Tuesday, January 23, 2018


Donald John Trump just signed the “Jinpingpong Tariff”, that which places an import fine on solar panels built in China, 30-cents on the dollar - OUCH! That will basically place a slow-down like kabash on investment cash for future solar energy activities. “It’s NOT easy being Green”, unless we are talking Eric Trump type “Green” that which defines the Trump Tower. And the timing of this fine is so interesting, as why did it take a year and a day before the stroke of the 45th’s pen in efforts to chastise a nation bent on helping US go green? Well there is a method of madness this timing, as the last component needed for the “Humongous” 200000000-watt Tranquility 8 solar plant down yonder Devin Nunes and Kevin McCarthy territory has been delivered, so time to halt the imports. How so convenient, this preferential treatment. Yes, imports have been considered a problem with solar ever since the Bush era “Incentive Tax Credit” came into effect. And in effect until 2020 - due extensions by Barack Obama. Now for the Tranquility 8 project, which is merely an investment opportunity for purposes of a “Tax Credit”, a.k.a. “TAX EVASION”, all the major components needed to turn “free & clear” sunshine into much needed electricity, that stuff found a Non-Toll-No-Troll bridge from China through Canada then delivered to California’s GOP dominated territory.  And when Nunes and McCarthy covered the ground for the poorest man in Congress, David Valadao, it was important to allow the imports to continue on without restrictions. But now, time to disgrace the “Green Machine” as the Trump supporting investors have raided the henhouse once again. They used this “Tax Credit” like a condom, and now that the “stimulus” has ejaculated the wealth it is time to once again keep the promise to the base - castrate imports that sends away low paying jobs. So, a solar plant installer making more than minimum wage and a few hours OT each day, sign up to fabricate panels at minimum wage - no bonus here! But assign the import fine only after…This is the Maggot Moron’s way to settle the score, against the fact that a “Black Man” made it into the White House before he did. Donald’s agenda is designed to undermine every damn thing that Barack Obama accomplished - I ask is this Presidential? No, in fact it is Ted Kaczynski like thinking. It is acting in accordance with a Portnoy Complaint Clockwork Orange “mind” derangement. And by placing a “Tariff” on cheaper solar panels made in “Xi Land”, couple that with the fact-not-fiction history will prove we cannot here in the United States produce some things on the cheap due manpower and resource constraints. What that means? It will add a $30-Million dollar fine to solar farms proposed this year and next year into the next - and that pushes it to the brink of “DOA”. In jobs, we could see a reduction of well over 90000 year-round paychecks. Well it is the Moron’s secret way to dismantle the progress this nation has accomplished with “Going Green” solar. See, Obama extended the tax credit until 2020, and this is how the sitting president sly stones the intent of, well acting like a President and instead acting like a Richie-Rich kid brat! Word of Warning - WATCH OUT as Armageddon Apocalypse Now is rewarding the chaos-thinking behind FASCISM. Take more from the poor and more from the middle class and give it to the few of wealth - “Lousy Hat” YES, we need SOLIDARITY Now!

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