Saturday, January 6, 2018

Operation Little Rocket Man

So here it is the 1st weekend already for the 2018 New Year, already out-of-bounds. And instead of the Sad Sack of “shat” baggy-pants MORON heading off to his Mar-a-Lunatic asylum with his Tic-Tac menstruating administration - in tow that desperate house-trophy wife and a son that seems more tuned into day-dreaming the day away wondering what is up with his life and coping with a genius father - this time around it is a Pow-Wow barbecue at Camp Ignoranus - a.k.a. Camp David, circa 2015. I feel sorry for the Barron, as the pressure to be as smart as his Tower Maggot dad, that is a tough road to travel, especially now that Dr. Henry Murray has proven that Donald John Trump is a “Genius”. Henry Murray? Renowned Harvard Yard psychiatrist that tested Ted Kaczynski’s “grey matter” for intelligence. The brain wave patterns from Ted when he was writing his “Boundary Theory” thesis match that of Donald when on “Twitter” medication. Now once upon a time, Camp David was a revered sanctuary for sitting presidents, today it has been taken over by a penis-genius. I mean if the Moron thinks he is Albert Einstein, this is good for science as we need more science in our lives. Just in: Skull & Bones says it does not want Donald’s brain when he passes away, nor does Mutter Matter Museum! Sign of the times I guess. But this weekend rally around the penis-genius with Trump’s fans, that which re-defines the treasonous movement moment, well brace yourself as this get together means WAR. See, North Korea and South Korea are today sucking on the same olive and as they smooch away, come about Tuesday next week they will be tongue kissing. OK, The Man in the Moon said he would open-up a dialogue of peace with the Bong-one, keeping his campaign promise! And with Moon and Bung-hole scheduled to meet next week, therein lies the reason that Trump will do everything “crazed” - using his Moron penis-genius philosophy - to disrupt this peace treaty. See, once the South sits down with the North, the United States’ dick goes limp, we will immediately lose out on a long-standing policy of protecting the Southern boys. With talks, if allowed to actually take place, we will be auctioning off the THAAD missile systems deployed on the Korean DMZ - and our troops will also be out in the cold. See, the Phase II deployment of the missiles was at a South Korean golf course, because the citizens were tired of government corruption and wanted peace instead of WAR thus shot for the Moon, so the golf greens were the only place for the THADD to be dispatched. Yes, since the Moron came into office, we are now protecting golf courses in faraway places - par for the course? With talks of a relationship between the North & South finally becoming a reality, we lose our grip, we lose our foothold in that region of the world any signs of smoke from a Pocahontas peace pipe, and NOT what Trump and his Warlord whores really want. Bong-one has called Trump’s bluff. He has nukes as a deterrent and with peace a reality soon his neighbors, he wins the diplomacy WAR and will be able to flip US the middle finger for a long, long time! See, the DMZ allows a U.S. military presence that which defines the “Trinity” of power. The DMZ is close to the nations that border North Korea - super power China and super power Russia. So, with a military presence at the DMZ, we maintain a very valuable position militarily speaking. If the talks take place as planned, the outcome will call for the removal of the THAAD, and that is wherein we lose our cool, Obama calm and collective bargaining chip. It is basically an eviction notice heading our way. So, this weekend’s Camp Ignoranus POW-WOW, Moron Trump is going to order a limited military engagement against North Korea. That is the reason that Jeff Sessions was not invited to this party of ignoranuses, as a past member of the U.S. Senate and taking an “oath” against “Treason”, he knows this type of harassment is too risky a premature ejaculation moment movement. Like we saw when Barack Obama ordered a secret take-down of Bin Laden, and the Camp David WAR Room was sitting patiently waiting for the smoke to clear to assess the outcome, that is what will be happening this weekend at Camp Ignoranus. As peace is not on Donald John Trump’s radar, just ask the residents of “Beach Haven”, as the little dick penis-genius was handed the keys for bigger and brighter WARS and he is antsy to watch the fireworks of a nuclear armed cruiser as it explodes and in seconds incinerates millions of ants disguised as humans. Trump has already signaled this “Operation” in “Tweets”, when he lashes out at “Little Rocket Man”. The latter is a code-word, as any engagement will utilize a “variable yield” war-head with a destructive force between the “Little Boy” and the “Fat Man” - the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Let’s see what that means…you will smell the burning flesh from here! Here is a solution. Take the nuke “football” away from the penis-genius and give it to Barron to play with, then we can sleep again. And here is another thing that spells it out just how genuine the penis-genius is for real. Within 26-days of Barack Obama taking the “Oath” to embrace “Life. Liberty and that pursuit to Happiness” all Americans sea to shining sea “this land is your land this land is my land”, there came the signature of approval for an infrastructure project that cost the U.S. Taxpayers $855-Billion bucks and set this nation on an economic roll that is still providing a positive charge today. The “American Reinvestment & Recovery Act” was a combined tax break incentive for corporate America and a jobs bill for the working class - yes the best of both worlds. And it worked, beyond expectations for 8-years. So, Trump being the penis-genius that wants to be admired, he is taking a Hail Mary play out of the Obama legend book. In fact, it is 2x an incentive than what was in the Obama legislation - with the so far “Tax Reform” which takes the Obama plan and makes it permanent because it worked so well and with the addition of a jobs project bigger so better than - it is the same size with an inflation adjustment. But it is today 350 days overdue? So, in Simple Simon math, Obama is 10x the man over the Moron. At least, let’s hope, that maybe Trump is catching on, to follow Obama’s lead. Of course the penis-genius will never admit it, nor will the GOP as it will all be disguised. OK the lineup. So (1), on Tuesday the 9th South Korea meets with the North, if Bong-one has not been melted away - please give Barron that football looking thing that is NOT a toy! And (2) Trump has a MD physical scheduled on the 12th with Boris Karloff, yes a mummy so don’t hold your breath Trump’s questionable mental state will be disapproved. And last but not least, on the 30th the penis-genius will be showing US just how much foreskin is used to for the makeover in a long overdue “State of the Eunuch” address in front of the world only fools rush in!

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