Thursday, February 22, 2018

Koch Suckers & Pump Pimps

The most powerful American family today comes from the wealth of two brothers well-endowed to change history, through political contribution hoodwinked hoodwanking. We wink-an-eye and they wank-us-off. The Koch Ball Brothers, Sirhe Charlie and Yessirhe David, combined they can show-off a total net worth of close to $100-Billion. That can buy influential erections for a whole lot of elections. The sad fact of this matter, another political influence dominating this nation’s sovereignty finds a net worth 6x what the Koch suckers have at their disposal to rehabilitate Democracy. OK, maybe “regurgitate” is a better possibility, whatever as we are in a holding pattern in disrespect how the Founding Fathers thought then fought for what “Life, Liberty and the pursuit to Happiness” was all about. American Democracy is today for sale, and the highest bidders are buying stock to support a selfish agenda. Read on to find out who maintains such wealth that which makes the Koch suckers look like recipients of the “Lousy Hat” award, in the Mitt Romney class of wealth. But first off the starting block, here is how the Koch dynasty operates in the Spirit of America! Wow, Alaska’s Kikkan Randall finally won a gold medal in cross-country over in Pie-eyedongchang, good time for her retirement as I have grown old watching her…how many years? Anyway, a few years ago the Koch brothers went North to Alaska to get some of that “Black Gold” fueling Randall’s run for the gold. So outside of Fairbanks over yonder in North Pole - yes that U.S. Pony Express box where kids waste a 49-cent stamp to get advice from a “Fake” Santa that is under surveillance for child porn perversion - yonder there a world class refinery that employs hundreds of Trump supporting workers - or did so at one time. OK, Alaska is Ted Cruz missile country and Kellyanne Conway loves Trump now over Ted, even after calling her new boss every 4-letter word found in the Billy Graham book of lies, both English and Russian orthodox wise. But things have slowed way down for the Koch Kingdom in Alaska, and the original work-force is 6x less at the Santa Clause Hause. See, the big “Trans-Alaska-Pipeline” is right in the Koch’s backyard, so feedstock to make gasoline and heating oil is about a deflated football throw away. But when the richest brothers in America tried to engage in the lucrative Alaskan oil trade, they lost their shirts and said the hell with it all. So instead, they signaled the NYET with refining Alaskan crude oil and decided to just haul in refined products from Asia. For real, barges of gasoline and jet fuel and heating fuel get hauled into the Port of Anchorage, pumped onto rail-cars and Casey Jones takes it north - where the Koch Industries Flint Hills Refinery storage tank farm remains in operation. They make more money using foreign oil, refining it in someone else’s hydro-cracker most likely wherein less-than-minimum wage is the highest achievable pay grade on the income scale, then a barge ride and shipped north for sale? It doesn’t make economic sense, except the fact it probably originates in some 3rd world nation without worker rights. I mean, I mean can this business mentality make a return on the investment? OK, some believe that the Alaska Railroad pukes out a handout to cover rail transport costs in the tune of a $2.5-million dollar bonus, from an obscure Federal bailout giveaway program so locomotives can kill moose to keep the herd thriving for “Reality Show” hunters. That way filming can take place out-of-season, just find a dead caucus along the railway and make a scene of some “Lunatic Asylum” escapee trying to be Davy Crocket or Daniel Boone. See, one of the biggest rip-offs of record upon the U.S. Taxpayers’ loot happens in the “Last Frontier”. The Federal government built the railroad system when Alaska was still a territory, for military mobilization purposes as Russia was trying to renege on the “Seward Follies” deal - when Uncle Sam purchased the Alaska land mass with a revocable IOU. Yes, Putin is still pissed as too have a suction hold on the North American continent would have been paramount in his “election meddling” and Russia is still trying to claim squatter’s rights with the Alaskan resources. Have any idea how many Russian immigrants come to America through Alaska? And you thought the Mexican border was porous and once a Rusky always a Rusky, part of Putin’s plan to infiltrate. Now when Alaska heard “We’re In” with statehood, the rail went on the auction block and nobody showed up. So in steps the Alaska legislature and starts to take ownership of the WWII leftover infrastructure no other rail boss wanted - as there was no reason to own a rail system that cannot turn a profit. OK, CN showed up and laughed all the way home as the 400-miles of rail right-of-way was an environmental nightmare. So, the state became the owner of a “Red Herring Hernia”. Now the Alaska Railroad cannot operate on its own, so even today, 50% of the operating revenue comes from Uncle Sam, some $45-million received yearly as income for producing NOTHING! Not even a receipt required! See, it’s disguised, as any other definition would be suspicious, like a loan or a grant or a bailout - it is covertly earmarked as an income for something in return still not defined after 40-years - the ultimate “Nothing Burger”. This is what happens when we do not have “Term Limits” for a Congressman that is older than dirt! OK, to be fair and nice, the railroad did show a profit for one year and that lonely year only - some $3-million in revenue. Normally the net income is erased to “zero” but this one particular year after some 30-years in the “Red”, there existed a surplus from a FEMA gift. Yes, another handshake from Uncle Sam due a wreck the year before that caused a gasoline fuel spill along an already polluted rail line. Now since there was already an environmental problem along the many miles of steel rails from years of abuse of coal dust being used as a cheap-ass herbicide, the state handled the cleanup by shrugging it off but still applied for relief from FEMA and when it was all said and done, the FEMA money came through! Now the Uncle Sam check came through without a return address so was added to the railroad’s coffers and low and behold the Alaska Railroad finally showed a profit! Then the CEO who was at the helm during the wreck decided to resign as his retirement was conveniently tied to the revenue stream and he walked away with a $1.5-Million buck bonus courtesy the U.S. Taxpayers - his name? Bill Sheffield, who was once upon a time the governor of the 49er so knew all the ropes and punch pulling. OK, he was a democrat in public but a republican at secret GOP summertime barbeques hosted by Congressman Don Young. Alaska has many “Deep State” secrets that if made public would dispel any notion of a wilderness spirited living. It is an oil rich state so can waste money, like providing “Film Tax Credits” for Hollywood to produce whacko-weirdo reality crap - believe me this is by far NOT the Alaska I learned to live with and that truth about “FAKE” TV does exist! I suppose the IQ for an interest in these “nothing booger” trailers, well exactly that “Nothing”! OK, talk about refined gasoline. The Moron wants a 25-cent gas tax to pay for the infrastructure that is supposedly falling apart like crumb cakes, which puzzles me. See, not too long ago when we had a President with an approval rating, there came to be what was known as the “Stimulus Program”, a fancy name for the “American Recovery & Reinvestment Act” of a lifetime. It worked, with an intravenous shot in the arm of $800-billion genuine U.S. Greenbacks over an 8-year earmark, courtesy those Americans that pay an income tax - middle class once again being picked on. And this moolah went to fixing the bridges and roads and rails and on and on with a project that lasted - well it just ended. So, the Rex Tillerson Moron has to anti-up or else…look there is nothing wrong with the infrastructure. I can drive on Highway 80 from San Francisco to Salt Lake City at 80-MPH without hitting any road dents. Just watch out for the homeless picking up plastic bottles along the shoulder. Now when I hear about a spending bill that is in reverse how we have done such programs in the past with success, wherein the Moronic Fool’s Gold thinks an 80 to 20 split with this go around will work wonders, what the Fucking Moron is for real? He thinks the states can fork over the “Big Phony Tits” with the 80% funding and Uncle Sam will offer up the “pussy grab” at a discount 20% investment! What a fool as the Moron has proposed a plan that is broke before it gets to the batter’s box. See this is the business model of a Moron, bankruptcy a priority. I guess if that has been the Tower Moron’s claim to fame, stick with it! So in a panic, now that the “Corporation is an Offshore Person” and paying any tax just a suggestion, let’s have a parade and increase the gasoline tax by 25-cents! There goes any middle-class tax savings! Blind man standing, there will be a Federal gasoline tax increase and since every state will be forced to renege on the Moron’s MAGA infrastructure plan of attack on Democracy because of imminent colossal debt, the collection of $billions$ will be…my assumption is this tax will be used to shore up a sector of the economy that hasn’t been on fire, so the rich war lords can profit and that talent can be found in the oil & gas sector. See, no doubt about it when a 25-cent chunk of change is stapled to the gasoline pump, many middle-class strapped workers will start to car pool or use mass transportation and then that decreases the amount of oil produced because the feedstock takes a hit, it follows the supply and demand. And now the cry baby oil companies can then raise their prices and the oil stock futures starts to generate steam which equates to income for those wealthy enough to own BP stock. Under the GOP Congress, less means more as an oil company can now increase oil prices based on decreased demands! In efforts to retain a return-on-investment that satisfies the stakeholders. See, when we started designing more efficient stuff that used less fuel and less pollution, the oil barons cried foul and…well it’s our Congress. Bottom-line, this gasoline tax is very suspicious as it comes after the “Corporate Tax Reform” and in harmony with a stock market that went on the wagon off the steroids. But it is like a ransom note, as we are set in our ways the way we prefer to get to work and will just give in - when we should be calling for a National Strike! Then that can be followed by an “Impeachment” hearing for the entire GOP mentality. But getting back to influence, as hoodwinked hoodwinking has taken on a whole new role. Today we are faced with an interference pattern as the Moron’s best friend in need, seems to be Vladimir Portnoy Putin. The Russian is the world’s richest human by a long shot, enough to be the top-contender for the Forbes-500 list for the next 100-years. Through questionable activity, yes corruption with murder through other illegal acts. OK, if Portnoy were an American citizen he would be incarcerated, no doubt about it under our laws.  Donald’s buddy has amassed a net-worth of $600-billion and doesn’t own a business and has never produced anything of value, just like the Alaska Railroad, so why this friendly affiliation with a crook? Success to the Moron is one’s wealth status, the reason he does not respect our form of Democracy. If you are but a middle-class salt-of-the-earth worker-bee only, he will treat you like trash. The Moron’s agenda finds friendship with wealth only, even if that relationship is with a True Communist leader and that weakness continues to weaken this nation. It is like what Pat Robertson of the 700 Club once puked out his oral orifice with an explosive diarrhea like force. He said our Founding Fathers maintained a separation of state from church, but there was no such distance keeping church from state - a one-way street wherein church could interfere with Democracy. And the only reason I can find as to why Rex Tillerson’s Moron is so fascinated and at the same time manipulated by Vladimir Portnoy Putin, it must be a religious thing! And “We the People” Proletariats the real “Suckers” and Portnoy’s Complaint being heard, as the Donald “John” has made his Russian buddy the Prime Pimp and our Democracy is being pumped into the cesspool and we are still being fined a tax. Today, we are all guilty as an accomplice the demise of Democracy. How in hell a Russian loving Moron Maggot has remained in power for over 400-days, our Founding Fathers may be giving US up for adoption! But like the Alaskan Railroad, there will come no interested buyers as our net worth is being erased. If you don’t think Putin owns US, then Wayne Lapierre and the NRA are in favor of an assault rifle gun ban! Suckers & Pimps, the New American Century project has failed.

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