Sunday, January 7, 2018

NETanyahu Neutrality

I guess this is that Net-Neutrality Netanyahu Neutering taking place, as I feel the Covfefe Castration Complex closing in my neutrality. OK, the “NETanyahu Neutering” doesn’t affect my standing like it will with an African national that wondered over the border to neighboring Israel from Sudan and Eritrea seeking relief from genocide. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu - under indictment for political corruption bribery but still in power like Donald Trump - NET calls these freedom seeking folks “Illegal Infiltrators”. A little different from what we call the same here in the states, “Illegal Pickers” and I love my fresh fruit from “Deportee-ville”. Ever see a man’s hands after picking grapes all day? Wait until you see what the children’s little fingers look like, and not from school chalk! Now first and foremost, we send NET $3.8-Billion each year on a 10-year commitment earmarked for “Military Aid”. But we are here, NET the bribester is there and do we really know wherein that loot confiscated away from the U.S. Taxpayers finally ends up? OK, NET most likely continues to stuff his pockets and that of his closest friends with your hard-earned loot confiscated under taxable income. And that rape will continue under the GOP “Tax Reform” as foreigners have more say with the U.S. Congress then do “We the People”. Why are we feeding everybody else? And even though the Moron talks about taking it all back home, it is not a serious threat as if the penis-envy-genius was true to his commitment, this NETanyahu Neutrality would have already been reneged upon - this aid without restrictions or at least a conformation receipt. I like many Americans are guilty of “Blood on the Tracks”, the reason Steven Hawking says there is no Heaven sent for Americans. He doesn’t believe in a Creator, insisting that we emigrated this way as imaginary immigrants from a “Black Zit” society, we are but remnants of puss bust fallout - from the “Big Bang”. But starting today, “Niggers” that fled to Israel for a loaf of bread are being given an ultimatum and “This offer good through March 31st”! See, those willing to voluntarily go back to what they ran away from will receive a $3500 bonus, which in Sudan amounts to almost a year’s salary! And where in hell is the NET lassoing the loot for this free-for-all? OK, it amounts to only a fraction of our total welfare check to Israel - but it is NOT the money but for what it is being used to accommodate! See, Israel has a WALL that works, and this “Nigger Go Home” is to get rid of 38000 refugees that snuck under the working WALL. The same kind of working WALL the Moron wants to build with our money! Now this “military” aid package to Israel was signed, sealed and delivery started towards the end of Barack Obama’s 2nd term and only after long winded talks about where and how this “aid” was supposed to be deployed. It was not supposed to be used to air commercials of “Niggers Go Home”, what this NETanyahu bonus program is all about. It was not supposed to contribute to genocide, or anything sounding out that equal rights for our brothers & sisters - no matter the color of one’s skin - be in jeopardy. So, this is one of those little things that is allowed under our new administration and goes under the radar - no one gives a shit that when those that decide to take the bait and that family of four takes the gamble and walks over the border and re-enters Sudan, they will be gunned down and the money stuffed into the pockets of the Warlords. OK, with this Israeli “Nigger Go Away” program, our taxpayer loot also allows the refugees to board a plane and fly far and away, to Rwanda or Uganda. Wherein they will be welcomed to overcrowded refugee camps lacking sanitation. But if you don’t leave Israel with this “too good to be TRUE” offer of freedom, a bunch of our relief money - I mean “military” aid - is being spent to build jails in the Golan Heights. Hey, Israel gets relief as that family that gambled and swallowed the bait, they will never set foot in NET’s backyard again as it is a setup! The “Neutrality” of the equation! It is genocide in disguise as a refugee relief program, and Donald Trump is in cahoots the leaders of a Fuhrer dictatorship bent on demonstrating “White Life” rules, even if by bar-mitzvah gratuity. Remember, this is a 10-year commitment and when “Tax Reform” goes into effect, guess who will pay even dearly for this genocide? Do you really think the wealthy would have anything to do with “genocide”? No, as they have the ways and means to dictate to Congress what they prefer with their cash. We get stuck with the “Sloppy Steve” seconds and that smells of a death grip! Now you know what is behind NET-Neutrality!

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