Thursday, February 22, 2018

Learned a $Lot$?

“It’s not about you, you perverted Moron! It’s about the money!” I just purchased $1-million worth of “Academi Blackwater” stock! So what that the DOW is in a dark state secret retreat, as this stock will make me eligible for the Forbes-500 listing - give or take a few years my investment on a growth spurt. I am sure that is what Donald Johnman Trump meant when he said he “learned a lot” from that meeting with the students of Marjory Stoneman - that now is the time to make money from the “Blood Money”. Wow, some Stormy climate during the Moron’s chit-chat with these students the subject matter “Preventing School Shootings”. Shell-shocked students, angry parents and a few that used their photo-op time to praise the Moron - what a waste of time that was! If I had the opportunity of a one-on-one face-to-face with this Rex Tillerson’s bonafide Moron, no praise just fart my ass off to see how he would react! Hey Donald, pull this finger - just like when he met with Vladimir Portnoy Putin, as boys will be boys of the hood! But during this meeting with the school kids, there came some good take-aways what had been for the last week a “nothing booger” from the White House. The sad fact of the matter was Education Secretary Betsy Devos in attendance this last minute get together. She most likely owns beaucoup stock in arms and shipments to mass murderers for hire - as her brother is the Blackwater “Hired Gun” maggot. Imagine, making $millions$ engaged in the war of killing people. During this teary-eyed calling for something be done to protect our education facilities and prevent our graveyards from being over-ruled by dead teenager head-stones, I could see no body action compassion, no sorrow in Devos’ eyes for those parents that had lost their kids this latest Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre, just dollar signs when talk fell on arming a school security detail as a preventive measure. It means from 10% to 40% of educators carrying concealed weapons, after certified training for classroom like predicaments and when the course is complete and a once gun-free zone is occupied by gun toting math teachers, a bonus was recommended by the Moron-in-Chief. So, the money honey is in training, and that is wherein an outfit owned by Devos’ brother is in-line for a killing. This was all rehearsed in advance, as with Wayne Lapierre’s World and “let’s be clear”, not only does the media like mass school shootings to boost the ratings according to the NRA’s Annie Oakley, but the “Big Bucks” come in the solution of training opportunities and gun sales. See, to introduce a gun ban and taking guns away that are then melted into to scrap metal, it makes a little money for transient investments. Now Uncle Sam will have to step up to the plate to see “This Teacher Is Armed” plan come through, with loot, and that is wherein the manipulation of this tragic murder spree finds another victim, the U.S. Taxpayers and the swindlers will be there to take advantage of the situation. So, with an armed “Militia” in our libraries and when civic teachers are introducing kids to the 2nd Amendment, it will be making more money for the crooks that are taking over the White House. It is estimated that a nation-wide “Concealed Carry Training Program” for our educators will cost $1.5-Billion bucks, $500-Million in hand gun sales and that doesn’t include the Moron’s “Big Bonner Bonus”. And if you own stock in Smith & Wesson, “well the first thing you know old Jed’s a billionaire”. It is all about the MONEY! Other than that with this business opportunity proposal, Trump had his typical face lift, that this entire time with punks was a waste of his FOX TV time. Or maybe Stormy was waiting in the wings of opportunity, Portnoy chat time or maybe just jerk-off on America time. Let’s face it, do you really think the Moron has a sexual relationship with his contract wife Melanomia? Talk about expensive boobs and an expensive school protection plan that someone will have to pay for and looking in the mirror, I cannot conceal it any longer - America is open for business, and we will be bankrupt as we have a real Moron at the helm. But hold that thought, it is time to call your stock broker!

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