Saturday, February 3, 2018

Stitch Hunt

Wow, the Moron is on an early AM rage already, and its Saturday morning T-time at Mar-a-Lago. Oh, it’s rainy, windy and cold at the hideaway resort - a.k.a. STORMEY weather! And imagine being held in captivity with this guy on a rain man day, always gerking off or “Uh oh fart. Uh oh fart.” I feel sorry for Melanomia and especially the same with Barron. Did sonny boy get abducted? Maybe he is smart and way too embarrassed to show-up with a show-off gerk-off father always trying to get attention. But the Moron keeps pointing to a “Vladimir Portnoy Putin Complaint” conspiracy like witch hunt - even after the “Nunes Memo” flop! Cry me a river. Now without argument something “We the People” are in agreement upon No Divide, Donald John Trump is the president elect for the most powerful nation on earth. As Commander-in-Chief and always within his reach, even while gerking off, that “Nuclear Football”. Yet all he can do is NOTHING about it, and the reason that Rex Tillerson has authenticated the “Fucking Moron” label. If Mr. Moron feels so sad about the FBI and a majority of Americans keeping up the attack, he could put it all to rest today - case closed. And he could place a lip-lock on everything investigated upon so far, classifying everything to date as sealed. That would allow freedom for all his cohorts in shame - Flynn, Manafort, PapaJoe…But Trump refuses to make that move? Why, it doesn’t make sense. Except, it is becoming apparent that the investigation into the Trump administration is widespread. It reaches the “Fred Trump Tower’s” financial ties wherein evidence of shady dealings are of concern under GRICO and it also targets Congress, like a sneak preview into Paul Ryan’s role to get in the way of justice, those that are basically guilty of “Obstruction”. After the “Nunes Midnight Rant Memo”, things are starting to come undone as those under the micro-scope of a possible indictment are starting to see the writing on the wall. I am sure that Paul Ryan is not having a very good weekend after a 3-day retreat, he is probably talking with lawyers to get a deal, “Get Out of Jail Free” card. And as pressure mounts, the Moron could make the move to shut-up the investigation and that will be - well we are already at a Constitutional Crisis. But herein is a reason why Trump has NOT acted. It is too late! Enough evidence has filtered out that disallows any attempt by anybody to wreck the already wrecked GOP Congress. And that Amtrak wreck the other day, with the passenger trains filled with members of the GOP, that was the warning shot across the bow by Miss-Treated Liberty! Yes “Stitch Hunt” as what the Nunes goons have provided US in this apparent GOP suicide, I am in stitches as it is hilarious that there is a faction of America that actually voted these political perverts into office. Sure they all laughed when the House and Senate and Oval Office went to the conservative republicans - yet remember he that laughs last laughs the best! Laughter is also the “best medicine” and I feel healthier this day, as Democracy reigns and the GOP horror upon our sovereignty is DOA!

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