Monday, February 12, 2018

Abused Spouse Day

It is now official, February 9th is “Bring Your Black-eyed Susan To the Oval Office” for a day of recognition and showoff, pictures only will do if your abused victim is too damn embarrassed to appear in front of co-workers. Like that “Bring Your Dad to School” when fascinated with kindergarten recess, as we kids want to show off our pride and joy. When we kids were learning to play nice, there came “Pet Rat Day” and “Favorite Toy Day” wherein that 2-minutes claim to fame was that center stage of attention for the moment. So, I am glad that Rex Tillerson’s Fucking Moron sees the potential in a special day for the “good ol’ boys”. The motto for this day of recognition comes from Mr. Trump himself, “when I come home and dinner's not ready, I go through the roof." Now there have come rumors that grotesque like bone-chilling screams for help accompanied by cursing can be heard early mornings from the White House, akin to what was once heard from the “Allegheny Lunatic Asylum”, even though full Aunt Jemima maid service comes with the Oval Office territory and that is better than meals-on-wheels. But unto those that have a habit at “spousal abuse”, it doesn’t matter if every hair is in place the victim - as such maniacs that thrive on dishing out this kind of abuse need to get out that frustration and delivering blows that surface as a “blackeye” seems to be a passion. It marks the territory like when a dog urinates! I suppose we need a special day of recognition for sexual abuse, as didn’t an ex-trophy hunted wife with “Big Phony Tits” talk about the Moron trying to induce rape? OK, February 9th covers it all and in concert with the tradition of “Woman is the Nigger of the world”, as John Lennon tried to inform us many, many moons ago yet we still don’t get it. The fact that “Spousal Abuse” is still vogue…Now the Moron talks about “FAKE NEWS”, for real he thinks his pea-brain knows the difference. How many times did he appear on the World-Wide Enema stage of entertainment? Look, “Big Time Wrestling” is the Ponzi scheme extraordinaire of “FAKE” and every time I see the Rock I cringe, and it finds testament of how we ended up with a Moron that has access not only to Hollywood, but the “Nuclear Football”. Remember, the Rock sniffed Rikishi Stinkface’s big ass, live coverage of face sitting from a Linda McMahan ringside-seat and broadcast on the FOX entertainment network - now that was probably the only time “FAKE was for real. The Rock’s mug was just too damn close Rikishi’s anal hole for comfort. I gag when I see this kind of filth - that we have a faction of society that enjoys even stuff that isn’t “FAKE” but approaches “Reality”. Honestly, I was at an event during the Stock Market “crash” and the Rock was an invitee and all I could smell was “shitface”. See, that mentality of the “FAKE” defines the Moron-in-Thief’s fanbase, its entertainment and nobody really gets hurt and that’s how his supporters think - that what Trump is doing is all “FAKE” so “give it up” as it is humorous, and nobody gets hurt as it’s all pre-staged fun. Really? Which means all talk and no action - damn it, maybe there is something to this mindset, that it’s “FAKE” as far as that blackeye can see. And DOA, the Moron’s “FAKE” infrastructure plan of attack. I mean tuning into FOX News, it is no different than wasting time watching Vince McMahon get a haircut by the Moron himself. Here it is in a nutshell. The only way to pay for new roads and bridges and this “crap” about “Privatizing” the infrastructure, does that mean “Tolling” now becomes “Trolling”? But for those interested in more “FAKE”, the plans on the Moron’s scribble drawing board to be unveiled today - just 3-days after celebrating the first “Abuse Your Spouse Recognition Day” - we will hear about a Moronunrealistic 10-year project projected to cost $1300-Billion baby boomer dollars. But Uncle Sam is getting stood-up, as only a pittance of that “Grand Torino Scam Slam” will come from “welfare”, some $200-Billion which accounts for only 15% of this plan? That’s right - as in reality and not “FAKE”, Uncle Sam is abandoning the “infrastructure” kissing it goodbye. Let’s face it, the wealthy don’t use the highways and the byways, they enjoy the jet-ski class of travel - LUXURY limo to LUXURY “Lolita Express” jet setting. I started off calling it a “Drawing Board” plan, and that’s as far as this “FAKE” beast will go - Dead On Arrival. Ever notice how the Moron’s Oval Office desk is so tidy? I honestly believe the Moron uses an “Etch-a-Sketch” as a ways and means to legislate - no paper, no pens, and fits neatly in the middle draw of his desk and easily erasable with no “finger prints”. As any effort for this “Infrastructure” plan to actually work, it would mean another prayer for a payer provided plan of assistance and that means a state would have to raise the gasoline tax, your state income tax and all that fluff with the Moron’s “Tax Reform” helping out the masses, it is by far the best of the best in FAKE as it will soon be spoiled! And you thought milk spoiled fast! And want to compare some notes, Barack Obama stood against “Spousal Abuse”, so did Michelle. Where in hell is that Moron’s immigrant trophy wife, why has she been so damn quiet the recent events that which indicates the Moron’s cabinet is in the dark ages? Sometimes abusers fear for their lives and remain so silent. And with an infrastructure plan by the Moron and about to extend the laughter, just compare the Moron’s plan with Obama’s “American Recovery & Reinvestment Act”, that won’t fake you out as today it is a success story and what is fueling the economy on the rise still. So if that road you live on needs snow removal, well once under the Moron’s “DOA Infrastructure Plan” it means grab a shovel, else many a states’ income taxation will be on the rise, and it will become ugly. Yet, Big Phony Tits aside, after only a single term of endangerment it is very easy to decipher what we have at the helm of a ship on a crash course with doom. First and foremost, the entire GOP Congress should be held in contempt as the U.S. Constitution is under siege. But the Moron’s sentiment finds credibility in the fact that if you are but a low-life wage earning worker-bee and never made it to the $millionaires$ to $billionaires$ club, then he views you as a failure as this is the “Land of Opportunity”. The sad fact, he only thinks he has been successful in business, in actuality he knows he has failed miserably but will not under any circumstances face the music, that his father Fred made a mistake in picking Donald to run the “Trump Tower” and the old man should have listened to Fred junior instead!

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