Wednesday, January 3, 2018

New Moon Rising

I would wager to say that Donald Moronjohn Trump despises a “New Moon”! Just like he despises a “she NAY” when trying to Tic-Tac grab a pussy or squeeze big fake tits. OK, Melanomia allows for the “Al Bundy Biggin Diggins”, like any abused wife in giving up an individual’s pursuit of happiness. Now newly elected Moon Jae-in, president of South Korea, is keeping his campaign promise to open up a constructive dialogue with his northern nemesis, Hung-Low - whatever this Jong Un claims one-up on our Moron-in-Chief! Bigger buttons, bigger and better nukes - like two immature puke punks this melodrama between Hung and Trump. How in hell do other world leaders cope with a guy like Trump? I would place another wager the Merkels, Portnoy Putins, Mays and Jinpings laugh a whole lot behind the scenes. But it is indeed a dangerous “laugh”. The world stage is familiar to Hung Low’s immaturity at age 35, but the Tower Maggot’s inappropriate behavior at 70 plus, low and behold what happened to maturity? It is called evasion of principles, blame it on Donald’s pathetic Richie-rich kid upbringing by a dad that condoned segregation and preached the writings and celebrated hangings of the KKK. Anyway, Moon is a liberal of democracy and feels that interference by the United States over the years has alienated the North & South relationship and his recent actions demonstrate his commitment to fix what has been a long overdue rescue mission. He won the presidency due corruption and impeachment of his predecessor, and is a “We the People” leader. Wish we could claim the same. Now Moon wants the U.S. maintained THAAD missile systems deployed to protect the DMZ to be dismantled, as the “Olive Branch” to his northern neighbor. Another one of his “Shoot the Moon” campaign promises soon to be reality, no matter how it ruffles the back-hair of the MORON. The sooner the Mooner sends an eviction notice to the U.S. embassy in Seoul, the better for world peace. As a matter of fact, Moon is convening a special session that will vote to allow North Korean athletes to participate in the upcoming Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang. This is unbelievable diplomacy, a newly elected president keeping his promise, what a concept! Too bad this nation had not the same commitment from our elected eunuchs - please keep your promises. So as a “New Moon” arises that wants to finally bring peace to the long winding road that separates the Moon from the Bong, it is so promising. But that excites another problem, as “There’s a bad moon on the rise” called Donald Moronjohn Trump. When a United States statesmen like General Barry McCaffery, who was awarded 3-Purple Hearts for bravery in the theater of combat, when he is adamant that Trump’s “Tweets” are scary…time to hide in that old 50’s era backyard bunker, but due lack of interest it succumbed to a cesspool just like what has happened to our Democracy under the 45th. And WOW, Steve Bannon thinks that Donald Trump JUNIOR will crack like an egg with respect to the Trump Tower “Treason Meeting” with Russian spies and under investigation by the FBI? As Trump’s inner circle jerk finds impotency, as the Mueller investigation gets closer and closer to the “money lode money laundering” that will once and for all take down the Tower’s dysentery dynasty, that which was Fred Trump’s “Beach Haven” dream, all hell will break loose with the Moron-in-Chief. At all costs to others, Donald will protect that family name above anything else, and that sworn-to-duty will be meaningless. It is time we demote the MORON, else our Democracy is in the cross-hairs of that “bad moon” on the rise.

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