Sunday, February 25, 2018

Mr. Patriarch & Mrs. Matriarch

Was it by coincidence or out of consideration, maybe collusion? See, a week ago or so I learned a new word, courtesy of 3-Star General H.R. McMaster, that “incontrovertible” - it be a mouthful. In fact, “Word” had a tough time finding it on the Bill Gates-Keeper Cloud. And I haven’t heard Rex Tillerson’s Moron try to recite the pledge of allegiance, at least not yet this country’s alma mater, so I doubt he is adept to recite back in one word what McMaster said about the buddy fucking between the Moron and Vladimir Portnoy Putin’s Complaint. See, Moron is one thing - but when Rex added the spice of life with the “Fucking”, well that’s the collusion thing. Rest assured, history books of the next generation will contain the “F” word, in the chapter on the 45th under namesake. But this coincidence, this consideration with “incontrovertible”, maybe collisional and not delusional as I heard that same word on the Johnny Belinda show, that which made its debut broadcast back in 1948! But here is something that fits the definition of that “incontrovertible”. The Mr. Patriarch and Mrs. Matriarch of FASCISM is wealth. And today, the Mr. & Mrs. are alive, well and thriving with redemption in America as “The Donald” takes aim at tearing apart “The Democracy”. Communism would never work here in the states, we are too lazy, but we can be manipulated by soft porn like Fascism. Look, you cannot have your cake and eat it too, as the henhouse is under attack by a “Big Phony Tits” businessman that claims success in business is claiming “Bankruptcy”. His resume stinks of failure, and his perversion rap sheet just as sad. Sell out, the Fucking Moron’s Dysentery Dynasty has a mission, to make as much Fabulous Moolah while the hijack of the Oval Office continues. I would like to see the scorecard, the “Trump Tower” net worth then and now, as it may paint a picture of “Truancy”. Yes, the latter is stage two of “Treason”, as once you “aid and comfort the enemy”, absenteeism removes one away from the mainstream. Once you make the money and turned over the trade secrets to the enemy, run for it with that ransom. And this nation is at the brink of going bankrupt. I am starting to feel the same pain, sorrow with suffering as did Native Americans when the white settlers landed and invaded “Tranquility”, as the lies then are no different than the lies today. Trust US? Elizabeth Warren is on to something with the Pocahontas label! Hoodwinked to hoodwanked, we Americans are being cheated out of the New Deal and being driven back towards the “Great Depression”. Warren Buffet has reported that his investment operation alone will see a “Tax Reform” windfall of $29-Billion bucks per year courtesy of Donald Trump and a corrupt GOP Congress. That means the stock market is getting richer by the milli-second since this castration was enacted. The reason the DOW has been in a shell-shocked mood the last month, it does not know how to handle this bribery gift like a sugar overload. For the last month, each day’s closing bell finds a boost overnight before the opening, the tax rebate at work behind the scenes and inflating the net worth of the wealthy some more. It is blood out of the turnip seed!  With 84% of that “WALL” now owned by a fraction of Americans, 10% of the people that fall under the dysentery of way too much wealth, “What Was In Your Wallet”? I didn’t sign up with Uncle Sam to be anal raped by a Russian confidant of Donald Trump nor did Miss Liberty. Just in case though, I started learning the Russian language, especially the recital of "Patrioticheskaya Pesnya", Portnoy’s National Anthem. How come the Portnoy Putin Pussy Posse gets to live and work in a bomb shelter built courtesy the U.S. Taxpayers? When all the time our nation’s future - our students - have to study in fear of a Wayne Lapierre demdom fighter on the loose with an AR-15? Who, what is with this posse?  The 115th U.S.S.R Congress, the GOP side of the other side of the isle. Remember right before the inauguration all the scaffolding surrounding the Capitol Dome had to be dismantled, well it was a project to fortify that dome from caving in if subject to a mortar round attack through a directed launch from a surrounding neighborhood. And the project was on the hurry-up, as the eyesore was not what Melanomia wanted to see on that day wherein she would become famous for plagiarizing a Michelle Obama blessing.  And did anybody actually see and hear the Moron get sworn in? And following 911, the entire seat of government is now well connected by underground escape tunnels and in the case of a real emergency wherein evacuation is required, a “Take One” at the trap-door of the U.S. Treasury. Have we sworn the “gold” to a bunch of hoodlums? Now I am not the only insane one preparing for the future under a different flag. As Paul Ryan along with Mitch McConnell have been indicted, I mean inducted into the Portnoy’s Putin Complaint “Hall of Fame”, both “Turncoats” referenced in the new Russian history books, as friends to the Russian Oligarchs for remaining very silent on the Russian meddling in the 2016 election. For those wishing to brush up on Portnoy Putin, here it is and p.666 is wherein Ryan and Mitch ditch the Red, White & Blue for Putin’s pucker. «История России» Александра Филиппова (Подробная рецензия учебника представлена на сайте «Отечественные записки»). "History of Russia" by Alexander Filippov (detailed review of the textbook is available on the website "Otechestvennye zapiski"). Ok, premature ejaculation with this sweat over Portnoy being our new boss. Yes indeed inept, our history books will site the “Fucking Moron” and that “History of Russia” will list the GOP Congress as accomplices to further the Russian bologna agenda. Now even with a Fucking Moron at the helm, we haven’t been totally “Fucked” just yet and the tide is turning to calm after the Stormy weather. When you watch the “Trail of Cheers” as opposed to the Pocahontas “Trail of Tears”, that FBI Mueller and his posse has found the “stink” money trail and that is cheering on “Lock Him Up”! Like I said, the tide has turned. The Trump Tower has been dealing with “funny money” and of course there is no loyalty to liberty, as with Trump and his cohorts in crime and shame, they would boot your ass out of America and replace you with a EB-5 immigrant that will dish over $500k to Melanomia’s wardrobe “GoFundMe”. Johnny Belinda - a story about a very intelligent hard-working farm girl that lives a somber life as a deaf mute. All is fine until one day she is raped by a political thug and has a baby out of wedlock. When the rapist along with his new wife tries to “Kangaroo Court” abduct the baby by decree from the wealthy citizens of a small fishing town, that the deaf mute should not be allowed to raise the child, the rapist is shot dead by the mute. Then when brought to trial, the truth is heard and the court jester rules “Not Guilty” by virtue of “incontrovertible” and all is happy. Simple Simon story, happy ending. We have been raped by a Donald John Trump presidency with silence from a GOP Congress, like the mute, and the perpetrator is getting away with it and is coming to claim that child to pimp it - nice try Portnoy. And “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” finds a new meaning with the Hoover-Mueller posse protecting what is left with “Miss Liberty” and we are no longer silent. Robert Mueller may go done in history as the most Patriotic American of all times, as will some 65000000 Americans that have stood our ground since ground zero - when the “Trump Tower” rode into town. In ending this dissertation on “incontrovertible”, the proof for the GOP and CPAC is in the pudding of collusion, as the “Collusion” denied is in the Fucking, Morons!

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