Sunday, January 14, 2018

Poetic Justice Sunday

Remember when a Sunday, no matter what religion or not it was a day of respect? When we could suspend political differences for a single day breath of fresh air. So, for a poetic justice moment, that which is kind yet gets to the point as too why Sunday is no longer reserved for solitude, a one-liner by Woody Guthrie spells it all out - all so clear, convincing and I find it peaceful:

“Beach Haven is Trump’s Tower”

What amuses me, someday future generations will re-visit these “Tweet” storms from the Moron-in-Chief and other Americans opposed to his “Big Phony Tits” agenda, and neither the Moron or FOX friends will be here to defend and thus his legacy is born and carved in stone, forevermore! There is no turning back, sad day for My Country ‘Tis of Thee!

“Beach Haven is Trump’s Tower”
~Thank You Mr. Woody Guthrie

"No, I'm not a racist. I am the least racist person you have ever interviewed."
~ Donald John Trump

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