Saturday, February 3, 2018

Archie Fuhrer Bunker

Damn good for Democracy even if only a few days, as the entire 115th GOP Congress ran away, headed down to the Greenbriar Resort for a 3-day “Devin Nunes Lobotomy Retreat”. If not for an Amtrak train wreck, we never would have been informed of this hooky in progress. See, the GOTP - Grand Old Turncoat Party - thought they could get away with it by riding on the Stormey Special, a brand-new passenger train not yet officially placed into service by Amtrak. For real, a Republican member of Congress riding on what they think is an over-regulated piece of junk? It didn’t work, they got caught and with this wreck when they gamble on another government “Castration Racket” in a few more days, they will have to approve money to replace the locomotive and pay for this family outing extravaganza at the U.S. Taxpayers’ expense. No wonder the DOW is sinking, this nation is on the brink of bankruptcy! And since 1778 the “Greenbriar” is well known for its accommodations as a luxury spa and it was at one time - until 1992 - the “Bunker” designed under a secret project called “Greek Island” to protect the entire Congress and their families in the event of a nuclear war. So even though the once secrecy of this “Cold War” relic is well known, the “Bunker” still retains its functionality, it can protect against a nuclear falling out and with the Doomsday Clock only a few minutes close to meltdown any day know with a Moron playing with that “football”, wow seems like preferential treatment - and the Dems were not included? OK, for this picnic it was renamed the Fuhrerbunker by Steve Bannon-Miller. See, when the shit hits the fan, when the smoke clears it will be all GOP - the Confederacy finally wins, fat chance! And that was the reason the GOP picked this place to wine and dine the pig-sty rebellion, for two reasons. First, a place that has two-foot thick steel reinforced concrete walls and a 30-year supply of Cheetos so the brats could read the “Nunes Memo” and be far and away after the Moron declassifies it as a joke and it sets in motion a Constitutional Crisis. See, when we weaken our own stance, that is when we will come under attack by our adversaries. So the GOP ran away because they realized that once that memo brands the FBI, Hoover will arise from his grave. That is one SOB you best not get on the wrong side. And the other reason the GOP was hiding out and away from the beltway, the DOW dropped 666 points - and that is the number of the Devil and Trump takes all the credit. We are divided, Congress is broke and a bonafide Moron lives in the White House and nobody knows where Melanomia is shacking up. It is Portnoy's Complaint and Clockwork Orange combined! We will know when it is time to seek shelter for a Trump preeminent attack, when Melanomia is seen traveling to Mar-A-Lago with him on the same plane. Wow, the “Nunes Memo” was a dud, the DOW has crashed and oh shit, there’s Mel getting off that plane with the Moron. Now I have been running a test for the past year, that which finds as the ending result a “Friction Fiction Factor” or F-Cubed. Heat is caused by friction, like rubbing two sticks together in a crazed fashion and if you cannot stand the heat…As soon as Donald John Trump finds an urge for an early morning tissy-hissy-wissy fit and explosive diarrhea is broadcast on “Twitter”, anything upon any subject matter, the feedback from consumers compels a madness. Just by looking at this feedback, from both sides of the isle including members of Congress, a “Friction Fiction Factor” finds Donald Trump way outnumbered - the heat is on best retreat! And even if just talking about the Stormey weather! Almost like a Hatfield & McCoy shit-slinging feud, behavior unbecoming My Country ‘Tis of Thee. I am guilty, as it is so easy with existing NETanyahu Neutrality to fire such warning shots across the bow of the neighbor’s U.S.S. Tranquility - attempt to Neuter the enemy. Good thing technology has not yet allowed us to bring pain and suffering into our “Tweet” deliveries. OK, verbal abuse is like an electrocution, mentally shocking. Imagine if you could send a fart? Look, nano-technology will allow one day for a micro-chip in that flat-earth-society phone to decompose plain air and recompose the component breakdown to smell like a turd! So from far away, initiate a turd signature against a nemesis and let Ma Bell deliver it. Parental lock? Flatulence lock? But it is NOT a game, it is NOT funny what we as a nation are up against with such a divide in Brotherly Love. The time-tested expressions like on thin ice, treading water, take your pick for the prick. He is supposed to be acting like a leader, but this Rex Tillerson authenticated Moron is ruining our sovereignty and blackballing the American heritage. Instead it is like a fever, maybe fervor, holy shat the fuhrer - Heil Kiesta! And all this name calling finger pointing game of baloney, it has nothing to do with foreign collusion upon the 2016 election. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote and was denied “Access Hollywood” to the Oval Office, Trump had the electoral vote and given the green light to remodel the White House with bigger toilets and a mightier flush. Fake gold leaf? That’s the way our system of Constitutional merit works, we were not tampered with by Vladimir Portnoy Putin. If you think Hillary didn’t loose the Oval Office based on the head count, it was a fair and square election. No Russian “Bleach-Bitch” swindled away my voting rights - get over it! I voted with Woody and Bernie for Socialism and Solidarity. Wake up, we are not that weak a nation and our SPY network would StuxNET any Russian interference before Sergey even smelled it coming. Remember which nation started it all! With that said, we are way ahead of the other spy networks in the art of espionage. Sure enough Portnoy tried to interfere, and back-door traps were instigated by our hi-tech geeks in efforts to promote a genuine Spy vs. Spy. By letting Putin think he was in, it meant our spying could get into the “Deep State” of the oligarch gulag. The opportunity was there, and we took advantage of it as it was a chance of a lifetime for Agent 86. But once inside, well what was uncovered and not investigated as an original target, it started reeking of a Trump Tower business affiliation with the Russian Oligarchs. It was a sidebar away from any election interference, yet important enough that which warranted continued eavesdropping - the cat was out of the bag! But the motive, it is designed to take down the Ponzi masterbator because of suspicious banking activity of Trump Tower. This nation has rules, laws and regulations that we must abide by, and when the Maxwell Smarts see something that is weird, they take action. There is enough evidence to sink the “Tower”, for FRICO charges - crimes that fall under the Foreign Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act. It is very serious business. In fact, the timing and weirdness of FBI henchmen James Comey right before the election to discredit Hillary’s ambitions may have been instrumental in seeing her loose, it could have been a planned attack to get Trump elected, so the FBI could finally take down the “Tower”. It goes way back in history to the days of “Beach Haven”, and if this was the method to finally put to arrest the “Tower”, even such madness makes sense. It is possible that the “Trump Tower” had already and would continue to hurt this nation’s sovereignty, due corruption in the $billionaires$ club and tied to a foreign entity our enemy. If this was the only way to get this corruption to surrender, then it was worth the risk as Hillary, well we ended up with the worst of the worse but no great lose if the end result justifies the means of execution this “Tower” corruption. So Donald Trump is doing everything in his power to save the Trump Tower Dysentery Dynasty. What we see transpiring today between the Moron and the “World” is basically “Family before Country”. No different than the time Donald Trump placed “heel spurs” before country. This nation means nothing to the Moron. The Russian collusion investigation has more than likely been linked to RICO violations. And that falls under the auspices of the FBI as the “Bureau” excels in going after money laundering. It is possible that the FBI was aware of Trump’s alignment with the Russian “Mafia” and wanted Trump to win the election so it could catch the biggest fish - IMAGINE indicting a sitting U.S. President under a RICO charge? It is the ultimate in “Book Him”! Al Capone move over. It is probably the harshest of sentences for committing such a crime, this laundering that targets a sitting president. I am sure that by now the FBI has enough evidence to open up a RICO case, and that would involve Kushner’s clan - and if Ivanka was an accomplice, going down for the count. The sons are with “probable cause” also guilty. It will take down the Tower along with an entire family that seems to acknowledge they live above the law-abiding citizens, and Donald would start a nuclear war before that stake-out take-down happens. So in the crosshairs of a criminal investigation for funny-money laundering, so is our future in the crosshairs. An insane human holds the “codes” of destruction and I fear he would test righteousness over the almighty buck, a Moron controls our destiny for selfish reasoning. He is insane, no doubt about it and if push comes to shove, he would demand respect by killing thousands of innocent victims. And had it NOT been for the FBI infiltrating this “Traitor” for crimes of high-Treason, well Fascism ring a bell of concern? We are past just a Constitutional Crisis, the next few days will be trying as the FBI rushes fast forward to control the madness of this madman. Fragile, very very fragile! And when it is all said and done, what a lessons’ learned for this nation and we will start to rebuild Democracy and it will be stronger than evermore than on forevermore!

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