Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Cornholed Mazing of America

The “Cornhole Maze King” is a best fit description of the Donald John Trump presidency, so far. Blueprint for success or failure? And the Moron’s cohorts in shame, with the likes of California’s District 23 Devin Nunes’, have proven they are not very good at navigating the “maze” and maybe should have remained farmers. Hear Ye, Hear Ye, it is a “Blueprint for Failure”! Look, when I was a youngster, kids were subject to these Henry Murray “needs assessment” tests that were designed to figure out what one would grow up to be in life. The same tests that Ted Kaczynski failed at when he thought to be a mathematician but somebody else wanted him to act out as the Unabomber. These tests can be devastating to an individual’s ego, from Nobel laureate possibilities to 8-consecutive life terms? OK, the tests were remnants of the CIA mind games! Now these tests had limitations, and if you were not cut out to be anything worthwhile, by default the results labeled you as a farmer - at the time that career was lower than Junie the pig farmer’s status amongst wage earners gainfully employed. I hated these tests and the outcome forecasts for my future. “Sister Irene, I want to be a pig farmer like Junie when I grow up“NO, you can only be a farmer, not a pig farmer, give me your hand”…then it was the yard-stick ruler to the knuckles as this was how the Catholic nuns demanded respect. Look, I went to a Catholic school not by choice, and “torture” was common place. Now when we could withstand the knuckle abuse from the wooden stick, then somebody brain-stormed a longer lasting “stick” with that metal edge. That hurt - sexual abuse was a milder punishment…Now somebody is about to make it rich, as it appears that Trump’s “Blueprint to Failure” is Mobius Strip success for the opportunists and finds itself a “maze” of opportunities reserved for the filthy-rich wealthy already, either by intentional misconduct or the fact his brain works with confusion. Hey, he may be a genius by his own accord, but so was Ted! But now that Fuhrer Trump has set a tariff on two things the 1st Family hates, solar panels and washing machines, the opportunists have found that secret exit from out of the “maze”. Look, this “Beach Haven” Tower Maggot doesn’t like the solar “Greening of America” and I am sure Melanomia despises any White House washing machine that may have cleansed the soiled panties from a Stormey night in the Oval Office when she was AWOL. Is it true, Mel found some panties in her folded laundry that belonged to someone else? And Kellyanne Trump tried to place the blame on Barron? Maze her and maze there! See, for the last 12-years or so Devin Nunes has taken advantage of “Cheap Chinese Imports” with respect to solar. OK, we need a history lesson. It was Dubya and the REPUPLICAN chaired House along with the REPUBLICAN chaired Senate during the 109th Congress that passed Public Law 109-58, the “Energy Policy Act” of 2005. That “Law” instigated the “Incentive Tax Credit” which kick-started going “Green” and today still “Red Hot” for the solar energy economy - which means jobs, jobs and more jobs. Dubya’s incentive allowed for a 30% dollar-for-dollar rebate for solar infrastructure investments and was so successful that it was extended during the Barack “White House”. And down in the Devin Nunes part of the woods, I mean corn husker maze, that is wherein corn growing found a back-of-the-bus seat to preferential solar farm construction. Solar farms have become a $billion$ dollar investment opportunity and the “Tax Rebate Incentive” allows solar to compete with conventional fossil fuel power generation. So, for the past 10-years many of Nunes’ base have been gainfully employed by solar, and that has allowed him to be a Congressional shoefly-in with nothing better to do in D.C. than to study up on Watergate break-ins. Nunes, he sneaks around the White House in the wee-hours, maybe looking for Stormey’s autographed panties! But when many conservative-republicans talk negative upon “solar”, it is just a “corn maze” fake-out as in reality there is a benefit which fills the re-election coffers of the cohort panty stealers. And here we are today, a “corm maze” designed to fool. See, I realized the economic opportunity with the new “Jinpingpong” tariff - just recently signed, sealed and delivered while Uncle Sam was in another “Shithole Shutdown” mood. Trump was working, finding ways to make money for his friends and I do believe I have his MO figured out! Maybe I beat the “maze” rush and called Trump’s bluff. Yes, my time to make it rich and it works like this. The “Xi Tariff” allows a yearly exemption of 12-million solar panels, first come first serve. That is exactly what was planned for the “Utility Sector” required to “Go Green”, so in reality this “Tariff” hurts the residential home-owners the most. See, “Green” was starting to interfere with the reverse course of “Climate Warming” and by executing this “Tariff” before an “Infrastructure”, no way can American manufactures get up to speed to build and supply “solar” panels for projects already on the drawing boards. See, the ITC was extended by Barack Obama in 2015 but will end in 2022. And this “XI Tariff’s” timeline is in direct competition with the ITC, which is indicative that Trump is not interested in “Going Green”. In fact, this tariff will cost investors as it can in reality send the “Tax Credit” into the “red”, negative which means writing a check out to Uncle Sam. It will bankrupt the solar industry, and I guess Trump wants everybody to feel the glory of going under. But like already mentioned, I have a plan of attack that finds a potential of $3-billion in profit margins. I have sent an order for 12-million panels, so I can have available solar modules that can be sold without the tariff due the yearly exemptions. And even if I let Devin’s check writers get off on the cheap, I can easily reap…I’m a $Billionaire$. But someone beat me to it, as this was all rehearsed well in advance in secrecy in the “maze” before Trump placed his signature of approval on the “Tariff”, as it is legislation with one intent, Cornhole Americans!

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