Sunday, February 4, 2018

Sunday Take Aways

Go PATRIOTS! No not the bellicose Brady bunch, but the tens of millions strong talking REVOLUTION against Rex Tillerson’s authenticated Moron. SOLIDARITY, Hear Ye, Hear Ye! But one take away from this Super Bowel Sunday, we get another lesson in Roman numerals - LII, almost forgot as I learned it all in Catholic school. Wow, 52-years in the making that yearly boring get together of over-stretched jock straps. And this guy has been busy deciphering Donald John Trump’s “State of the Eunuch” address, the saddest and longest in a long time - so I understand it was double-jeopardy pain and suffering. The time span was due he kept clapping for himself, it sounded like somebody pounding his own pud. I had a Cease & Desist retraining order out, but that didn’t STOP the Moron as it was an order that only banned Big Phony Tits from approaching within 6-feet. Seems like a real big waste of time. I didn’t bother watching this dud, instead tuned in to “Bound for Glory”, with Cisco and Woody “Talking Union”. Oh, I stand corrected, the “dud” was the Dennis Nunes “Memo”. Look, I know Nunes on a first name basis just like the authenticated Moron. But a recap of the Moron’s speech, the condensed version that which covers all the strong talking points: Cheeseburger, Cheeseburger…No Pepsi Coke!  And for those PATRIOTS:

I'm the meanest man that ever had a brain,
All I scatter is aches and pains.
I'm carbolic acid, and a poison face,
And I stand flat-footed in favor of crime and disgrace.
If I ever done a good deed, I'm sorry of it.
I'm mean in the East, mean in the West,
Mean to the people that I like the best.
I go around a-causin' lot of accidents,
And I push folks down, and I cause train wrecks.
I'm a big disaster, just goin' somewhere's to happen.
I'm an organized famine, studyin' now I can be a little bit meaner.
I'm still a whole lot too good to suit myself, just mean
I ride around on the subway trains,
Laughin' at the tight shoes dealin' you pain.
And I laugh when the car shakes from side to side,
I laugh my loudest when other people cry.
Can't help it, I was born good, I guess,
Just like you or anybody else,
But then I, just turned off mean..
I hate everybody don't think like me,
And I'd rather see you dead than I'd ever see you free.
Rather see you starved to death
Than see you at work,
And I'm readin' all the books I can
To learn how to hurt,
Daily Misery, spread diseases,
Keep you without no vote,
Keep you without no union.
Well, I hurt when I see you gettin' 'long so well,
I'd ten times rather see you in the fires of hell.
I can't stand to fixed, see you there all fixed up in that house so nice,
I'd rather keep you in that rotten hole, with the bugs and the lice,
And the roaches, and the termites,
And the sand fleas, and the tater bugs,
And the grub worms, and the stingarees,
And the tarantulas, and the spiders, childs of the earth,
The ticks and the blow-flies,
These is all of my little angels
That go 'round helpin' me do the best parts of my meanness.
And mosquiters,
Well, I used to be a pretty fair organized feller,
Till I turned a scab and then I turned off yeller,
Fought ev'ry union with teeth and toenail,
And I sprouted a six-inch stinger right in the middle of the tail,
And I growed horns,
And then I cut 'em off, I wanted to fool you.
I hated union every where,
Cause God likes unions
And I hate God!
Well, if I can get the fat to hatin' the lean
That'd tickle me more than anything I've seen,
Then get the colors to fightin' one another,
And friend against friend, and brother, and sister against brother,
That'll be just it.
Everybody's brains a-boilin' in turpentine,
And their teeth fallin' out all up and down the streets,
That'll just suit me fine.
Cause I hate everything that's union,
And I hate everything that's organized,
And I hate everything that's planned,
And I love to hate and I hate to love!
I'm mean, I'm just mean
Songwriters: Woody Guthrie

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