this story comes close to impersonating an officer.

Well, come on all of you, big strong men,
Uncle Sam needs your help again.
He's got himself in a terrible jam
Way down yonder in Vietnam
So put down your books and pick up a gun,
We're gonna have a whole lotta fun - sang Country Joe

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