Monday, February 19, 2018

Fuck & Dump = Catch & Kill

Fuck and Dump is the weapon of choice the Donald John Trump “Dysentery Dynasty”, after some 365-days on this crash course that MO is now cast in stone. Weapon yes, as there is no agenda with the 45th accept that of “total destruction the only solution”. Like with his whore hounds, “We the People” have been F’d and soon will be Dumped. This Trump legacy resonates from that proverbial guidance of the Mulligan “FFFF Club” and “we learned it all in high school”, especially front and center attention back in the 60s: Find Them, Feel Them, Fuck Them then Forget Them - exactly what was deciphered from the Moron’s Access Hollywood interview. Mulligan? Yes, Monsignor Mulligan from the St. Leo’s Catholic Church wine cellar. I would surmise from this that the Moron must have been a good student when it came to “Bitch Slap 101”. And this adolescent playground speakeasy gonorrhea of “moved on her like a bitch”, more then ever I am in agreement with John Lennon that “woman is the nigger of the world” still, as with Donald Trump it finds not only fascination with Russian whores and Stormey whores but his agenda attacking American Democracy. Yes, Miss Liberty is being raped, gang raped as the GOP Congress is joining in this free-for-all! This guy is still growing up and we face the eviction of Democracy through the growing pains. Then the “Fuck & Dump” - which is at full moon - it evolves into the Catch and Kill, the “Deep Anal Sensation Sanction” cover up mechanism that is tied to money - the main reason the Russian sanctions, that which passed with streaming colors through the Congress, were but a fart in the wind when it hit the Moron’s Pecker holding hand for final approval. I don’t know which is more dreadful, OK he does less damage with his pecker then with his presidential pen!  And wait until “Pardon Me” time as that hand will be chaffed like a sore nipple! Prediction Time: It is Fingernail Freddy Friday, and Monday is reserved for President’s Day. Too bad we do not have a bonafide Commander-in-Chief. He falls short of the “fide”, which means “We the People Divided” are left with a “Bona” to contend with! But my prediction is that Rex Tillerson’s Moron has met his match with FBI Man Mueller and will step aside, starting tomorrow which is today already tomorrow! OK, I am late getting this “opine” out as I have this 400-pound NRA goon chasing after me. See, I started a go “FUNDLY” me and NRA Wayne’s world wants to contribute with cash - so there’s no trace as it may be loot laundered. Of course the funding goal to buy Barron Trump his very own AR-15 has been met, within an hour, and way beyond expectations before the closing bell, which means there is enough leftover loot to buy the entire “Trump Tower” this “America’s Rifle” as a token of Portnoy Putin’s appreciation. See, Trump is all for “No Silly Gun Control, ever since Ted Nugent and Kid Rock started camping out under the Oval Office desk - forgot Sarah Palin is a member of that on-your-knees “Trinity”. Goto if you would like to contribute, as maybe we can arm a “Militia” and go to work for Wagner! My as well get on Portnoy’s good side. OK, meeting his match with Mueller is also reflected in the 10000-daily briefings the Moron receives as “Twitter” feedback - a.k.a. Hate reflections. And this is for real, as even “bots” could not be this rotten. Wow, it must suck being so hated by other humans, especially Americans! Seems his only friends these days are those rottenbots. It is not FAKE, he has No sex with Melania. But we are well beyond the Fuck & Dump phase and the Catch & Kill may be in jeopardy, call it a “Mutiny of the Booty” as once confidants of the Moron are starting to revert to their own Fuck & Dump to save face and jail bird time. “Forced Resignation”, there appears to be a Coup D’etat in progress in the West Wing. H.R. McMaster - the Iconoclast General with over 30-years in uniform, along with a PHD in American history - has acknowledged that the FBI evidence into Vladimir Portnoy Putin’s meddling into the Botsphere is “now incontrovertible”, and what the Rex Tillerson Fuck -  RTF - does that mean? Fuck & Dump = Catch & Kill, the Moron’s hide and seek is failing. But this McMaster attack on the Chief, I suppose that the Moron would say it’s all FAKE, that McMaster is merely an “Econoclass” with no class, NOT this “Iconoclast” that finds respect from the Pentagon. And General John Kelly - who also skipped Vietnam the spirit of in-country service but for reasons unbecoming bone spurs - well finally tightening the noose on the Awful Office executive branch wannabees with genuine eviction notices and assholes like JaRED Kushner may soon find a No Trespass sign at his office “crapper”. Which means mass-murderer Nikolas Cruz would have a better chance at a troll booth in the White House - getting a background check clearance! But with McMaster and Kelly starting to show signs of changing gears, this is the beginning of a “Coup” as the worst of the worse of plans would be a Moron resignation, as then we would be confronted with a Mike Pence fill-in, and I am sure that by mid-night following the swearing in Pence’s wife would send the “Nuke” codes to obliterate the world. So we could not have that as a remedy this rape on Democracy by the Trump & Pence terms of endangerment. Which would then mean a Paul Ryan as the interim VIP, and if Pence is under “Pardon Me” watch, it means then we could end up with Orin Hatch as President, without a vote? Are we Fucked again with the succession? Yes, bring in more “Bitch Slapping” aides that abide to the Mormon tabernacle HUMdrum - remember again what Lennon taught us! Have we been Dumped? Well appears Duped! And we are all caught up in this mess as the longer it goes on, the longer it finds reason to find belief it is just an aberration and just wait until the mid-terms to find a fix? Wait, there is no timeouts when Democracy is under attack and that is why the “Deep State” is taking it over, with McMaster and Kelly starting to show signs of…well it is not tyranny when we have Treason going on and may the best man win and with the adolescence surrounding the “Trump Tower” dictatorship towards Fascism, maybe McMaster and Kelly are the only help for Miss Liberty! Happy Presidents Day? And here is an interesting fact from the cesspool sink faucet. The Moron is the Commander-in-Chief and can call out every 2nd Amendment gun owner as part of HIS “Well Regulated Militia”, and McMaster has the Pentagon at his back - as our only hope may be in a “Military Coup”.

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