Monday, January 8, 2018

Manwich Sloppy Steve Bannon

Praytell, the penis-genius Donald MORON Trump thinks “Check-Mate” Steve Bannon is “sloppy”? Like in “Sloppy Seconds” with Russian Coprocolaphilia whores - salami sandwich anyone? But talk about a bluff charge wool pulling extravaganza Manwich - Trump is an expert! See, he shines by mooning himself in that mirror of self-inflicted admiration over and over again, still today rim-licking his GOP ramrod “Tax Reform” and “I did it my way”! I AM ALL THAT MATTERS, I AM THE GREATEST! And wait there’s more, soon to be a $1,000,000,000,000 - that’s a Trillion bucks - awarded toward an infrastructure program that will allow Paul Ryan to retire and follow in John Boehner’s footsteps as the Phantom Hooded Shitter! And do any registered voters have a clue who may be behind the “Phantom Jogger Shitter” episodes, it must be a Congressional member in “good standing” while “shatting”! No squatter’s rights here. Oh NO, with taxation reformed and this “Build America Strong Again” giveaway, the WALL is falling! Ok, if I take $831-Billion from 2009 and adjust it for inflation for 2018, low and behold it amounts to $956-Billion, or just shy a “Tillerson TRILLION” and drum roll please…exactly what Barack Obama authorized for an infrastructure program only 26-days into office back in 2009. So, maybe a Hail Mary out of the Obama playbook legacy? And when I analyze the “Tax Reform of 2017” that was designed to confuse the already 70000 pages of Confusion says Democracy will die a slow Fascist like death under a Trump GOP, let’s remember that Obama’s “American Recovery & Reinvestment Act” was not only a jobs stimulus program. Praytell, one-quarter of the earmarked appropriations was in “Tax” incentives and that amounts to…another drum rollout please, over $2.5-Trillion when it ends in 2019. Get over it, the Trump 911 plan comes into effect after the Obama plan has blown its load, and get over it again, the plan from the penis-envy-genius is but a continuation of what Mr. Obama put into effect as Caregiver-in-Chief. That said, no matter what Portnoy Putin’s KGB keeps telling us, there is collusion still between the penis-genius and Barack. How many desk-tops were sold with “Free” Kaspersky? Remember, some things are too good to be true - same with Trump’s 911 layaway plan. And ever hear of “Don’t re-invent the wheel”? Same thing here, as Clinton hailed the already proven Reagan plan while Bush followed the Cheney plan - what a joke - and then Obama hit the scene and we pleaded for “Liberty”. There is an exception of what the New Penis-Genius Ordeal means, as instead of just leaving well enough alone and saying “Wow, this stud-dude Obama knew what he was doing” and merely extending the “Reinvestment & Stimulus” plan giving credit wherein credit is long overdue, we wage earning salt-of-the-earth Americans that care about this nation will get screwed. The Obama plan was a redistribution of wealth for “All America”, sea to shining sea “this land is your land this land is my land” and a very controversial covfefe program wickedly “shat” upon by the GOP when first introduced only 3-weeks into the 44th’s first term. Don’t believe me, ask Rick Perry as governor of Texas what this Jade Helm maggot said about the program when it was first unveiled, until he found out how much loot Texas would get because the entire project was based on population - the bigger the citizen state the more loot to re-build the infrastructure. That “Stimulus” is what put the WALL on a recovery course that which enjoys an upward trend continuing on today! Trump keeps assuming credit just because it is now on his watch and the benefit reaping still energizes the economy, this plan originated and then instigated by a genuine Patriot, as Obama was. It continues on today, what Obama bargained for the good of the Homeland and history will record this Patriotic statesmen as a genuine hero. But the reason the Penis-Genius-Envy-GOP plan of attack is not a true extension of the Obama legacy, the way in which the earth is being divided up for the wealthy. There is a secret plan of attack in the “Tax Reform”, brace yourself for Net-Neutrality Netanyahu Neutering - which means that the rib-eye you once enjoyed will be the thin-sliced from now on! Yes the 911 plan, wherein the 1% get 91% of the benefit this reform and “We the Proletariat” class get the day old leftovers - a merger 9%. The wealthy bastards think they can take it with them - and that is why Heaven will rock, as these idiots that feel wealth hoarding is what we were placed on this earth is all about - and find their Richie-Richness confiscating away the “Life, Liberty and Happiness” of another human being due selfishness that which is cause for pain & suffering - I will man the Pearly Gates to send them away for penance. For every hungry mouth due their greed mandatory abuse as the Moron’s “Apprentice” ass-kissing maggot. Which means many of his supporters are already lining up doing time. It’s a big ass, but it still takes time! Remember, the Godfather demanded loyalty by kissing the ring, not fromunder! So THANK YOU Mr. Obama, for doing it your way, we salute…and someday the penis-genius’ fan-club will realize the Moron stole the game plan from Real Presidents of past. But with the penis-envy-genius’ penis gallery cult followers lobotomized by the “Twitfox” and his “Blacky” picture show melodramas, the truth may never sink in!

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