Sunday, December 31, 2017


Wow, after 342 antagonizing days of decent dissident discord against the GOP and Vladimir Portnoy Putin’s wet dream “boy” as Commander-in-CCC, finally I can agree upon something and lend support the agonizing agenda of the 45th to disrupt “Tranquility”. Low and behold miracles happen, with only 1-day shy “auld lang syne” I rest my case, for a teensy-weensy bit of leniency. CCC? COVFEFE CASTRATION COMPLEX, a.k.a. Portnoy Putin’s complaint against US for castrating the Russian leader’s meddling in our Democratic election process! See, the Ex-MORON - so far the “Ex” only in test phase this broadcast time will tell - has belched out his disgust through that perverted “middle finger texting” on how the Pony Express is wasting U.S. Taxpayer loot for signing on the dotted line a commitment of “Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.” Sure enough Trump took on a similar oath, he is but a fair weather fiend. Look, get over it even though we were supposed to learn it all in Kindergarten, the wealthy learn an entirely different set of conditional rules – and being nice and playing fair is neither one of those “Fine Citizen Pence” attributes! And there is more, as it was the Second Continental Congress in 1775 that gave Benjamin Franklin the “Postmaster General” title when Ben was being electrocuted by a kite that went sailing for castration relief over the White House. But first a primer on the Uncle Sam “mailman” posse. Mail delivery has praytell, for over 242-years been a break-even money-making proposition – as the mailmen-mailwomen entity’s only obligation through vigilance as a business is to recoup enough income to pay the carriers’ wages. See, all those little Red, White & Blue trucks screaming through our neighborhoods being chased by the “Hood”, the mobile equipment required to get those “Fake” scam “pay us or else” greetings to our elderly, “We the U.S. Taxpayers” provide that handout along with all those Post Offices found in every nook’n cranny sea to shining sea. Remember, “this land is your land, this land is my land” so a post here means a post there that is sometimes the only job creator in these tiny havens of Democracy! So, as long as that little old postal stamp maintains the edge with the yearly wage budget, all is good. But in order to have a better understanding of how the “Mail” posse actually operates, one best look to Alaska – the 49er for a “Lessons Learned” in CASTRATION! See, there are hundreds of remote Alaskan villages that are not connected to a major road system throughout the one-square mile-per-citizen-dense Pence state that was purchased on the cheap from Russia! Another one of Portnoy Putin’s complaints! Now the U.S. Congress has always funded what is called the “Back Door Man” mail delivery route throughout Alaska, at a tune of some $80-Million bucks each and every year for many years now more to come. With no roads it means expensive plane rides aboard “private” small fixed wing planes wherein half of the passenger cabin is reserved for this “Alaska Bypass” freight fright. Even if NO goods, Uncle Sam pays for no show customers. It is costly, getting stuff – including booze and girly magazines – to the bush rats. Yet, to get a Christmas card from Congressmen Don Young’s dungeon in Washington – his fromunder zoo of dead animals – it still costs only 49-cents when in reality it costs $49-bucks and gives inflation a nasty disposition. OK, a 12-pack No Coke Pepsi costs you and I through regurgitated taxation upwards $12-bucks for shipping and handling only – for preferential treatment in Alaska! Yes, shipping costs sometimes more then the sipping goods as the government is trying to cause massive sugar addictions so then it can….what Medicaid? Anyway, let’s get back on track as to why the Pony Express is “bankrupt” today. And for that episode in CASTRATION we must go back some many solstice moons ago, wherein a young entrepreneur tested the limits of how far Uncle Sam would go out on the limb with this “Back Door Man” must deliver! See, there existed very little requirements for what was considered a 1st Class parcel as the Alaskan criteria did not take into consideration “weight” as that would have automaticlly made Don Young agitated – and when Don gets pissed coconuts go flying every which way loose cannons look out. Look, if Don opens that office door to deploy weapons of Moron destruction the entire “Hall of Congress” would have to be evacuated then quarantined! Now when not at his fromunder zoo, Don’s home is off the grid so he relies on the “Back Door Mailman” to get his welfare checks to Ft. Yukon. Now since weight was not a factor that which calculated the cost of Don’s garbage being flown as a passenger, it was by dimension only and by virtue of the intelligence required as a member of Congress in the new-age of John Boehner “stoolers”, only 2-sides counted as to add a 3rd element would mean a volume over an area of interest and that confused this 3rd grade teacher. Yes, Don was at one time a teacher, failed that endeavor so became a U.S. Representative, par for the course of course. Now an outlying village in Alaska was accepting bids to build a new school, which is not a cheap proposition in a place with no roads as in the past it meant construction materials had to be barged up the Yukon River when the ice went out then hauled to the building site on special contraptions that ruined the wilderness, sometimes adding a construction cost “double” what it would take to build the same in Anchorage. Where a road system connected Home Depot to the building site. So this young guy realized that a concrete block that was X x Y was within the U.S. Postal “length x width” definition and thus could be sent on a plane ride joy ride for the cost of a postal stamp and Uncle Sam would eat the costs for the weight problem. No matter how many pallets of bricks as it was a requirement for the USPS to get the goods to the destination on time. So this kid places a bid on the school construction project and due the fact it is “weigh” below any other bids, wins a lucrative contract to furnish the building supplies, or thousands of bricks. When he showed up at the Anchorage USPS “Hub” to send off pallet after pallet of bricks, at first the mail clerk refused service. But the kid produced a copy of the “Congressional Approval” letter and the clerk then gave the OK. For several weeks “private planes” under contract with Uncle Sam - which are rather small so weight restrictions sometimes limited the cargo haul to 15-bricks – well “I built it one plane load of bricks at a time and it didn’t cost me a dime.” Anyway, the kid made out like a bandit. As in his bid he also included a “brick shit house” fee of 50-cents per brick! It was still way below what other contractors had bid in the past for similar remote construction projects – this kid used the system as it was so designed.  With the “windfall” the success of his “brain-child”, he paid off his college loans, paid off all his debt, purchased a rental condo and low and behold he is now helping Don Young negotiate the new “Tax Reform” so this should be an insight into what it will all mean in the coming years – pure FromUnder! And yes, the USPS is being raped over the villain coals, and “We the People Taxpayers” are the recipients for massive over-exposure billings and paying for preferential treatment time and time again in legislation that was designed for a single purpose, so members of Congress like Don Young and MoanaLisa MurCowpiefly can re-capture vote-me-in-again and keep a “Do Nothing for America” job for a lifetime – and then we pay their retirement, medical benefits and who knows what else in lucrative giveaways that are secretly stashed away in page after page of stuff no-one seems to really understand. So, if Donald Trump is NOT a MORON, then maybe he will finally get to the bottom of why in hell the USPS is still a candidate for rape, through legislation designed by the GOP, but I doubt it as he already gave way to incest with the “Tax Reform”. All aboard, yes the GOP knows how to rape US over, and fromunder!

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