Sunday, January 14, 2018

Going For Broke

Why will the 115th United States Congress under Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell go down in the paving stones of forever time as the worst of the worse? I guess the best definition is that of a “Turncoat” as “We the Proletariats” are fighting for that “Right to Life” along with Liberty under siege and my inalienable pursuit to Happiness hit by shrapnel and the Red, White & Blue bleeds! Praytell, the Revolution has begun. But the salt-of-Thy-earth working class heroes are winning so far, as this “Treason by Congress” started some 365-days ago, and we still find Miss Liberty “shinning bright” sea to sea. Thar she be a little under the weather, yet still breathing so I have faith “We Shall Prevail”. Look, Donald John Trump is the “Boogeyman” and was trained in Richie-Rich combat by the KKK, as father Fred Christ Trump was a bigot - and taught Donald everything there is to know about Beach Haven discrimination. Yes, the “Boogeyman” is a whole lot more dangerous then Adolf “Coprophilia” Hitler. Golden Trump Tower showers anyone? Look, in a secret meeting in the “Prescott Crypt” at Yale, the Skull & Bones has already NAY SAYED any interest in Trump’s cranium resting place - something to the effect there is no grey mater worth saving. So, what do we do now? See, saving for a rainy day finds importance, yet the 115th has taken a gamble that the weather will remain calm and if it goes sour, a few nukes would heat up the rhetoric. Now when the “Ryan & McConnell Tax Reform” allowed Corporate Taxation to tank from a well respected 35% to 21%, there is no room for further corrections. See, when the Obama era “Tax Code” demanded 35-cents on every dollar of profits, in actuality due “Lobby Shithole Loopholes”, well Uncle Sam only collected 15-cents every buckaroo for essential government entitlement services like enema refills for Trump supporters. And while the “Tax Reform” came effective when the 2018 New Year signed in, well the “loopholes” remained so with Simple Simon math that means about 9-cents for “Corporate Rape” dues while you and I pay 25-cents on our hard-earned income. Corporate America, which is the Wall Street in disguise the “Big Bad Wolf” is enjoying a 98% tax cut which relates to unimaginable profits which relates to stock rocket insanism which relates to the rich getting filthy richer glorified. The seesaw has found an imbalance and that causes a vibration and when such reaches the natural frequency, it destroys itself. OK, in non-scientific lingo, divided we fall! So, let’s get one thing straight veined for sure. An addiction finds many nemesis, even with wealth hoarding. Sad, when trust fund babies are allowed to live off that daddy giveaway and never have to pay a cent’s worth of income taxation. For real, I know a couple that have never maintained a real job and pushing 40, and for many years digging into a trust fund for collecting a salary for some imaginary company and that income finds no taxation yet they still get representation? Look, they demand the same things from Uncle Sam yet get away with a “Get Out of Taxation Free” card? But when the wealthy find the new addiction of a “We the Proletariat Class” under siege and they are now paying diddly-squat, said again louder it is a “Revolution” upon us. See, in a year or so when they find their 1%er portfolio is stagnated, they will want more cuts and the trend setting will allow not a “Taxation” but get ready for a Richie-Rich rebate program courtesy the middle-class. That’s next, love it or leave it! Do you realize that Benjamin Netanyahu is today giving away your money? Yes, he is offering “Shitholers” to go home and receive a $3500-dollar bonus, plane tickets to retreat and that loot is coming out of the $38-billion aid package we send overseas. See, Obama approved this 10-year giveaway program in his last semester to see if Donald Trump would renege on his “Bring it all Home” doctrine promise, things we are not aware of as Net continues to rape US over the coals. IMAGINE, a rebate program courtesy the U.S. Taxpayers for sending immigrants home, in Israel? And even though Martial Law remains silent “this land is your land this land is my land”, that denouncing of “Liberty” will take effect after the 1st Amendment Right is scrambled. Yes, the Fuhrer wants tougher “Libel” laws to quiet up the movement. So, let’s jump ahead to see what it will be like under a Fascists dictatorship named Trump Tower. Here Yea, hear Yea comes now the court jester and all congressmen under the democratic label are found guilty of “Libel” and the following fines imposed: Rikishi Stinkface therapy. See, we no not what is happening around US. A revolution was imminent on the horizon, to correct the corruption that has taken over and causing covfefe castration upon the U.S. Constitution and making it more in tune to the U.S. Constipation. The plan of attack before US is to give it all away, the wealth is being hoarded and we are being held hostage for ransom that be “Our Inalienable Liberty”. Donald John Trump is winning the battle, but we are and will win the WAR. Yet brace yourself get over it now or else perish, it will never be the same for “Democracy” as wealth and the latter cannot survive as “brothers can you spare a dime”. Fascism is upon US, it is a Trump Tower dysentery dynasty destiny based on a privileged few - as Donald knows no difference, as he is NOT a True American, get over it! Would you ever consider a person for the U.S. Presidency that cancelled his brother’s medical insurance coverage for a nephew that had brutal epileptic seizures during a family trust feud - holding the little kid hostage? If you want to grasp an understanding to what this Moron is all about, like father, like son invest a little time into Beach Haven. And every day since the 45th’s inauguration that witnessed more protestors than Trump practitioners, Portnoy Putin is laughing that he gets credit for the unrest of this virus sweeping US to death once the greatest nation on earth, and maybe “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” should look itself in the mirror-mirror on the oval Office wall and see what “Shithole” looks like for real. If you don’t believe America today is being bombarded by “shit” and turning into a real shithole, I know of a president who has a “Big Phony Tit” as a vice he wants to arouse you. Pinch yourself, as in a short 15-days, the 45th Commander-in-Chief will deliver a State of the Eunuch address to his “Turncoat” Congress - those that will lie and cheat just to protect the party line and here is a sneak preview of that speech, courtesy “The Insider”:

Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Members of Congress, my fellow Republicans:

Tonight marks the 1st time I’ve come here to report on the State of the Union. And for this final one, I’m going to try to make it short as I am the only one that matters.

I also understand that because of that “me me me” selfishness, my expectations for what was achieved last year fell low. Still, Mr. Speaker, I appreciate the constructive approach you and the other leaders took at the end of last year to pass tax reform for the wealthy and make some not-so-permanent tax reform for working families - the latter was your choice NOT mine. So I was hoping we could work together this year on bipartisan priorities like “shitholes”…this is NOT a joke so whomever is sitting behind me and laughing, please STOP. Thank you!

But tonight, I want to go easy on traditional America. Don’t worry as I have decided to resign. What I have learned in the past 375 days as your Commander-in-Chief is the fact I am totally out of touch with True America. All my life I have lived sheltered away, not in a van down by the river but privileged in a limo scène over by the Tower.

Today more than ever I realize what I have missed in life, and while I still have the mobility within my aged and unhealthy body, I plan to now dedicate my life to UNICEF - to feed and care for the hungry kids that live in those “shitholes”. Yes, effective at midnight, gone will be the gold-plated golf irons and I will debark on a new journey to “Make America Great Again” as a former president.

Because of you, this is the right thing to do; and I will not let up until I get done and that is all that matters going forward. READ MY LIPS, FEED THOSE LIPS!

Thank you, God bless you, and God bless the United States of America.

Donald John Trump - January 30th, 2018

There is ALWAYS Hope!

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