Friday, February 16, 2018

Blow the DOW Down!

Come all ye young wolves that follows the Wall
To me, way hey, blow the DOW down
Now please pay attention and listen to me
Give me some time to blow the DOW down

January 26th - DOW hits new high of 26617-points
February 16th -DOW closes at 25216-points

It’s Fingernail Freddy Friday and 3-weeks into this “volatile” market depression and the experts are still calling it a “Correction”? I have a bridge, NO a “Tower” to sell you. Why is it that the DOW still enjoys a sag and NOT gaining any traction to recover? A 3-week correction and by the trending at the current trajectory it means “exactly” another 3-weeks to get back on track to that historic January 26th minus 13 is Friday the 13th! So, it is a 6-week correction by choice, as the DOW is being manipulated - maybe by Russian “Twats”. And it’s crazy, how the DOW reacts today, even to Stormey weather on the horizon. See, following the Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre at that school in Florida by a MAGA supporter that received an AR-15 assault rifle from Governor Rick Scott, well the day after pill found the DOW sinking right before Rex Tillerson’s Fucking Moron was to address this nation, as to why he supports mass murdering at public schools. But when the teleprompt erased any words of advise that talked about “guns” being the cause and effect and the Moron didn’t have the urge to go there, well the DOW shot-up over this shoot-up as gun manufacturers and the NRA knew they had been granted a “Presidential Pardon”. And the very next day today, when we heard that Steamy Stormey had competition with a Playboy bunny on who gave the best Moron head-room, the DOW started tanking and then the FBI stood at the podium and reinstated the leash laws on the Russian whores that had meddled in the 2016 election. And Melania went pissed, as she is supposed to be the head mistress! I honestly believe that the DOW is being harassed out-of-control by the Trump administration’s unfaithfulness to American Democracy, and of course the Russian whores still holding on to work Visas. Vladimir Portnoy Putin, please call off the whores! But maybe we should consider moving the White House to Neverland Ranch, and since the Fucking Moron hates California because Devin Nunes fell off that midnight ride mule and lost his marbles, it means the Moron will stay in Mar-a-Lago. But Neverland Ranch, something strange going on there as that seems to be wherein all the premeditated interference upon the FBI investigating the Russian meddling is taking place - as there may be a connection! Really, it a Secret Russian embassy? Damn, just tell the Fucking Moron that is wherein the Russian whores hang out and California will be on his must visit now list, and Melania can stay at home and teach Barron how to handle an AR-15, a courtesy gift from the NRA. Sad when once an American institute for hunters is now a money laundering front for Russian whores. And when we see such attacks on these institutions by Russian oligarchs, it means Democracy is doomed.

Come all ye whores that follows the Moron
To me, way hey, blow the PIG down
Now please pay attention and listen to me
Give me some time to blow the PIG down

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