Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Bannon Bluff Charge

Being an Alaskan and the experience to boast about it, I know what a bluff charge is all about! When a “Brown Bear” targets an innocent moving object out of curiosity, if you be such a target breath quickly your last breath as an 800-pound beast on the charge defies the speed-of-light and the physical principles behind mass and momentum fails the test. Such a “charge” is designed well as a natural instinct behavior, as a means to scare the target into freezing in place and “shatting in thy pants”, and this is what Steve Bannon is up too with Donald Trump and Company. With Bannon’s latest attack on Donald John Trump and his family in Michael Wolff’s “Fire and Fury, using words to the effect “Treasonous” with respect to how the Trump Tower dysentery dynasty operates and is so possessed with “image” upon a phony net-worth through money laundering, is this a for real “Bluff Charge”? Bannon and Donald were ball brothers when they entered the Oval Office, and threw X-marks the spot darts where the Bill Clinton cum stains remained. See, with Ursus Arctos, the “Bluff” is supposed to scare the target into retreating after trying to remain stillborn, and when you can see this curious bear needs dental work as it is breathing down your back so out of desperation make that “Exit stage left” move, that mistake arouses the hunting instincts and allows a mauling. If you ever heard a scavenger bear chomping through a caribou carcass in the pitch darkness of a rainy night in the middle of the wilderness, it is hair-raising scary. There are no tress to climb in Alaska! But a “Bluff Charge” has a defining reason, not always a mauling the outcome, but may also be a “Territorial Boundary” thing, pre-ordained as a survival instinct. OK, from a human philosophical standpoint that we are different then wild animals along with the fact undisputed Bannon being an educated successful individual, he is using the Henry Murray technique to get the same results as a “Brown Bear” on the charge. It is all a “BLUFF”! Bannon quit the Trump Tower, but that doesn’t mean he gave up on his Breitbarf promise to dismantle DEMOCRACY. So, by playing the “needs & press” mind games with his ex-boss at a critical time when heat is on between Donald and Bong Un, it can produce results consistent with Bannon’s dream. “Total destruction the only solution”? Yes, Henry Murray was a psycho that taught at Harvard and was instrumental in the behavioral experiments conducted by the CIA, called the MK-Ultra. It is designed to push to the brink, wherein it can cause an individual to experience bouts of a “Schizotypal Personality Disorder” and often referred to as the TIT, for “Theatrical Imbecile Test”. How successful is Murray’s formula to disrupt normalcy? Just ask Theodore John Kaczynski, as he was one of Murray’s guinea pigs while attending Harvard, at age 16. Ted was a brilliant mathematician, and had he not been subject to these experiments, he would be another Stephen Hawking, take that back, a better role model like Isaac Newton. Instead, he was pushed to the brink and remains confined in a cell. See, that’s what’s wrong with our prison system, why are we not tapping this man’s brain for modernizing “Boundary Theory and Bluff Charges”? But like with Kaczynski, Donald John Trump will end up with the same fate, a jail cell after being charged with crimes unbecoming a schizotypal psychopath. In today’s world of unethical experimenting, Apocalypse Now Nearing Armageddon, ANNA is TIT on steroids. So yes, Bannon has “Bluff Charged” the 45th for a reason, best RUN for our liberty as we are all being charged with trying to remain PATRIOTIC AMERICANS while assholes commit Hairy Carey Helter Skelter on our Constitution, as nowhere in that sacred document does it allow for a schizotypal psychopath to remain in office and have access to the “nuke” codes.  Bannon’s dream coming true!

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