Monday, February 26, 2018

The Terrorist President

Published daily are thousands of “Twitter” messages, closed caption rants with rage either in support of Donald John Trump or…sorry can’t list what some Americans would like to see done to Rex Tillerson’s Fucking Moron. People park out and occupy their territory, guarding that network linking gadget just waiting on edge at the @realDonaldTrump social decay site, for that opportunity to be the “first one on the block to have your kid come home in a box”. Look, it’s a Propaganda War when a sitting president uses such media for political dereliction discourse. Genuine blackmail as your response is that kid DOA from this WAR, as he doesn’t read or care much what you think. Social decay finds morale decay and the Fucking Moron uses this site to destroy “Tranquility” as many are addicted to this New Age ways and means of down right “trickery”, the Fucking Moron’s trade secret to get attention. He will do anything to get his “Follower” base to “Trump” all others on “Twitter”. And that is why the owners of this site loves the “Hate”, as it is making money hand over fist and is a tarnish upon the 1st Amendment Right. Yes anything for a buck, just like the Fucking Moron did in efforts to find a stage presence on the Forbes-500 list, but cheating and lies finally found a conscious that caught this fraud. Yes, Trump “Tweets” out a few 3rd grade sentences with a content that of an imbecile and everybody has an orgasmic brain fart rebuttal. People should begin now to rid themselves this addiction to a Fucking Moron. We didn’t say that “F” remark, it was Rex acting as the president’s Secretary of State wing man. Sad state of affairs when the right-hand-man thinks this way, but I thank Rex for being so truthful his feelings about the pervert in the room. The Fucking Moron today finds a stinking sinking approval rating and will go down as the most unlikeable of presidents in American history. But I am sure his tenure is short lived, as things are not looking too healthy on the “Tax Evasion” scene. In fact, the entire “Trump Tower” dysentery dynasty may be in for a rude awakening soon, that you don’t mess with Uncle Sam when it comes to that “Truth in Lending” statement. I cannot wait for the “Robert Mueller’s Day Off” movie debut. Sure people will laugh wholeheartedly in the future about this Fucking Moron, we laugh today but it is serious upon what we are laughing about. Let me get to the point. We have today a sitting president that which supports “Terrorism”. All this other stuff with what he has gotten away with from perversion to evasion, well add to the list “aid and comfort” to the enemy. And I think there is something still in the United States Constitution that calls that “Treason”. But we are living with a Constitutional Crisis, as the 1st and 2nd rights are under attack, so deadlocked on how to fix things and “What Congress”? Look, the so-called “Collusion” rests its case in the “Fucking” part of Trump’s appreciation as a bonafide Moron. And he adores treating his female companions like “crap”. And at the same time adores Vladimir Portnoy Putin…and therein we find a terrible situation that fosters this Trump’s fascination of supporting “Terrorists”, this affiliation with Portnoy’s Complaint. Take Nikki Haley for instance as one of the Fucking Moron’s whores that gets no respect. She has a sworn duty as the United States Ambassador to the United Nations. Look, if the United Nations is today just a facade, shut down the NYC headquarters and sell the 18-acre Turtle Bay property to Jared Kushner. It’s “International Property” so could act as a “Sanctuary City” for the entire Trump family whem the indictments fly. But on this past Saturday the U.N. Security Council voted on a “Cease Fire” in Syria, because that war is killing children at a “daily rate” that is 100x what occurred at Marjory Stoneman high school. A vote for a 30-day cease fire for “Humanitarian Relief” for the kids, and even with a unanimous vote within one-hour the chlorine bombs and incendiary bombs gassed and burnt more 3-year old boys and girls and moms. There is only one person that could have told Syria to mind the “Cease Fire”, and that is the one-and-only Vladimir Portnoy Putin, as Russia backs Syria in this kid killing frenzy fire. And there is only one person that could have told Russia to remind Syria to mind that “Cease Fire”, and that is the one-and-only Fucking Moron! It is called “Russian Sanctions”. But Putin, he knows that the United States is like a eunuch with these 115th Congress approved sanctions going nowheres, and that is like an “Out of Jail Free” card so continue to kill the children of the world. If this is NOT “aiding the enemy” by demonstrating no interest in the sanctions against Russia, it is “Terrorism”. The President and All His Men Terrorist. Amen!

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