Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Collusion No Fault Collision

Get over it. Donald John Trump is correct in his assessment that there existed NO collusion with Vladimir Portnoy Putin to sway the 2016 election. He won fair and square, a testament that this nation’s election system is not broke on its Constitutional merits. Ever wonder why the minimum requirement for a U.S. Senator is 30-years of age and 9-years a citizen in “Good Standing” as opposed to 25 & 7-years for that of a low-life Don Young in the Paul Ryan “House” of filth repute? Maturity and Patriotism counts! I didn’t vote for Trump. I didn’t cast a vote towards Hillary. I did vote, as I would never renege on that duty and have no reservations about my actions to a Nay Nay the front runners. I was not surprised the outcome and amazed that after a year we are still Clockwork Orange stalled on what really happened. And this nation needed a correction course, so best allow the worst of the worse to take us down that dead-end as fast as possible please NO RETRUN. When the smoke clears away, it will find a better Union. Today’s leadership has nothing to do with profiles in courage. But that does not mean the MORON is out of hot water. It was the aftermath of victory that is causing the Trump administration pain and suffering, with the FBI investigation. The Donald and his posse were not ready for such a feat, televised raiding of the henhouse. That said…well maybe not collusion but on a collision course with obstruction of justice. That is what you get when rich kids run-amuck of the lawman. Look, if Vladimir Portnoy did influence the election, if proven guilty it means economic sanctions, which means nothing to you and I. You think the 70000 pages of the “Tax Code” which finds loopholes for the wealthy confusing even to the IRS auditors, the same loopholes exist with “sanctions”, it’s all for the wealth hoarders. Loopholes are the brainchild of the 1%, and it all looks so welcoming to the True Americans we are, to allow wealth to cripple our Democracy. And sanctions hurt the bottom-line of many wealthy Americans hiding their taxable loot offshore. You want to talk “Collusion” look no further then with our very own “sworn-to-duty” Congress, as the “Lobby Lasso” has been a noose around our Patriotism for way too long. Said again, when Democracy and Patriotism finds itself in the cross-hairs of wealthy WAR lords, we must re-act and this election is sentiment we are tired of the Mitt Romneys and “Trust-Fund” babies that will never have to worry about a meal. Work a real job, that’s nonsense. So, what went on after the Trump Tower victory celebration is on the heading for an indictment collision course. Jail time I doubt, as Trump will use the executive powers eraser and cleanse the criminal record of his beloved corrupt family. End of story. But how did we get into this distractive mess with a MORON at the helm? As the 45th Commander-in-CCC? What’s this CCC? COVFEFE CASTRATION COMPLEX is what I call the results of the election, as “We the People” were castrated along with Democracy. See, it was a close call election even when it all began - as there were no viable candidates that could behave like past presidents, except for Bernie Sanders. But mention the word “Socialist” and lice jump out of headdress hairdos. So, from the starting gate, it was a see-saw opportunity and in the end, it was Donald Trump that captured a few more electoral votes. Mind you not popular votes, so location-location-location! It was the ruralites that sent the “pussy grabbing” monster to take up residency in the Oval Office. And that is wherein I coin the “Waste Vote”, a little different than the “Race Vote”. Waste? Yes, votes from a faction of American society that have the honor and privilege to cast a vote but are sympathetic to…drum roller-derby please, “Fake Crap”. For a recap, Hillary won the “Popular Vote” by some 3-million votes, but it was the electoral college through Cheery breaking-Gerrymandering that allowed the “Waste Vote” to rule the results of such a close election. “Waste Vote” is defined as a faction of America that understands one thing, World Wide Federation wrestling entertainment! See, Donald was a familiar face on the “Fakest” of all fakes, “Big Time Professional WrestleMania” and a business that made the McMahon’s $billionaires”. In fact, as a payback to Vince and Linda, the Misses with a degree in Parlezvous Francais found a position in the Trump Dysentery Dynasty administration - as head of the SBA. She shares an office toilet with Sarah Palin, at 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue and the reason Pepe Le Pew is allowed immigration status - what stink? And the WWE provided free campaigning for Trump during the election, as many that wasted hard-earned income to witness “Fake Crap” could relate to Trump from his affiliation with the ring-side - that stuff that makes a man’s MAN, like big fake tits, pussy grabbing and everything else that goes on at the sidelines. When it came to cast Thy vote, many of the votes that overturned Hillary’s dream - I mean Bill’s wet-dream to be back in action with the Lolita Express as Hillary went busy had she won - those votes came from Trump fans familiar with a face at an attraction that is “Fake”, condones Rikishi Stinkface ass-facing, brutality, bestiality but arouses that American spirit of “indivisible independence”. We can vote for a maggot, a moron, whatever makes its way past 1st base! It was a vote made possible by guilty through association. And because many despised Bill thus despised Hillary and saw an opportunity to follow an individual that supports the “wrestling” mentality, the “Waste Vote” won the election for Donald John Trump. Get over it, and if depressed that there will come no payback any collusion with Portnoy, stop complaining and just listen to dueling banjos and remember, Deliverance is coming to a voting booth near you - as this is all many understand as a pledge of allegiance. The “Waste Vote” is here to stay…squeal like a pig, no faking it!

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