Saturday, January 13, 2018

Half Mast Glass

Simple Simon says it’s still that “Grumpy Old Men” question, that which will forever covfefe frustrate our intellect! Is the glass running on empty or still fulfilling its duty at half-mast? Is a penis a hardon or a Trump Tower at limp dick erection stage…But today, “Half Mast” finds an interest on the political scene, we need a definite answer as “half empty” verses “half full” is paramount our future. Democracy verses Fascism, yes we are at the “Eve of Destruction” as upon US that “Castration Complex Constitutional Crisis”. But “We the Real Righteous People” shall overcome as our “Resistance” has found leadership once again, with Barack Obama speaking out against the “Shithole” and his alienating base. The 44th has been somewhat silent the last 365-days off the “beaten track beltway” in response to what the 45th is trying to do, tear apart “Democracy for All”. And the Moron went pissed and wants to nuke Hawaii, Barack and Oprah’s retirement island - it was not a false alarm that “Incoming KISS your ASS Goodbye” message that the Kona Bruddah’s woke up with today, a genuine swine wrecking-ball havoc so early. Why is it that these “Emergency Broadcasts” tells US to stay indoors with a nuke locked on our front doors, time for a beer and maybe get in one last wave! So getting back on-track in realization we went backwards 50-years when Hitler’s fascination with “human shit” violated our Democracy with a little help from a Tower friend named Portnoy Putin and that equated to voters then wishing for as close to possible a Rikishi Stinkface president, what is it with this glass that may shed some light our rescue mission away from poor-man prosecution - I mean eviction? Half what, praytell tell me the Truth! Even Stephen Hawking failed this “Halfway House” question while toasting in zeroG-weightlessness and thus fooled into believing that “Black Holes” are for real. See, according to the “Boundary Theory Function” argument authored by renowned Harvard Annex “brainchild” Theodore John Kaczynski, a “Black Hole” cannot exist as it would have to allow mobility in efforts to not distort the outer space “continuum”, as the ether is growing. Something with nothing cannot move - that bump on a log! So, Ted’s theory proves them all wrong! Of course the matter of course, Albert Einstein said the same thing, “shitholes” don’t exist. But evolution is proving the Ignoramus has changed into an Ignoranus, a.k.a. “shithole” and “Living in a limousine down by the pussy parlor”. See, for the poor man it’s a rusted rust-bucket van and a polluted river - for the wealthy…Anyway, a 12-onuce can of No Coke Pepsi with only half its original cargo due to settling of contents, if it’s “half full” then it is still valuable call off the recycle addiction! And the evolution of the “can” theory finds interest today with what is happening on the political scene. See, recent polls should be analyzed by Annex Ted’s mathematical brilliancy to test-of-time what it all means - so we can take action our so far inaction. So, “Grumpy Old Men” take notice! Now it all depends on how we truncate a number to assess the “can-can” affair. Take the fraction ½ of a whole, or 0.5 on a slide rule. What the fungi is a “slide rule”? Anyway, banks will always side on uplifting the fraction to a whole if it is money you owe them in interest and always find a downdraft to “zero” if it is loot they owe you. Honestly, this has been proven if you owe ½-cent in interest to Wells Fargo, on the books it is 1 copper penny of debt. On the other hand, if they must pay you interest for a savings account or class action law suit settlement for fraud, that same ½-penny seems to disappear or maybe someday through compounding it…they are smart! As I always get these divide by zero error messages on my e-mail statements along with “Fake News Emergency Broadcasts”! But we must re-evaluate the “Half Mast” puzzle, it is important in accordance with the Moron-in-Chief genius: When he hijacked the White House, he entered the Oval Office with a 68% hardon and today the erection is limping along at 53%. OK, if greater then 50%, it is in the half full category. But when less then the 50%, we then enter the proverbial empty “shooting blank zone” and that is wherein the bar should be set for “Impeachment” based on the 25th Amendment. So, give the penis-envy-genius the benefit of the doubt, that we are not yet to the Bill Clinton stage. In the first 365-days of Trump’s “delusional dereliction erection”, that intellectual quotient - penis envy genius one up on Kim Bong-One - has dropped some 15 percentage points, a loss of virginity and at the alarming stage wherein Stormy weather whores refund your pervert slush fund. Since Trump’s political hardon is limp but not to the point of a premature ejaculation - he maintains. Of course this does not take into account all aspects of how this “Little Dick Man” is denied access to a Melania pussy grabbing frenzy - as Net Neutrality is now in effect. Now I am proud to announce that for 65-years my commitment to remain gainfully employed regardless the fact the “Union” is also a limp dick - what it means in today’s world the Sad Sack fact I am classified “AT WILL”, which means NO rights at the work site. Now even though an “AT WILL” means “I sold my soul to the company fraud”, it requires a paper trail as some lawyers can tolerate the “You’re Fired” and still get sealed settlement money for firing out-of-line, especially if a whore for the elites that believe money allows spousal abuse and who gives a rat’s ass about cheating on the kids’ real mommy! Money buys immunity with the wealthy “trophy wife” installments. Now to support that “At Will” paper trail it requires a yearly appraisal, that which usually finds a grading scale A through F with no “E” as that is reserved for an enema - when you’re fired! And most experts will follow the leader and recommend that a grade “C” is the best all-around candidate for continued employment! Doesn’t walk on water, doesn’t go above and beyond but “Meets Expectations”. And that is wherein the Moron is today, meets expectations based solely on the polls. And even though the trend may continue and go to “D” grade or deeper state, maybe some Viagra can get that dick erect again and get this nation back on track. But getting back to what the Moron said about “living in a shithole”. Donald John Trump has lived forever in a limousine, and that is scary and gives “deep dark state” a whole new trial. And that miscue threat that hit Hawaii this am, the Moron was on the golf course down at Mar-a-Lago and the Secret Service along with the National Security Nuclear punt-man in tow, they didn’t bother Trump about any formidable incoming threat, thank God for common sense! Which brings up a solution - let Trump play golf every damn day until we can come to our senses and realize that no matter what the polls say so, half empty finds a new friend with the 44th and definitely means far from any fulfillment our crying out for “Democracy’s” sake! And like a belief in the “Black Hole” hocus-pocus so just abuse Pocahontas, anybody that still believes that the wealthy like to live like US under a “Democracy”, best let that incoming put it all too rest because they don’t and Trump is their WAR Lord Daddy Warbucks “Deliverance” man!

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