Tuesday, January 2, 2018

MORON's "Waste Card"

One of the things that modern “finger-tip” technology brings to us with computer chips, now chirping and chipping away at our everyday pursuit to happiness, is the “number crunching” capabilities to provide some interesting results on every which way but loose subject matter. And one of the disciplines that finds incredible advances every-time a chip finds a flip-to-flop transition closing in on the speed of light is “Statistics”. Many pure mathematical geniuses, like Theodore John Kaczynski, seem to heckle the “stat-men” as hocus-pocus magicians. Theodore was an expert on “Boundary Theory” and today tests his theory by living in a stall. See, “Statistics” is not a pure science, it is that “chance theory” based on trying to paint a big picture by capturing a small picture and using mathematical principles to, well make a guess - so the magician's wand is paramount. Same thing used by gambling casinos - losers never win and it follows the Mobius Strip mentality! I will win someday, and loose…But even with minimal data confiscated through harassing phone scams, garbage-in garbage-out algorithms that can predict a result with a degree of precision above and beyond are becoming common place. Computers with “massive memory” banks and high-speed manipulative net-neutrality networking lends a hand to the predictive models used for just about everything useful in our daily lives. Political polls are part of that mainstream behavior trying to give us a hint of what is happening around us, from a mathematical representation that is supposed to be accurate. Gallop, Pew, Rasmussen to name but a few - these pollsters can only collect data from a small population and then try to make predictions wherein the results are acceptable, within a “margin of error” the general population. That the population and density used to filter out a result represents it all. Most political polls find a plus-to-minus 3-percent error. This is based on time proven algorithms, but it doesn’t take into account excessive “outliers”, which is an element paramount the success of the “Hocus Pocus”. An outlier is an outsider that ruins the pattern of migration and the more radical a movement with overflow - those abandoning their posts like 60% of Trump’s administration - well it can skew the process that was at one time acceptable within the “margin”. If an individual under the microscope finds a poll at 32%, in reality it could be at the high of 35% or a low-ball 29%. Now for the last 346-days of misery nearly a year gone bye-bye, Donald, who shares the same middle name as Theodore the mathematician, the MORON’s approval rating has stalled at a rather interesting 32%. It doesn’t budge off that sweet zone – which is bothersome, no matter what’s in the “Tweet”. So in Simple Simonism, the algorithms that form the basis for this evaluation, they may be stuck due Trump’s radical irrational behavior. The man doesn’t fit the mold! We must get this right, else it is “FAKE” advertisement and affects the future. Many deadbeats base a “cherished” election vote on the polls and it becomes a popularity contest. Concerned, as Trump is very faithful over this “Fake” criticism his departure from normalcy, I met with Phineas J. Whoopee up at the University of Alaska – at the Arctic Region Supercomputing Center in Fairbanks. Phineas is the Chief HP Statistician and after a few beers and some weed, we were both in concert that maybe, just maybe the algorithms used by the pollsters needed an adjustment factor applied. Now Phineas has at his disposal a super-duper SuperComputer from Cray and part of the Department of Defense’s “High Performance Modeling” program. The university has been the recipient of “fast” computers courtesy the U.S. Taxpayers for many years, and residents are allowed access to use the “brains” of this computer, called the Chugach PacMAN that which consists of over 3000-CPUs. Imagine having that many laptops working at once? And 200000000000000 flip or flop memory cells? Now for over the past month, Phineas went engaged in testing the existing polling algorithms for accuracy, to see if the results warranted a time for a change. Low and behold, there existed many outliers when trolling Donald Trump’s approval rating, so a correction was required. According to the 1st poll of 2018, the PJW Poll – that which sports the latest and greatest and fastest polling result mathematical modeling known to man, the as stated and original “margin of error” was basically in error. The new margin is NEGATIVE 8%. See, with the use of the DOD eavesdropping on “Tranquility”, confidential “citizen” data can be transposed to indicate trend-setting, and there existed a trend over the past 10-months that can explain why that 32% approval is in reality 24%. Like college football for some, it is WWE setting precedence for lowering this nation’s IQ, when families spend a whole lot of their time watching “FAKE” slam dunking Rikishi Stinkface melodrama – a.k.a. “Fake” Bigtime wrestling. When kids are allowed to be delinquent with homework, as the “Big Time” is far more important than reading, writing and arithmetic. So, the polls are stale, due a majority of Trump’s supporters engaged in other more extra-curricular activities of impotence. They voted in that desire, and then went back to watching “FAKE” head slams. Hey, ask wrestling fans who Fabulous Moolah or Andrea the Giant is? You will get a whole lot of correct answers. Now ask who Eric Holder was, or John Kerry, you will be awarded with blank stares. And ask a wrestling fan if Donald Trump ever served his country, you’ll find out that Donald took on the “Boogey Man” and scalped Vince McMahan. These are the “outliers” that strangle good science. With a correction factor applied to compensate for the “Big Time Reality”, the margin of error crashes to Negative 8%. And this will remain as a correction…for the next 3-years as his majority are bored with politics and want more "Moolah” madness. If 2-years from now Trump is down in the polls and about to face a re-election lose, if he shows up at a WWE “Live Raw” with his Melanomia and Kelleyanne, he will get more than enough votes. The “Beach Haven” maggot’s win had nothing to do with Russia, get over it, Trump played the waste card and won fair and square. Now on another subject of interest, Phineas found that there could be another troubling factor as to why Donald Trump’s approval is in the cesspool. Now this is rather personal. According to the pre-mature ejaculation algorithm that the Chugach PacMAN found so interesting, Donald is not getting any nooky! OK, the approval rating for having sex was “zero”. And since snatch grabbing pussy is not allowed due the Secret Service will not let a Russian whore come within tongue kissing distance of the Tic-Tac monster, especially those with “Big Fake Tits” that are within reach, Trump’s hands are going crazy. With that, his only means of satisfaction is through ejaculation, to satisfy that rant and rage using “Twitter”, as it allows the use of two-hands, like when jerking off. So, bon voyage. He’s coming, he’s coming! Amazing, technology at our fingertips to sniff the mind of a pervert this madman at the helm with jerkoff instincts. Cray Chugach PacMAN, 5-trillion strokes! Donald? A 5-second “Tweejaculation” and…for real a bed-bug would have a better demonstration of righteousness than what is sitting in the White House. Like Bob Dylan sang out, “Don’t need a weatherman to tell which way the wind blows” and the “Ballard of the Thin Man” finds companionship with Portnoy’s Complaint and Clockwork Orange as the latter combined paints a picture of what “We the People” are up against - something even “Boundary Function” Theorist Ted Kaczynski could not capture in a calculation that was for real, as divide by "zero" is an error in  reality but very representative of the IQ those that fall under the "Waste Card" faction of Americans allowed to voice that vote.

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