Sunday, February 11, 2018

The $2-Million-a-Minute Prostitute

OK it’s official! Donald John Trump, a.k.a. Moron-in-Thief because he is stealing away our Independence Day sovereignty and has an Access Hollywood Mnunchkin guarding the Treasury, finally finds success. With bragging rights, a scary-story feather in his make-over Pocahontas hairdo after that 1st term of endangerment! How many close calls with that Nuclear Football? I am glad Tom Brady wasn’t invited to the White House after Super Bowel LII, I was afraid Donald would try to pass the “Nuke” in a Hail Mary play - just being boys! For real though, success with the 45th at silencing 62979879 American Turncoats and that includes 293 members of the 115th United States of the Eunuch Congress! SILENCE, is golden an ingredient in the greed upon which Fascism flourishes. I have figured out a new way for Uncle Sam to fill the U.S. Treasury, a tax like fine on “voter” incompetency. Take that number above, of the silenced minority, and multiply it by pennies on the dollar then levy a fine - the Moron can then get all the 2-for-1 specials at McDonalds enough to fill his arteries with concrete. See, we don’t need Mafia boots, as this Moron is his own worst enemy and I have already placed an over-the-counter pharmacy bet his health will fail before the Stock Market comes tumbling down. I never dreamed of such odds! The only problem, it is a one-sided bet and every-body is getting in on the action. So even with such good call options, the payoff sucks yet unlike the current DOW, at least it’s a guaranteed ROI. Back to the APB person of interest as there is a crime in progress, right now as we debate, at the Mnunchkin Man Treasury! Instead of performing that “sworn to oath” duty to guard against intruders, just too many Big Phony Tits opportunities! How come the last two weeks’ Stock Market trending looks so much like a repeat, like when Ken Lay’s ENRON empire collapsed? And I thought Mad-dog Bernie Madoff was put away in solitary and his vehicle of destruction - the Charles Ponzi roadster - blasted away by Elon Musketeer? Wolf of Wall Street was quarantined, wasn’t she? I believe today we may have the “Skunk of Con Men” entering the equation of concern this epic economic “WALL” melodrama on life support! OK, everybody keeps saying DON’T PANIC, as the “Trump Tower” is not a limp phallic symbol and this is all just a natural erectile dysfunction cycle, causing headaches and bleeding ulcers amongst traitors, I mean traders! That dollar sign in the “Heading” of this puzzle-piece indicates how fast this nation’s deficit debt is increasing. OK, to call-out the seriousness in this nation’s debt “Crisis”, snapshot for every kid born today it means an IOU to Mnunchkin that could have purchased an MD degree if not forfeited for waste-not-want. And what it means in Simple Simon terms, with that first breath of air outside the womb there comes a cry of “Bankruptcy”. Yet at the same damn time we have a “Corporate America” robbery happening before our very own eyes and ears and it stinks. But remember silence is... Here is my take on “Corporate America is a Person”. Start a military draft, send the CEOs into the theater to see what kind of “Made in America” crap our troops deal with - no not the enemy but why in hell does a rocket launcher cost so much? Honestly, we could save $billions$ if we purchased armaments from Vladimir Putin! This nation - courtesy of the US Taxpayers taken for a ride - spends 10x the global average GNP on this WAR machine madness, because the Corporatized Military Machine sets the pace of the “bang for the buck”. So what this fascination and concern about the Congress reneging on funding government, and always using the troops as a fodder excuse to spend more - look the troops in boots is but a mere fraction of what we get in return for spending a boat load to, well to man the “Killing Fields”! Why do you think Trump became friends with the Russian Mafia, it’s cheaper than a Gotti Saturday Night Special! Look, if you are NOT one of those “Silenced” and believe WAR is a necessity, I have a candidate you should vote for come 2020 and likes men that take a liking to spousal abuse. But with the Traitor & Turncoat GOP sales pitch “Tax Reform”, it isn’t just the caving in of a taxable “Corporate” income rate from 35% to 21%, it is the “Re-patriation” of $2.6-Trillion in offshore whoring that now finds a “Tax Rate” of…bum roll please, a whooping 12% “Take it or Leave It” this one-time deal of “We the People” must like fool’s gold specials! So “Corporate America” received all these reductions and what we are not seeing is comparable “wage increases” across the board. That’s what happens when you get rid of the “Union”! All this hullabaloo baloney with Trump calling out that his “Tax Reform” is increasing the worker wage was in reality due in part a new year with new “minimum wage” requirements placed into effect, by states not Uncle Sam. And why just a bunch of one-time wage-earning bonuses with this Corporate giveaway? Because, wage increases find the FAKE-OUT that it will fuel inflation - but in reality, the Corporate mandate is too use all the tax rebating masturbation legislation to buy back stock - it is basically another way to offshore wealth and through such a ritual of buying that stock, it allows maintained control as the majority stock-holder has the final say. So that’s what’s happening, “Corporate America” taking control and by Uncle Sam lending a helping hand to pursue this “By Back” option, no money goes into the infrastructure! So, this nation no longer has a revenue stream that can maintain Melania’s “Mar-a-Lago” Spa bill. One thing for sure, when it is all said and done hopefully by tomorrow evening, we will engage in debate to re-write the Founding Fathers’ Constitution, to at least place some restrictions on Moronism. Is the Stock Market healthy, the “Silence of the Lamb” finds the answers. And the real Sad Sack of shit about this Trump economic torture, I have included the growth charts and it is so easy to see that this nation is strong today economically due what was left behind by Barack Obama, and the real sad fact upon Fascism ticking closer to swallow Democracy, Trump is giving it all away to the few!

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