Thursday, January 25, 2018

Dumber then Dumb

Yes, it appears that Donald “The Moron” Trump’s supporters have met the challenge of proving to society that they are indeed “Dumber then Dumb”. Not because of the way they cast a vote in 2016 for a bonafide perverted “Moron”, but the fact they continue to support a dunce bag of a President. This nation’s worst nightmare is “Denial”, which leads to a divide as we cannot cope with the fact we may have been wrong and by holding on to it, well divided we fall! Never before has the division between the Right and the Left been separated by such a cesspool. Case in point our denial of Douche Bag legislation: Trump signs into effect an “Import Tariff” on washing machines in the tune of a 30% fine and his “Secret Shadowy Society” conspiracy vigilante, led by Trey “Playpen” Goudie of the “House of Horrors” and Senator Ron “I See Shadows” Johnson, they think this is great because they failed the basic principles of Simple Simon math while in kindergarten. Will somebody please give Mr. Goudie an elephant tranquilizer, he’s blowing a fuse over the “SSS” and it was a FAKE NEWS joke! I honestly believe we need to amend the U.S. Constitution to add some provision as far as “qualifications” for members of Congress. Yes, there is already an age qualifier wherein to be a Senator it requires more maturity by 5-years, but that doesn’t seem to be enough these days. I mean if members go off on a tizzy fit due some e-mail about a “Secret Society” that causes such an uproar…no wonder the rest of the world leaders are laughing at US. The mentality of Congress is broke! Anyway, that washing machine fine, it will now mean an extra $80-bucks to replace the Maytag man’s ancient rust bucket. See, within a week of the Moron signing this fine without the aid of his genius cap in standby a dunce cap, “We the People” suffer as the exporters that will pay the fine have decided to have US consumers pay up for half of that crime! Now $80-bucks for a new washer and because the “fine” also attacks the importing of solar panel, well 50% of that “Trump Bonus” that came about due “Tax Reform” has already been applied for by others, and it is only the 1st month of Trump’s 2nd term of endangerment. This is the first sighting of Fascism, we have “Zero” control over our own destiny. The way things are going, the Proletariat class will be bankrupt, which means the plan of attack with taxation is working already and we will pay! Yes, with the stroke of a pen, it swallows away our “Freedoms”. See, with the “Threat” of an import fine, the foreign exporters know that we cannot build a factory overnight to replace what other nations are supplying, our needs sea to shining sea. And they also know that even when a plant is designed then built then operating to pimp out a washing machine, due to labor wages here in the states, well we cannot compete! It is preposterous to think otherwise. The only way “Trump Economics” will work is to have all of US work at minimum wage! That is Trump’s MO, paying less and less as he has a history of NOT paying contractors wherein through lawsuits and settlements workers ended up with pennies on the dollar - a pittance of a pay check! Instead of basing an economy on building stuff that is cheaper as an import, emphasis should be on the “Infrastructure” like with roads, bridges and building an underground electric grid from coast to coast. One high-voltage wire on the northern border another on the southern border to electrify the WALLs! Only kidding, but infrastructure and the jobs created can cater to a wage that allows US to buy imports even with a fine attached. The production line mentality is done with, as robotics and high-tech is of age. Even if we build modern day production lines for the “gadgets”, we have no longer the resources, so that in itself is reason to stay clear of that kind of economy. With Obama, this nation was up to “Basic Economics of Scale 501”! Today, we have been sent back to Zero minus Love. The reason? Donald Trump is a failed “Business Man”! Ruining casinos and hotels, that isn’t any indication of business success. Look, a casino steals away your hard-earned income, offers cancer causing tobacco filled indoor entertainment when it is beautiful outside and we fall for the “Shadow Society”. And hotels nowadays suck, you cannot even open a window for fresh air so inhaling everybody else’s farts, that’s the “Secret” element of the equation behind the “SSS”! But we gave the Moron a 365-day trial run, and we are in ruins with his pathetic ways and means on how to run ruin a nation. We have been dumbfounded. There exists today enough evidence to indict the ham and impeach the sandwich, yet due denial we squander away our existence as “Freedom” seekers. The reason the Moron has not been run out of town, we are afraid to admit defeat - the agony of coming out. Another sign of a Fascist like takeover - it is a slow death upon Miss Liberty. We are all guilty and need SOLIDARITY to get back on track. So, the Moron legislates “crap” because he is incompetent and his sooth-Sayers go along for the joyride. And Samsung, when they got word of this “fine for No crime” on washing machines, they sent a “virus” that infected every damn cell-phone here in the states, to rub out data which may have been testament to its very own “SSS” to spy on US. Instead of the Goudies in Congress attacking the FBI, we are under attack and attacking the wrong target - another element of Fascism as it looks good from the mainstream but the “Shadow” knows. Remember, we started the WAR with “hacking” through the introduction of the Stuxnet virus and when it was discovered by the Iranians, they cloned the beast then sold it to the highest bidder and it is today wrecking havoc on our political machine. So, it is Not difficult to see what is going on, it is NOT secretive but shadowy - and by spending so much damn time attached to that “social media”, it is the ultimate in a subliminal message to prove that you can “fool most of the people most of the time” as we are so busy speaking out our opinions when behind the scenes Fascism is sneaking up! Words alone cannot STOP the madness that is soon to disrupt Tranquility, due Fascism taking over. And this is NOT some plan hatched out by an imbecile Moron, we cannot give him that much credit! It is dictated from abroad through “chaos” as a ways and means to use the “division” to end DEMOCRACY. Look, no matter what form of government exists after the fall, the wealthy have no shame “Democracy” be gone as they believe money can “buy me love”. SOLIDARITY NOW as “Dumb and Dumber”, look in the mirror as we are all guilty and part of the cesspool when all we do is sit back an opinionate from the comfort of…excuse me there’s a hard knock on the front-door, it’s Mr. Fascism with a mandatory draft notice!

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