Monday, January 22, 2018

3 in 1 Oil Series

I just woke up from a Charles Bukowski high now hangover, it was that 1 too many and “a thousand miles from my home”. For real, government had to shut-down due overflowing toilets at the White House and the cesspool runneth over? Amazing how the scenery can change on only 5-hours sleep! But I do remember outlasting the competition with the “brewha” and it wasn’t a contest, just a normal night out on the town talking politics, and herein I went again defending why I am neither a democrat or a republican. I don’t take any blame for what is happening right here and now making the U.S. the laughing stock anal shithole. No, I did NOT vote for the MORON. No, I did NOT vote for another Clinton. So, I once again re-iterate my sentiment the right verses the left as I remain a “Solidarity Man”. It is broke, as “DEMOCRACY” deserves a better image then what we find with this “Divided We Fail” common goal the Democrats verses the Republicans!

Test Case #1: John Donovan Doe walks his dog down the long and winding road, enjoying some time away from the “chaos” of listening to “FAKE” news. And when the dog shits, Mr. Democrat cleans up the crap even if know-one is looking, bags it and carries it home for proper disposal. Now all the time Fido is on a leash, because that is in accordance a city ordinance in effect that which can find violators a petti-penalty, but nobody has ever been convicted as dogs cannot plead guilty so not guilty by association. Wow, this dude appears to be that definition of a good Citizen Kane, but we find competition! Jane Donovan Doe Does Dallas, she is out walking her dog, but Toto is not on a leash and takes a crap out of range so goes un-noticed. OK, Mrs. Does Dallas is aware of the shit and picks it up, but attaches the bag to a nearby tree. Nothing like the feeling of warm shit in a stowaway bag, best leave it behind! See, this Republican believes that there exists a job dedicated to picking up the crap, so if everybody picks up their dog doo-doo, then somebody loses a job and then we have to give out un-employment and other forms of welfare as the dog patrol job is not all that important, non-educated equal employment opportunity. Except for the leash law violation, Citizen Kane once again. The argument rests its case as there exists two-sides to every gullible story. And on this dog doo path, come about Tuesday following the busy weekend retreat for doo-doo treats left behind, low and behold all the shit bags are gone. Somebody has the duty, as a job, to pick up another’s shit-in-a-bag - therefore on one side of the fence it has to do with an individual’s inalienable responsibility on the other side of the isle welfare recipient concerns. Rather interesting concept!

Test Case #2: For years when air pollution was finding attention, black billowing smoke was the behavioral model of a vibrant American Industrial Revolution showcase. But today, when is the last time you witnessed a stack out-of-control and choking lungs? OK, about a year ago right after Donald John Trump was inaugurated and he went incarcerated at the “once” White House, many saw “black smoke” after the ill-fated inauguration - that was a book burning ceremony from the Oval Office. No not a ceremonial BBQ, time to burn the U.S. Constitution for Dummies 101 handouts. But you don’t see the once ugly smoke from stacks of Industrial America, sea to shining sea - just white-like water vapor all that is left from the “combustion process”, even if coal be the fuel! Is it because Joe Conservative with that mentality which hates even the fact the G-Men wanted to trim pollution to make it a safer place for our kids finally found an entirely different outlook in life with “Clean Air”? NO! see, when the pressure was on for polluters to do something, they quickly realized that the equipment required to bring air quality within bounds for breathing air and mandated by “or else stiff fines”, it also made the process more efficient - which means less fuel and that allowed for more profits. With that, many conservatives jumped on board the pollution curtailment train, because it made more money, so it was easy to sell the additional equipment to the corporation’s stockholders! Damn, this difference is not that complicated, as in the end we end of with the same results it seems! In this case, we get clean air and more corporate profits, yet for totally different reasoning this end result!

But praytell please Proud Mary, a case wherein something finds differences that does indeed find NOT a common cause? So for Test Case #3, take the “Tax Reform” for instance, a very complicated resume that will over-complicate the already 70000 pages of tax code some more and just about the time the IRS figures it out - “Cha, cha, cha, cha-ching changes”. I will keep it simple, as to how the new “Tax Reform” finds commonality but with a definite difference. We all shit. We all wipe our asses unless we live in a “Shithole”. And way back when we discovered that single ply TP gives US Rikishi Stinkface fingers, we opted to wipe in style with 2-ply, then 3-ply with fragrance - as our shit does not stink when camouflaged or 2 to 3 degrees of freedom away from touchdown! So, if you are NOT on the filthy-wealthy-rich Mar-a-Lago list of preferentially lost souls, NOT only did we end up with a “Lousy Hat”, we now face the latrine with single ply only as the good stuff will be reserved for the Wealthy - whose shit makes a skunk tame on the offensive odor scale! That my friend is the “Tax Reform” for US and them in a nutshell, Toilet Paper legislation!

History: 1 Layer vs. 2 Layers
Simply put, 1 ply toilet paper is made of a single layer of paper, while 2 ply has two layers. Originally, all toilet paper was a one-ply sheet of paper rolled up on a cardboard core. In the 1950’s, a manufacturer created a method to roll and attach one-ply paper together to make a thicker “two-ply”. For years, 2-ply toilet tissue was always thicker and usually assumed to be better. 

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