Saturday, February 24, 2018

Re-Tweet Reason - TREASON

TREASON(According to the United States Constitution): Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.

It is NOT a vague recital of how our Founding Fathers defined an allegiance to an “Enemy of the People” - a Traitor in season with Treason. And that “Adhering to their enemies” clause should be the hottest subject matter of this day and a call for action, as “TREASON” on that accord is rampant like a rancid distemper in a rabid coyote. And take your pick as this “Treason” comes in two flavors, consensual and unwittingly. Respectfully speaker both high crimes, one with jail time the other with a spanking. It is NOT collusion that should be under the inspector’s magnification, but complacency investigated, as within the last 397-days our inept 115th Congress has shown a willingness to allow a wide-spread “Deep Throating” upon Our Constitution as a Treasonous family has taken over the White House. Like already eluded to in past broadcasts similar matters of subject, it reminds me of that darling celluloid “It Happened on 5th Avenue(1947). Just a bunch of “Trump Tower” maggot Hoodlum Hobos in a place they don’t belong. And who ever allowed for a non-native species to take up residency in the boudoir reserved for a 1st Lady? It’s invasive! Good thing the sitting President finds very little power, as this figure head of a bonafide Moron…but he can declare war and has done so upon those that believe Russia’s Vladimir Portnoy Putin has influence over the Oval Office. There is a reason Donald John Trump has an empty desk top, he gets his marching orders from abroad, so no photo-op clutter required. I am one of those Patriotic Americans under this attack, but I will stand my ground like 65-million others that laugh when we read about this vagabond’s disapproval rating - and in all honesty, we would find more approval with a Maggot! In fact, my “Twitter” ban remains in effect for exercising my voice-be-heard this matter. Just last night I sent a review to “concerned citizens” following Eric Trump’s FOX News dissertation about “Fighting Evil”. What “triggered” my disapproval on the “social media network” with the 5th Avenue “Dysentery Dynasty” was the start-up of a “Fundly” to purchase a Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre AR-15 for Barron Trump, and boy did the shit hit the fan, and I was “banned”! Wow, knock on the door, it’s the FBI. I have a prepaid lullaby, “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death”, but the Hoovers just wanted to emphasis the bureau is on my side. It makes sense, as we are under attack and all hands on deck. Look, Jared Kushner is the son-in-law of Rex Tillerson’s Fucking Moron. I didn’t say that, Rex did. And I value Rex’s reasoning, as to make your way to the top of Lee Raymond’s EXXON board room through chain-supply migration, he knows a few things and being from Texas with that John Wayne “Good’ol Bad Boy” spirit, when Rex calls someone a “Moron” it meets the muster. Now add “Fucking” to that name calling, Mission Control we have a serious problem. For over a year by now, Jared has been making policy that could have far-reaching consequences on a global scale, by combing through “Top Secret” presidential briefings when he doesn’t even have a security clearance because he is under investigation by the FBI! This is that gigantic 400-pound gorilla “WTF”. And corruption is a hard thing to shake, so any policy that becomes law has our once good name written all over it. This sucks, and it is in no way shape or form how this nation is supposed to act. It is behavior unbecoming anything close to what has allowed the US to be a free-spirited Union. In the good old days, this “Mutiny” would have already been arrested and the perpetrators court martialed. Imagine if Barack Obama’s cabinet had tried this daring maneuver of surrounding our closest secrets with people who are unfit to even lick a postal stamp, the 44th would have been immediately hung at the gallows. The Constitutional Crisis started before the election, as with an inept Congress that cares only about “Image” over “Patriotism”, here we are and the Sad Sack fact of this matter, it doesn’t matter what I think because this nation is no longer “the land of the free and the home of the brave”! OK, we don’t give up so cheaply. Lucky for US, our Founding Fathers realized that a Fucking Moron may one day sneak into the White House and abandon the security of the Oval Office and that a Congress could also play hoodlum hooky its sworn obligation to uphold the U.S. Constitution. The pay & play is catching up on the “Trump Tower” and the end of this “Treason Session” is approaching at white lightening speed. Yes, we can thank the FBI and Mueller, but all the efforts so far to bring justice upon this Moronic injustice rests its case in the fact the majority of Americans have remained Patriotic and denounced this son-of-a-bitch that which is reflected in the approval ratings - and it is that steadfast obligation of what “Liberty” is all about. Our dissatisfaction is in itself a defensive call to battle, and this is something the Moron cannot stand. There is a reason the 1st Amendment is the “Voice” over the 2nd reasoning. “We the People Proletariats” are defeating Trump through the power of vocal resistance. His daily bread is the clientele bending done and kissing his heel spurs, we remain defiant in the face of this Fascism toe licking. But when it is all said and done, when we have evicted this Moronic corruption out of the White House due this “Treason”, that is when our work begins. The buck doesn’t stop there neither does the root of this too close a call eviction upon our Republic’s Democracy end when this “Treason” is incarcerated. Then is the time to line up the 115th GOP Congress and escort them to the jail yard, as being bloated with outside influence interference, they missed the boat about what was happening. That may find an excuse. But when it was allowed to live on, that dereliction is convictable. A great history lesson, that when push comes to shove and the majority of America is a “man without a country” due a minority in Congress, we still held our ground and defeated this “snake”. And I am sure that Vladimir Portnoy Putin is so jealous, that his plan failed because he doesn’t understand what “Democracy” is all about. Donald John Trump is the “Enemy of the People” as there was provided “aid and comfort” to our enemy. So best cancel that FOX propaganda reservation as “unwitting” is no longer an excuse and continued support is “adhering to their enemies” and the trial date has been secretly set to bring justice to all that promoted this “Treason”.

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