Monday, January 15, 2018


 – January 15th, 2018

BPT Opinion Page - Coming Out, Of the Woodwork

Termites? OK, in this day and age of nothing “Secret” rumors are galore today coming out-of-the-woodwork what really happened in Hawaii that which caused the proverbial 100-year picnic attack, commencing with a better “Kiss your Ass goodbye” presentation. Maybe BPT meant to sway the “prosecution”! Funny it was Hawaii that went locked on with this mysterious “Rocket Man” romance, death closing in - maybe because Obama and Oprah were at the island? It started off as a sinister prank, when the guy that is responsible for pushing the “Big Test Button” for the “Emergency Response” system challenged the reminder pop-up: “Are You Sure You Want To Do This Hairy Scary Helter Skelter” and that was it. Now NO “Big Phony Tits” deal, just recall the messenger boy - but not that easy as the system is rigged such that it requires “authorization” from the Commander-in-Chief for a reset. See, the testing routine doesn’t have the pop-up, but the Real McCoy cannot be silenced without permission from the Moron. And it was a simple mistake, “Test verses Real” just like “Fake FOX verses Big Phony Tits Journalism”. And please don’t fire the guy. But the reason it took so long for a silencer, well what does one expect with a Commander-in-Chief that is fit and healthy and just too damn busy with “Tweets” to accommodate an imminent annihilation retreat. We must realize by now he is not an “Indian Giver”, just ask Lizabethean Pocahontas. And I am sure that after the detonation if for real, just blame it on Obama and maybe Winfrey collusion. Now according to official time-stamped signatures of spousal abuse noise recordings from Mar-a-Lago, the following is a very good rendition of what may have occurred that sent the sunny-side of life panic into over-drive long after it was realized as a “Big Button/Fake Boobs” mistake:

Zulu 16:05:21 Hours: (Hawaii Guy) “Initiating test of Emergency Broadcast system.”

Zulu 16:05:23 Hours: (Other Hawaii Guy) “Roger Wilco copy that.”

Zulu 16:07:03 Hours: (Hawaii Guy, after thinking about it for 2-minutes) “Yes, pop-up, I command you to initiate panic mode.”

Zulu 16:07:05 through 16:10:24 Hours [All hell breaks loose, Hawaiian surfers grab their boards as the “Big Kona Bruddah Wave” is coming, can’t ride out this historic hang-10er.]

Zulu 16:07:05 Hours (Mar-a-Lago Secret Service Agent) “Mr. President…Mr. Pres…Hawaii is under attack…Mr. President…Mr. President, please wake up…Mr. President, Hawaii is under attack…please wake up we need your secret launch codes…Mr. President we are under attack…call the doctor he’s not responding like the usual…Mr. President…”

Zulu 16:08:45 Hours (Mar-a-Lago Secret Service Escort Agent) “I thought the Doctor said he was healthy…Mr. Fucking Moron, Mr. Idiot, Clown Ass…please do your sworn duty, give us the codes before it is too late…Mr. Pre…he’s coming too.”

Zulu 16:09:55 Hours (The Moron) “I was having a wet dream about “Big Phony Tits” and just when I was getting ready to grab her pussy you wake me up. This job sucks, you’re fired. Do I have time for a quick 9 holes?”

Zulu 16:10:23 Hours (National Security Punt-Man) “Mr. President, we need the launch codes.”

Zulu 16:10:29 Hours (The Moron) “Launch code um…I have some lunch codes…you know, #1 is turkey on rye, #2 is ham and swiss…get my caddie I’m hungry.”

In the meantime, we survived a close call. Now that deserves a ham sandwich indictment! We may be lucky as far as being so unlucky with the Moron, who gives not a rat’s ass about our “Shithole” even when under attack as pussy, golf and feeding his fat face seems to be the priority, No Pepsi Coke! The problem is this - he is sex starved and craving a desire to grab some pussy and when you look at Melania’s sour puss, of course she is not putting out. I would wager she is on the same “Hate” level scale as a majority of Patriotic Americans - we hate his ass! And being the President is like being in solitary confinement, so NO “Access Hollywood” whores allowed and that leads to a conclusion, that last piece of ass was probably when Stormy weather made landfall and cost in excess of $130000 in collusionary damages to the Trump Tower’s ego! I wish we had a better word then “DESPICABLE”.

 BPT “Amazon Ape” New book ALERT:

BPT follows Peepshow(Deep) Daughter(Water) Perversion(Horizon) Drilling Rig off Mar-a-Lago):

~ END ~

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