Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Peep Show Deep State

I have never felt this way before this dereliction of duty, yet for some reason I feel much more PATRIOTIC this day as an American. See, regardless of my political call-out preference, I would always in the past - through either thrill of victory or in the agony of defeat my candidate - in the end throw support the victor. I have lived through Ike, wherein my upbringing roots developed that support for the Commander-in-Chief both sides of the isle, through Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama and then we fell into a Fucking Cesspool! I guess the saying finds truth, that all good things come to an end - including the U.S. Presidency. And my sentiment would not be any different if Bill’s spousal abused wife ended up in the hot seat. Obama will probably be this nation’s “Last of the Mohicans”. OK, I voted for Bernie as I believe we as a nation have come to the crossroads of Capitalism, as the divide between the have and have nots will not sustain our Democracy, cannot any longer sustain our “Life, liberty and pursuit to happiness” and Socialism is our only hope else “Communism” will swallow up any future. Test Case: Ask any rich bastard if they had a choice of government that maintained their status quo…they would pick Communism over Democracy if it meant more bang for the buck. But today, we are a nation without a leader. At least Hillary would have shown some semblance of leadership, unlike what we ended up with. I cannot, I will not support the Rex Tillerson Fucking Moron that somehow thinks squatter’s rights are his and so enjoyed by the “Trump Tower Dysentery Dynasty” family, like an “Animal House” privilege through the name brand. We may have to tear down the White House and start over after we finally evict the Moron and his trophy NON-American Contract Hollywood pussy. Just like the razing of that school that found a Trump supporter on the loose with an AR-15 assault weapon, wherein we witnessed another “Killing Fields” our loved ones. “Tear down the Walls, mother fucker, tear down the Walls”! And it was like the White House went into foreclosure when the Hillbilly Kellyanne Conway rode into town and directed the Trump family vagabonds to sneak in, like the movie “It Happened on Fifth Avenue”(1947). But herein rests and tests my real concern. Why in hell does this Moron get such protection, as the mindset perversion is no different then all the parents that knew about Larry Nassar’s perverted medical practices on little athlete girls, yet turned a blind eye away from such abuse. We are today derelict in our responsibilities as citizens. What Nassar did behind the curtain is no different then what this Moron is doing behind the Oval Office desk. I therefore ask this pointed question. Why in hell is the United States Secret Service still manning its posts in efforts to protect a “counterfeit”? See, the origin of the “Secret Service” was to investigate counterfeit money following the Civil War. I am afraid this counterfeiting is going on today, with the “Trump Tower” posse of bankrupt barons. Why in hell such dedication to protect an individual that is causing so much harm to this nation once under liberty under a Democracy in decline? See, we are supposed to have a president that is sworn to uphold “Liberty for All” and that allows for the Secret Service to secure the health & wellbeing of that individual working for US - NOT protecting someone in bed with Vladimir Portnoy Putin. And here is my real big concern. If there comes a “Mueller Indictment” upon any member of the Moron’s clan, will the FBI G-Men get tackled by the USSS Henchmen for “You Have Been Served” interference in the Portnoy Putin & Stormy Trump affair, like occurred over in China? That was sad, as this nation and the world would be safer if the China Xi Doll did steal the “Nuclear Football” away from the Moron. It is in the wrong hands, so why is it when Americans had the opportunity to get rid of at least one problem, why did PATRIOTISM renege on its pledge of “Allegiance”? Because this USSS is not pledged to US, they take a pledge of allegiance to whatever sits in that Oval Office, even if it were Hitler. So all this talk about a Constitutional Crisis, it will commence when Mueller shows up at the West Wing with the bad news. Just like with the judge in Larry Nassar’s sentencing, “I Just Signed Your Death Warrant”, in the meaning behind bars forevermore. What will transpire when push comes to shove, well maybe it is time for the USSS to go back to its original priority, counterfeiting and then this madness in the White House would have already been arrested. Loyalty for what cause, even if against the grain of the U.S. Constitution? It’s happening right now, and this was how Hitler relied on getting past 1st base - is this a reenactment of that history lesson? It will be worse, as Hitler targeted the Jewish people. With the next Heil Hitler, it will mean the blacks rounded up, the gay population rounded up, all but the white race will survive the groping chambers. But I hold the belief that the Secret Service has a role to fulfill, but as PATRIOTISM wears away at the Moron and his “Tower”, soon we may hear the sounds of a “Deep State” rebellion within the ranks of the USSS, and they will tear down the “MOTHER FUCKER FRED”!

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