Thursday, February 1, 2018

Stormey, Chance of Sweatballs

Wow, as many pundits - those that hung-on some thread of malfeasance the Vladimir Portnoy Putin complaint date-rape upon our election - now changing horses in midstream and no longer any doubt in line to claim “I am Sorry” and bow down to a tape worm exiting the maggot Moron’s anal hole. And I have even more doubts today. Yes, a parasite, our Commander-in-Covfefe. See, right after the majority America was hoodwinked by this “FAKE” and in actuality a “State of the Eunuch” address more “Bedfellas” befitting, the entire entourage of Turncoats headed out on a retreat. Of course at the U.S. Taxpayers expense, and it was a very expensive vacation. Look, the GOP Congress wrecked an Amtrak locomotive playing hooky! But the Moron headed that way also, on Air Force 1 and without Mel. See, this planned in advance retreat boasted a “Family Affair” but for some reason Mel and son Barron are no-shows? But the Moron decides he best fascinate some more his pussy grabbing posse of imbeciles, especially after FOX even called his bluff - on the size of the audience that listened in on his Castration Complex teleprompt. Amazing when the FOX starts to challenge his genius! But at the Greenbriar Resort lunch, Donald went into dementia mode when he tried to bravado out Don Young, the representative from Alaska. See, Don received a fruit-loop lobotomy some 10-years ago, so is lame dead. Yes, instead of a normal operation, somebody from “K Street” sold Don a new non-medical procedure NOT yet approved by the FDA. It is an organic ritual wherein you sit in a coconut grove and let falling nuts turn yourself into a nut. It didn’t work as intended as Don went fed up it was taking so long, yet he keeps getting re-elected? You would have to understand how Alaskans think before it makes sense. But the Moron was calling out Don, because of the “Tax Reform” finding a rider that allows oil development in ANWR - the famed Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. OK, Donald was right on one thought, that the ANWR battle has been 40-years in the making. But herein is where the bankruptcy business knowhow of Donald John Trump comes to fruition. See, the “Big Oil” barons gave up on ANWR a long time ago. So even with the congratulations in order for that wilderness area now inviting to oil development - it will be but an Istinka fart in the North Slope breeze. As “Big Oil” went smart, after it was decided by the stakeholders to no longer have ANWR in its sights due continuous battles with aboriginal land owners, environmentalists and angry Muskox being chased off the tundra by Sarah Palin lookalikes in a Don Young rabid wolf costume. Now the Trans-Alaska-Pipeline is the only way to get so-called “Stranded Oil” from ANWR to an ice-free port so it can be sent to markets. In its heyday, when there came the “Oil In” from the huge Prudhoe Bay oil field, the entire future portfolio on “Big Oils” board room table at the time included ANWR opening up for oil development - to supplement reservoir declines in the Sadleroshit formation. So the pipeline was designed to pump 2-million barrels a day. That required 12-pumping stations along the 800-mile 4-foot diameter dipstick. Well when Alaska’s “Big Oil” finally said no more ANWR headaches, because it is very difficult for the diggin-biggins like EXXON and ARCO to wade it out what seemed like forever, they packed it up. As these big oil conglomerates are stingy, and they don’t want interference from outsiders. It was like placing huge boulders at a private road’s entrance in efforts to stop unwanted advancements. “Big Oink Oil” did basically the same thing with the Alaska pipeline infrastructure - it was destroyed. OK, pump stations were mothballed so that only a fraction of the original throughput is possible, now and forever. You can’t get rid of the pipe, but if you cannot pump it, it remains “Stranded”. And that was the intent, if we can’t have it, nobody else either! And the thought of re-building that infrastructure - not in this day and age. Many of the once critical pumping stations along the TAPS were dismantled and what was left behind subject to rust bucket technology. So even if the ANWR proves to have massive underground “Black Gold” oil reserves, it will remain “Stranded” and this WIN that the Moron toots his paper straw horn upon, like “Fool’s Gold”, but very impressive to the naïve.

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