Friday, February 23, 2018

Wayne’s World - NRA Pussy Talk

Well today, it was reinforced why some 33-years ago after hearing the call to “Stand Down” I demobilized as a member in good standing with the NRA. It was a tough call, as living in Alaska went hand-in-hand with the Rifleman’s objective. I stopped supporting that organization based on principle “My pledge of Allegiance” this nation. There was a time wherein the once-upon-a-time association of “Hunters” valued the mission of this 2nd Amendment Right advocator in efforts to show off that hunting was an American tradition. It was that manly dad thing, taking the almost adult kids out on the mud flats in the early morning as fog lifted away, introducing them to the challenges of putting food on the table. It was better than watching professional football on a Saturday, comradery at its best. And it did invite a respect for the Mother Earth. OK, if a “nothing burger” hunting day just head over to Rudy’s for a real gut buster, and drink coffee with the other honorary members of the local NRA. And back then, we were not afraid of our 12-gauge shotguns being taken away or for that matter restricted use, as we were all proud to be part of that “Well Regulated Militia” and to think of an entity violating our weapons cache, we feared not. Let’s face the facts, what good is a Militia that is at the beckon call of the Commander-in-Chief if no arms to bear? The 2nd Amendment guarantees one thing, that all gun carrying Americans are indoctrinated into this “Militia”, love it or leave it, that’s it. The “Right to Bear Arms” is at the expense of being drafted at any time by the Commander, for any reason. And this “call to duty” is not by a lottery, “You’re In” regardless. If you own a firearm, if you do not accept that condition wherein you could be called to duty tomorrow to protect our schools, then please turn in your guns. As a matter of fact this discussion, when I was living in Alaska over yonder Valdez - a place that finds more marauding Brown Bears then residents - in spring when the schools went on outings some dads were asked to accompany the students, providing bear protection and basically heeding that call to duty the “Well Regulated Militia”. What came first, the “Well Regulated Militia” or the right to bear arms? You cannot have a chicken without an egg, see this point! So I gave up the honor when the NRA started caving in to idiots that lived in fear, instigated by political paranoia chickens, when the faction that remained loyal to the NRA started seeing double and jeopardy it was. A long-standing tradition as old as the U.S. Constitution was becoming a political junky monster, yes so true that all good things come to an end. And that is when Wayne Lapierre started haunting this once dedicated American patriotic icon, like taking a wrecking ball to a structure still strong but razed to rebuild an eyesore. Today, the NRA is truly Un-American, as it caters to a movement that is destructive upon Democracy. Our so-called “Democracy” is changing, as this nation’s sovereignty is no longer consistent with “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” for all. Wealth hoarding is destroying US. And it is wealth that has taken over the mission of the NRA. “We the Patriots” are out-numbered by the mighty $$$. And like a virgin, the original grandstanding NRA mission and its once unique message, raped away so with it the Patriotic virginity and then it went downhill, the NRA pimped out for profit driven political ecstasy. Just yesterday the NRA spoke-wheel Wayne Lapierre was at the CPAC and was quoted:

“I promise you this…NRA will speak out louder than before. Let’s be clear, we are never talking about an armed resistance against the socialist corruption of government. We are always talking a resistance armed with the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights of our country.”

To broadcast “we are never talking an armed resistance against the socialist corruption of government”, that is a very weakling statement for conservative capitalism. Analyze it. Let’s say that Bernie Sanders did win the election, he is a “Socialist Democrat”, and it appears no matter how bad or sad the “Socialist Democrat” agenda may cave in the “Democracy”, Wayne’s statement is a but for a wet noodle without any wall sticking enthusiasm. So with that statement of record, it appears that the NRA has reneged upon its goodwill as the “Right To Bear Arms” ambassador of the 2nd Amendment and is satisfied as its weapon of choice that of “Free Speech”. Can you hear me now? And why this verbal demonstration to protect the “Socialist Government” against any “armed resistance”, because the NRA today is a COWARD. The Wayne’s World NRA is of a Mobius Strip mentality, saying one thing and 360-degress away just the opposite. Wayne’s World, it is just pussy talk and those that cheer him on are not listening to what he is saying, this pathetic message from the New Age NRA, that it supports a “Socialistic Government” and so do I! Said and done, it would only be a matter of time before the NRA got back to its roots, maybe that time has come.

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