Friday, January 19, 2018

U.S. Chamber of Torture

“TORTURE was talking, I guess I just wasn’t listening, no surprise, if you know US well”! Is “Torture” becoming the “Norm”? Not just physical abuse upon the Citizen Kane, but mental abuse upon the Citizen Insane by the political machine? When today’s members of Congress talk about the “chambers”, the horror inflicts a lingering pain pins and needles, like maybe we have been voodooed and we thought Gitmo was bad for hemorrhoid relief? Ouch, it just happened again! But counting-down 364-Days with 7-Hours and 2-Minutes down to 35-Seconds patience pays off. IMAGINE, only 5-hours before the Portnoy Putin complaint Congress’ 200th turd-bomb threat to shut-down our government and that may interfere with the 1st year anniversary of the Moron’s terms of endangerment - scheduled at Mar-a-Lago in the tune of $100000 bucks per couple! Whoopie, I got $40-bucks extra in my Johnny Paycheck with the “Ryan & McConnell Tax Reform”, that’s a ratio of does not compute…that divide by “zero” error! If the G-men shuts down does that mean Air Force 1 is out of fuel? Please allow Trump to travel south and let him get stuck at the “Panzi Ponzi Palace”, matter of fact when the G-Men are furloughed, maybe a good time for Trump to seek asylum in another country. Can the Moron direct the Big Blue limousine’s pilots to veer off-course to take the Filthy Family to freedom - like to Russia? Please, a flyover stopover in Haiti for re-fueling! See Congress doesn’t give a rat’s ass about the men and women in uniform or veterans or retirees, because no matter how Congress castrates the “Budget” after midnight, they get paid. It is sad how the Founding Father’s Constitution has been changed over the years, not for US but the fewer “thum thar wealthy” whores. Hey, when even Mitt Romney feels left out with nothing but a “lousy hat”, what does that mean for the peon class? Dandruff. Remember, Mitt was a 1% and if he is out, I guess the 1/10%’s is in and that includes the Filthy-Flirty-Filthy rich, like Vladimir Portnoy Putin and many of his shareholding cronies - the Russian mafia. Pinch yourself, add to the pain and suffering, this nation has been hijacked and it is the “Torture” we feel our penance for being so lackadaisical! But finally, it is official out-of-the-casket the chemistry and the formula of the 2016 presidential vote that placed Donald John Trump into the Oval Office as the 45th Moron-in-Covfefe. It was tough, as many are not being faithful their Peter verses Paul realization that we are one in the same the fallout. But for a single word defines what caused that cranium trigger to say AEY and NAY: “Give me a D…an E…an N…IAL and there you have it. And that “DENIAL” syndrome is steadfast today because as Americans we hate the agony of defeat, so “Denial” remains our Henry Murray “needs” attribute for an excuse as to why a bonafide MORON is now ruining this nation. Look, our predicament has nothing to do with Vladimir Portnoy Putin’s interfering in our “Democracy” - STOP giving him fodder feeding frenzy credit. For sure the Clockwork Agent Orange may have some shabby like funny money dealings here in the states wherein Trump was but a convenient stool pigeon, but that didn’t contaminate the voting booth - unless we are that dumb and vulnerable. Divided we fall so the blame is at equal both sides of the isle. We are all guilty, admit it! But it only takes a small segment, a small sample of the “population” to demonstrate this “Denial”, and the chemistry behind a Trump supporter and at the same time a non-supporter. So, we take aim at California where John Lawman is trying to find out how in this day and age a husband & wife can carry-on with a torture dungeon in a middle-class neighborhood and abuse through starvation 13 innocent kids. See, we are all so busy looking down at that flat-screen trying to think we have an importance at everything that we are not seeing the deer in the headlights. Torture, to be like Mr. and Mrs. Turpin, it is NO different than the 115th Congress, and like the neighbors we have NO idea what is really going on. But in Simple Simonism, the Trump Dysentery Dynasty is like a Bernie Madof “Ponzi Scheme”, as there exists no free-thinking under such a scam. We are all sucked into the anal hole. Those that had a mind of their own have found any common sense vaporized and those with a brain have told US what they think - I mean, I mean when the Donald’s lieutenants call him a MORON and UNINFORMED, this is what we hear that is bled outdoors! So what are they really saying about the MORON behind closed door toilet seats? It’s torture, and can this nation stand more? The “Resistance” is growing in number the same increase as the Moron’s “DISAPPROVAL” and that should be the warning shot across the bow of the U.S.S. Constitution. So, the Congress is like that despicable Mr. and Mrs. Turpin, we are the abused kids and the lawman, that is Donald John Trump missing-in-action as it is Tee off time! IMAGINE, the Turpin Torture included letting the kids see a pumpkin pie but not a slice? Sounds just like what is happening today before a Ryan House and a McConnell Senate, the pie lives on and looks so fine, but please don’t touch as it is reserved for the wealthy only!

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