Sunday, January 21, 2018


 – January 21th, 2018

BPTN - Mainlining News:

Ellis Island Nuked
Town Crier: “Hear Ye, Hear Ye, I come before the citizenry to preach Section 2 under Article II of the United States Constitution, it is hereby acknowledged the following; The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States.”

Wow, due Donald John Trump’s reneging on “Preserving, Protecting and Defending” Women’s Rights due Covfefe Castration legislation, the National Guardsmen from “sea to shining sea” have been furloughed and a “CLOSED” sign arrests Miss Liberty. Without protection she shall be gang raped, Now even though the “Guard” is under the jurisdiction of a State’s governor to secure “Maggie’s Farm”, “Johnny Paycheck” comes from Uncle Sam for the reality show of force majeure! And when the “Weekend Worriers” heard “No More Pay” they responded in kind with “Take this job a shove it” and they went home and will stay home until such time Mitch McConnell ejaculates with some funding, or the NFL playoffs are finished. In the meantime, nothing to worry about as our Founding Fathers entertained the fact “our” leadership would abandon its post and that is wherein the Moron-in-Thief can call out that “MILITIA”. Which today includes any able-bodied American that possess a firearm, and this most likely includes but not limited to that membership of Wayne Lapierre’s National Russian Oligarch Rifle Association, ISIS wannabees, and a majority of Trump supporters that sleep with their guns because they fear a Barack Obama takeover? So how come the “Militia” is a NO Show, why didn’t the Moron call on that backup as he is empowered to do so? Because when the “Militia” heard about being called to duty, wow doctors from sea to shining sea were inundated with “Heel Spur” complaints! Like Commander-in-Chief like Militiamen-in-Briefs!

Mar-a-Lechery Update
So, Mr. and Mrs. Donald John Turpin Trump…OK, not fair to associate the likes of the First (FILTH) Family the “Torture Palace” parents! And is there really a for real “Mrs.” in the Trump Tower mess? It gets complicated a trophy contract wife, what does she perform? But What the Fascination with Fake is up with that Barron? He reminds us of the “Rain Man”, let’s face it pretty “Stormey” in the West Wingnut these days. No NOT the Raymond character likeness, as Barron appears to be the only sane individual in the entire Trump Tower Dysentery Dynasty bunch of cohorts in Covfefe. That withdrawal we see with Barron when caught in public, I went through the same with my parents when delivering Fake News to the Kenney family and caught “red handed” Father Hanrahan of Catholicism in a weird position and weird sounds coming from Mrs. Kenney - see Mr. Kenney was a traveling candy salesman. That was back in the 50’s when we had trust in the Pope. And when I made mention of this at super-time, I was…sent to the dungeon. Really, starvation to remain quiet this perversion of the pulpit. And for real, did you ever see any photos of the Barron hanging with relatives, cousins, nephews, aunts or uncles? He knows when and where to keep a distance suspicious characters, like Catholic priests. And supposedly when the Barron saw that crowd walking by the White House during the “Women’s March” and shouting “Trump Tower Piece of Shithole Shit”, he tried to sneak out of his “Marilyn Chambers” to sneak in the March, but when you live in a dungeon that can be very compromising. Like so I am trying to get past this government’s premeditated shutdown, Barron is the “smart Alex”! But the Moron was unable to attend his “zero-point-zero-zero-zero-one” percent 1st year celebration, to celebrate the fact that he has begun the Fred Christ Trump “Beach Haven” epiphany in earnest, that Fascism can steal away more loot than Capitalism? It is all about the “Greening of America”. OK, maybe “Castration” is a best fit for today. And even with the G-Men shutdown, appears the White House was on diarrhea watch, as “Cesspool” trucks were lined up right before the gavel fell and the Town Cryer Paul Ryan announced his “Trump Shutdown” plan had worked. And “poor” Donald had to stay at home and without a preplan, he has to stay in the White House all weekend long - he cannot get away from Melanomia! For real, the reason Barron is so withdrawn his pathetic family is the fact he saw a wide girthed guy with a yellow-matter-custard hairdo making Father Hanrahan weird like noises in the “Green Room” when learning about Stormey weather from Kellyanne? The White House will never be the same “In the green room with stained curtains…” So, some 128 patrons of “Lechery” ended up at Mar-a-Lago to spend time with coprophilia associates and it wasn’t cheap, some $100000 per “shithole” couple. And “sworn to secrecy” sons Eric and Donald “I didn’t have espionage with that blow-up Annie” Junior were drafted as the fill-in for the No Show Moron. Hard role to fulfil and as close to a “Draft” any Trump will see! So, the event went on without the Mr. & Mrs. Moron because Air Force 1 was on empty due the “Trump Shutdown”, and party goers went without a discount for the No Shows? Get what you pay for. It is like this. Double ply toilet paper verses the single ply, a single sheet performs the due diligence duty but, stink finger remains. Which reminds the memory, did anybody see Melanomia out in support of Women’s Rights, with the other 5-million on estimation that took to the streets in defiance a “SHITHOLE” President!

Oh happy day (oh happy day)
Oh happy day (oh happy day)
When Trump lost (when Trump lost)
Then doors were closed (doors were closed)
And we rejoiced our way (we rejoiced our way)
Democracy washed the swine away (oh happy day)
Oh happy day (oh happy day)
Trump taught the swine how to lie, cheat and prey,
but we fought and stayed
And live rejoicing every, everyday
Oh happy day now
Democracy taught US how
Oh happy day (oh happy day)
Oh happy day (oh happy day)
Oh happy day (oh happy day)

Confessions from the Son

“Complicit Democrats” Campaign

A Year and a Day Away

The 115th U.S. Congress - Moving Forward Plan(GOP MAGA)

~ END ~

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