Thursday, January 25, 2018

Trumprophilia Hyperbole

On January 22, FOX News Dead-weight Anchor Lou Dobbs published a statement via a “TWITTER TWEET”, highlighting a “National Crisis Now” that which received fast-track feedback from the FOX stagNATION followers. That broadcast found the “We are Divided” through the typical “negative” free speech rhetoric bombardment, so glad to be an American! We are opinionated, and a reminder what such a “divided” means in the end - we fall! But one particular follow-up steaming stream about this “Crisis” was both harmful to a “free society” and a direct threat to past U.S. President Barack Obama. That “Threat” signified the gallows lynching of Barack Obama and sent directly to Dobbs and Donald John Trump, the “TWITTER” President. This “Tweet Threat” was re-sent to Trump a few hours later @realDonaldTrump, thus the culmination of (2) bonafide “Threats” against the retired-with-honors 44th President of these United States - all in a matter of 10-hours, as with the first threat neither Donald John Trump or Lou Dobbs saw it fit to challenge this “Threat” in efforts to arrest this “Treasonous” gesture. And we know that “The Morons” NETanyahu Neutrality Neutering shit is eavesdropped upon by his mistress’ network, so why NO call out this “Death Threat” that which showed a dead Obama? When I saw the “Threat”, I re-tweeted it to the Secret Service, as it was a sickening gesture NOT at all in-line with “Patriotic Freedom” or an inalienable right upon which the 1st Amendment finds credibility. This was a bonafide premeditated threat against Barack Obama, no different then what occurred with an attempted assassination upon Gabrielle Giffords when Alaska’s “Mean Spirited Mamma Grizzly” Sarah Palin’s “SarahPAC” targeted the Arizona representative in the crosshairs - as was broadcast to the fringe through the multi-media madness. Sure enough, in that unfortunate case a soldier of the fringe went to WAR, and this is what scares me. Look, like it or leave it, the sitting President of these United States has a sworn duty to “Protect the Constitution of the United States” which by proxy means protecting the citizens. Donald John Trump did nothing when this “Death Threat” was broadcast against Barack Obama, a dereliction of duty and this should be enough to claim incompetency this individual “unfit” to righteously fulfil the position as Commander-in-Chief. At the same time, Lou Dobbs should surrender forever his journalistic credentials for also remaining silent, as to speak up may alienate the base. And who knows, upon receipt this “Death Threat”, maybe the Moron and Dobbs enjoyed the “I Like” send! Sad, when these two men with the tools, the power to make or break a compromising situation balk, because of the “Divide”. But then again, this is the Modus Operandi of Donald John Trump and FOX News is “but for” an abortion. My proclamation: If the stagNATION fringe makes any attempt to harm Barack Hussein Obama or his family, I will take up arms and defend My Country ‘Tis of Thee at any cost my “Liberty”.

So “Truthful Hyperbole” with due respect to the “Beach Haven” Moron legacy, in reality is just a camouflage for a disgusting combination of coprophilia and urophilia or better yet, Trumprophilia:

"Truthful Trumprophilia Hyperbole" is defined as "an innocent form of exaggeration, Donald John Trump’s way to promote bravado to play to victim's fantasies.” According to Mr. Trumprophilia; “People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That's why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It's an innocent form of exaggeration -- and a very effective form of promotion.” Basically, shitting and pissing on his innocent victims, and because of the strict Ponzism order involved that which reeks of Fascism, he sits at the top of the pyramid like a King and the trickle down golden shower shit fallout Amens US all.


To: Mr. Jack Dorsey/CEO Twitter, Inc.
From: S Pam McGee
Subject: Cease & Desist for @realDonaldTrump, Social Media Alias of Donald John Trump 45th President of the United States.
Date: January 24, 2018

Cease & Desist Order

Donald John Trump, the 45th sitting President of these United States of the Union, is sworn to oath to “Protect”: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” On January 22nd and 23rd, Donald John Trump under the Social Media Network alias @realDonaldTrump was the recipient of “Death Threats” targeting Barack Hussein Obama, wherein a fan and follower of Mr. Trump distributed an easy-to-understand “wish” gallows like lynching and Mr. Trump remained silent this “threat” when he has a duty to arrest such insinuating attacks. Without a voice speaking up against such rhetoric, it can excite the fringe to take such action against innocent victims. Case in point what happened to Gabrielle Giffords when Sarah Palin’s SarahPAC found the Arizona representative in the cross-hairs, indeed an insinuating “Death Threat”. Palin remained silent and today we know the results of such cowardice behavior unbecoming any Patriotic American. These types of insinuating “Threats”, it is NOT free speech. Donald John Trump as recipient of this “Threat” on two separate occasions by a fan-follower under the @RobbieBen69 shows an irresponsibility and Mr. Trump along with Mr. Dobbs should be reprimanded their silence. This Cease & Desist Order is delivered to Twitter, Inc. in efforts for Twitter, Inc. to regain responsibility its own accord by limiting access for @realDonaldTrump within the Twitter Social Media until such time Mr. Trump shows some responsibility to take action such threats. Respectfully Submitted, S. Pam McGee on January 25th, 2018.

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