Monday, February 19, 2018

My Start-up - An Opportunity

Remember that Rolling Stones hit “If you start me up”? Well I am in the “Start Me Up” mood, and willing to share this money-making retirement opportunity with “We the People” must act fast or else the Mnunchkin Man will steal it all away. This plan of mine unveiled today allows for every salt-of-the-earth middle class American Proletariat to retire as a $Millionaire$ or close to that goal. This amazing government funded “golden fleecing” reward has remained a secret, as the less moolah money we move towards retirement the more the wealthy faction is able to collect as ransom. Remember what Mitt Romney cautioned: “All we got was a lousy hat”, that was for the 1% so what does that mean for this middle-class of citizens? So, take this plan for granted and let’s start grabbing back our fair share of the wealth. This is NOT a gamble but a guaranteed investment opportunity, and so simple no middle-man fees required as you do it all on your own. IMAGINE that after 40-years with the “Millwork ain't easy, millwork ain't hard, millwork it ain't nothing but an awful boring job. I'm waiting for a daydream to take me through the morning and put me in my coffee break where I can have a sandwich and remember. Then it's me and my machine for the rest of the morning, for the rest of the afternoon and the rest of my life.” you retire at age-65 and receive a big fat bonus check from Uncle Sam in the tune of $1.0-Million? OK, depending on your wage it can vary from an $800k retirement plan payback for a $50k yearly paycheck to that $1000k for an $100k yearly paystub, for a 40-year career. In perspective, if you live until the golden girdle age of 90, well that Uncle Sam guaranteed bonus amounts to between $2700 green-backs to $3540 buckaroos given back every month. Compare that to present day Social Security retirement benefits. So this plan is better than SS for a wage greater than $50k up to $100k. This is all from Uncle Sam if we begin to use our “Ace-in-the-hole” card shark. See, all this crap about reverse mortgages and bedbug “Homes for Mom”, it is all about ripping you off when you get up there in age. Everybody wants a piece of that hard-earned meringue pie. My plan is different, as you will never have to worry about $money$ if you follow this ritual. And my approach is very simple, we just need to get Congress on board, which should not be a tough ordeal as my plan also eliminates Social Security retirement benefits if you chose this plan. It also decreases the Employer matched FICA from 6.2% to 2%, which may mean a wage increase of 4% for companies that are grateful for the recent “Corporate Tax Reform Misalignment”. See, my plan works based on the numbers regurgitated from the “Growth Calculator” made available on-line by the Tax Man, so is secure. All it takes is an arrangement with the U.S. Treasury for an “Individual Income Taxation IOU” and instead of just flipping our taxable income to the pilferage safe so unsafe today, the IOU uses U.S. Treasury bonds as collateral! Test Case: I start working at age 25 and I represent two scenarios, a $50k & $100k salary. Based on the taxable income for the before mentioned wage, I am allowed to buy U.S. Treasury Bonds, wherein I assign the principle over to Sam and will receive only the interest, which for this test will use 3.00% yield, very close to that target today. Why this works is based on the fundamental principles of Peter pays Paul. I work and make a living wage. A piece of that wage is inherited by the tax maniac, but my plan allows the purchase of “Treasury Bonds” instead of a direct payment and over the years the interest accumulated funds my retirement. So, here is a solution that requires but a simple OK from the 115th Congress. All that body has to agree upon is allowing the taxpayers to invest their taxable income into “Treasury Bonds” and sign over the principle as an IOU, as collateral. Uncle Sam gets its money and at the same time we can feel good that our taxed income is used to fund government and as an added benefit we get a healthy “bonus” come retirement. Yes, it is called “Socialized Retirement”, but who cares as we are all in it for the Fabulous moolah! It is killing 3-birds with a single stone, funding government with our very own money and a plan everybody can enjoin in, a healthy somewhat wealthy retirement plan that is much better than Social Security by 2-fold in some cases and an added benefit we would know how that hard-earned paycheck benefits our interest in funding our spending habits. We then see the fruits of our labor benefitting the infrastructure and retirement. If the present workforce engaged in this plan, if would bring in some $3-Trillion yearly for spending! It mends the deficit, we then own our own destiny. Now based on a minimum-wage, the government could shore-up that $30k income to $50K, so those on the lower end of the scale could still retire close to a $millionaire$ and with other 401K plans, approach that goal. This works, this is the “New American Century Plan” and the only way it will NOT work, it is too good to be true and that sours the lobby and that sours the Congress as what’s good for US is not all that good for them!

If you start me up
If you start me up I'll never stop
If you start me up
If you start me up I'll never stop
U.S. Treasury "Growth Calculator" Results

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