Friday, February 9, 2018

Coprophilia + Urophilia

Coprophilia + Urophilia = Trumponomics - The sky is falling again…please don’t panic get used to it! But it appears as though that brick thrown at the GOP’s picture perfect glass window by Chuck Schumer was a direct penetrating hit, ouch, and what makes this “breach” awesome is the fact the brick was accompanied by a “stinkbomb” thrown by an unknown accomplice. From the security video, damn it looks like the “Phantom Shitter”, a.k.a. ousted House Speaker John Boehner. Imagine, Schumer and Boehner running around D.C. at night like hoodlums, bricks and stinkbombs in hand to disrupt the GOP tranquility. The DOW down some 600-points now 800-points now “HOLY SHAT” 1000-points at closing as the 115th Congress votes on going broke by increasing this nation’s debt beyond any ceiling limits. Look, the DOW is trying to tell Congress don’t do it! Without limits, it means turning our sovereignty inside out upside down! Where does the GOP turn for cover? Good thing for Mormons, as the more the merrier 15-kids or more to distribute this “incoming” debt, even for the unborn. Amazing that kids born today under the Red-White-Blue and for the next 100-years will awake for the 1st time sign of light and be asked to sign an IOU! See, the volatility in the stock market is a planned attack and based on the more “debt” also the merrier for a chosen few deep in wealth. That’s what Donald John Trump feels as his “Ace in the Whore Hole” best hand at making a legacy for himself, besides that of a Fucking Moron! He thinks being a bankrupt magnate is vogue! And wait there’s more, as Big Phony Tit whores love those that spend beyond their means! But when there are losers, there exists a faction that picks up the pieces and, well the rich get richer at every down throb of Mr. Dooda Dowdrop. The U.S. Treasury is broke, at bankruptcy foreclosure but that doesn’t mean one will ever see a “Closed” sign and that is the reason that the Congress will vote today to lift all limits on “debt”, as the China Syndrome finds new progress upon a new target…you know what that is all about. See, the reason the DOW is a roller coaster today, it has to do with this nation’s debt - as today the Treasury is broke and must borrow money to maintain the Trump erection. It does that through “Corporate Taxation” and worker-bee income taxation and shoring up government spending deficits by selling bonds with a jealous yield. And with “Corporate Taxation” now but a drop in the bucket, bonds, bonds and more bonds as you can only get so much blood out of the worker-bee turnip seed! And bonds, being not a risk unlike Enron stock and a long-term investment strategy with pitiful returns, it was more or less reserved for the Proletariat class of working America - the hourly wage earners that built this nation once so strong with Patriotism. See, today we are dumfounded what being a “Patriot” amounts to! Patriotism does not have a cesspool isle between US. See, when the Taxman had permission to collect a 35% ass-reaming against the “Corporation is a Person”, due “KY Street” loopholing, the actual tax assessment circling the gravy train was more like 15% - Mitt Romney educated US on how that works. And when the Congress under a Moron without a hint released the gravy train with only a 21% burden, well Simple Simon math equates the actual taxation at only 9% as the loopholes remained. It means that “Corporation is a Person” gets by like a freeloading whore, which means you and I will pay out 3x as much! And that “Corporate Taxation” from income unbecoming a Patriot, it isn’t enough loot to even pay for the increased procurement of Toilet Paper required by the White House. Yes, Donald Trump delivers “Twitter” when upon the “Shitter”, you figure out how must stall time he gets for abuse upon the 1st Amendment right. And the White House medical staff is required to monitor “crapper” time as a function of the 45th’s health. According to reliable sources, he is not wasting time watching FOX as the FAKE news tries to advertise, he spends most of his time flushing. So, not much in “Corporate” taxes allowed and Uncle Sam takes a “Lousy Hat” as collateral, it means somebody has to pay Paul Ryan’s way. So, sell bonds at an incredible yield which means at a discount, as with the limits a thing of the past, heavy handed hedgehog investors are reaping the benefits of a Sad Sack Uncle Sam! The Treasury would be safer under ISIS control! So, what best fits the Moron’s economic plan? Call it Trumponomics, and best defined as “We the People” shat upon and at the same time “We the People” pissed upon, and this “debt” is a noose around US and some are laughing wildly all the way to that offshore bank account with a namesake that sounds like a Russian whore! Trumponomics, coprophilia and urophilia combined! Are Russian whores that good?

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