Thursday, February 1, 2018

Whoopie Cushion

Mitt Romney on Donald Trump: “He's playing the American public for suckers. He gets a free ride to the White House and all we get is a lousy hat.” Now Mr. Romney finds no fascination with a non-Mormon Moron in the choir loft, and like the count increasing daily of wealthy like American statesmen that are being awarded by Donald’s “Beach Haven” bankruptcy genius, these genuine men of Liberty are speaking out in realization there has to be something for the beggars of society. Is there a Lech Walesa amongst us here in the Heartland? Unionizing “All of America” under SOLIDARITY may be American Democracy’s only living hope! But Mitt’s “Lousy Hat” equates to the salt-of-the-earth Patriotic Proletariat getting, well how about a “Whoopie Cushion”. Hey, it provides “Tax Free” entertainment. So, according to my journey’s trials and tribulations trying to figure out what the fromunder happened to allow a Moron taking up residency in the Oval Office: “He's playing the American public for puppets. He gets a free ride to the White House and all we get is a whoopie cushion.” Wow, it is getting “Heated” in the political arena following the Moron’s death wish on democracy speech…State of the Union verses State of the Eunuch, take your pick. And because of sweating, the entire GOP Congress decided to head south and revisit the historical site wherein “Deliverance” took place and also visit Trey Gowdy’s dueling-banjo childhood home. I hope the Influenza Animal Virus finds its way down to Greenbrier patch, the $500 dollar a night resort being used as a retreat for the GOP Congress. Let’s face it, that wreck of the Amtrak train filled with monkey see monkey do…wait a minute, the GOP Congress on an Amtrak? OK, test case. I have prepared my surrender address for Mr. Putin: You win. I have taken down Old Glory and starting tomorrow, I will fly the Russian Federation flag. See, there used to be a law about flying the colors of another nation, especially if a rouge rogue. I think it falls under the definition of aiding & abetting the enemy, which is “Treason”.  But the Moron changed all that. I live across the street from a “Live Free or Die” 2nd Amendment “Don’t Tread On Me” Donald Trump supporter that has the FOX channel on 24/7. A few days ago his Dish went out and when the repair woman showed up he sent her away - Net Neutrality Neutering! Then when the replacement repair guy showed up, Mr. FOX sat there with his loaded gun - “hurry up and fix it, I need more Hannity insanity.” But when I sailed the Russian flag - which is also red, white and blue and the likes of a Confederate broadcast, he saluted it while driving by in his humongous PU that is 10-feet off the ground. This is penis envy! The GOP held hostage U.S. Congress is today but for a subsidiary of the Trump Tower Dysentery Dynasty started by Fred Trump, and “We the People” fall into two categories: Stool pigeon FOX puppets and puppets not by choice but - how in hell can the majority be NOT in control the destination of our Nation? My take, it has been over a year and the fact that the GOP Congress has not taken any action to arrest the Moron, “Treason” again! According to a reliable henhouse raiding anchorman, “Donald Trump could kill a baby on TV and the GOP Congress would say an achievement.” But is the WORLD calling out the Moron’s bluff? Because “We the People” have been derelict in evicting the Moron? See, one needs only look at the $$$ to see what is happening. Steve Mnuchin went on record that a lower dollar helps the U.S., which finds yet another White House “trolling” lie. A month ago, before the “Tax Reform”, I could afford 2-ply TP. But the dollar started to fall based on Trumponomics, and today it means “stinkfinger”. Now Mnuchin was honest in this assessment, but only for the 1%ers, as the filthy rich see it as an opportunity to “hedge” their stock portfolio to take advantage of the buck stops where? See, we are part of the Global network, and others may be able to dictate the value of the Greenback. And maybe Xi and Merkel, maybe they are looking out for US in the long run, as we surely Do Not have a 1st Lady that gives a damn except giving away Tiffany presents. Michelle Obama is still laughing at that Stifany gift from Melanomia - some say it was a chastity belt! OK, another test case: If Melanomia has a chastity belt, who has the key? Look, “Love it or Leave it” there is today interference from abroad, from both the Russians with a dream of destruction upon our Democracy and also from our friends, those that want our nation to succeed. Maybe they see we have failed, as we have been in this Doomsday zone for over a year, yet all we do is “Twitter” rage our dissatisfaction. But it is WAR, as Donald John Trump has aligned his mandate of destruction with our enemy - Mr. Vladimir Portnoy Putin. Don’t need a weatherman to tell which way the Stormey wind blows”. Wow, maybe it is time to fly the flag of our allies, like Germany, UK, China - maybe even North Korea!

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