Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Devin Nunes - Treason Man

I have heard day in and day out for the past 365-days, this notion that the United States of America is at “Constitutional Crisis”. To watch the Donald John Trump “State of the Eunuch” address, which airs in about 15-minutes, well when he concludes his genius Castration Complex dissertation written by Mr. Mildew Miller, it will be “Crisis” time. OK, the “Crisis” starts when Stormey is interviewed by Jimmy “Late Life” following the Donald Trump and Melanomia Slovenia-Ljubljana televised divorce. OK, give it all time to sink in, the “Chris Christie Crisis” will commence when the DOW opens at 9 o’clock tomorrow. See, between the closing bell and the opening rattle, the “Secret Shadow Society” makes a correction - like buy Tobacco futures! Look, the Wall Street Stock Market is today manipulated, they own it! See, 84% of publicly traded tobacco is owned and controlled by 10% of the filthy wealthy rich bastards and their Tiffany bitches. See, when I was working the Trans-Alaska-Pipeline, it took me some soul searching to accept the fact cheating was going on between the “Big Oil” barons - as shipping water was making $millions$. See, it wasn’t hurting anybody so what problem? It was cheating amongst themselves, same with the Wall Street. They own it. They control it. They cheat on their taxes with it. No harm for this guy - why is gasoline so damn expensive? That vapor you see exiting that tail pipe, it’s water! But “We the People” best get ready, as things are bad and a train wreck is on the horizon! That said, the hell with the Moron’s explosive diarrhea of the mouth speech, more important things to contend with - like this blue moon bad moon arising. Now back in 2014 and then again in 2016 when Barack Obama’s FBI and CIA and NSC henchmen realized that Vladismear Portnoy Putin’s “goons” had infiltrated our “Democracy” and may have been instrumental in skewing the results from the voting booths, he did what any able-bodied Commander-in-Chief has a responsibility to perform. It is called “Sanctions”, and that comes in several different flavors. One be that of “Economic” restraints, and that probably hurt Donald Trump’s bottom line his affiliation with the Oligarch Gulag and “offshore” havens. And then we have “Diplomatic” sanctions. That means sending the Russian embassy brats back to Portnoy’s palace. It basically makes your stay here in the states under lock and key, with any past diplomatic immunity questionable - so just stay away. For real, if Sergey’s grandpa comes to visit and rapes your 3-year old, even if caught immunity allows NO prosecution just an eviction notice! But it appears that every damn piece of legislation designed to protect this nation from being hoodwinked by the Russians and signed into effect by this nation’s last True President, while Obama “Under Oath” is being dismantled faster than that Christian doctor’s finger raping our young athletes - really the parents didn’t know? The Moron’s “State of the Eunuch” address: “I promise Vladimir Putin to dismantle everything the Nigger Man signed into law”. Hey, many went angry at John Lennon’s “Woman is the Nigger of the World”, saying it wasn’t that bad with this women’s equality and right to be untouched, and how many sexual abuse payoffs have we seen most recently - and YES, Mr. Trump is guilty! Bill Clinton cheated and got away with it because Hillary had no balls. Donald Trump cheated and got away with it because Slovenia has no balls. Obama, he was smart because to cheat on Michelle…look out for that frying pan! Now back in 2014, one of the diplomats sanctioned was Sergey Naryshkin, so our CIA helped him pack the bags and gave him a one-way ticket home - and he was told to stay away or else - jail without conjugal visits! But last week, Sergey was in the U.S. and attended a meeting with Mike Pompeo, Trump’s CIA boss? Even when Sergey was still under a diplomatic sanction restraining order to stay away? And on Sunday, a new list of diplomates banned from this nation due inappropriate belabor, Sergey was once again named as an accomplice in crime and shame with Portnoy’s Complaint. What the fuck, what the Moron, what the Stormey, what happened to My Country ‘Tis of Thee? Is PATRIOTISM Dead? See Jon Huntsman, our ambassador to Russia, he is the only honest one out of the entire Trump administration because he made it known to authorities of this diplomatic sanction crime. Even the CIA director didn’t blink an eye a “Real” illegal with ties to Russia was somehow allowed into country - when there existed an all-out ban! And this is wherein our Constitutional fortitude finds a mis-alignment, out-of-whack and the precipice of this Constitutional Crisis. We have become so divided that we have a dysfunctional Congress getting away with rape and this crap about we just must wait and vote them out - it will be too damn late! Oh, forgot one item of utter importance. What really sets the stage that we as a nation are at the threshold of a “Crisis” is when a member of Congress intentially aids the enemy, that is “Treason” and when Devin Nunes decided to disclose confidential information about the operation of the FBI…and all his cohorts went along for the slide, we have no fortitude left. Political crimes are becoming common place practice because “We the People” have been castrated on both sides of the isle! And that train wreck, it just happened! The entire GOP House and Senate heading out on a “private” Amtrak to a resort down south after pulling a fast one again by continuing to deny the proven fact Donald John Trump is a Moron’s Moron…Yes, a collision with a garbage truck. Pathetic justice? Some years ago Bob Dylan produced “Blood on the Tracks”, and a song that makes sense today for all of US to ponder, “Idiot Wind”!

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