Wednesday, January 17, 2018


 – January 17th, 2018

1st Annual White House “Fake News Award”
According to reliable sources with the inside scoop the White House poop, the 1st Annual ALL WHITE HOUSE “Fake News Award” goes to…drum roll please, Doctor Ronny Jackson for comparing the “Excellent Wealth” of Donald John Trump with that of the “Excellent Health” of Barack Hussein Obama. Wow, totally embarrassing such a comparison. And BPTN would question the Moron’s wealth let alone his health, let it alone! So, the Moron goes to the doctor for a check-up and all we get is an Obama & Trump comparison, one based on true “health” the other on loan-shocking “wealth” dirty laundry. “Can’t buy me health, no, no, no, noooooo”! Gives Mitt Romney’s famous quote of “All we got was a lousy hat” a stamp of approval.


Trump Prepares for Medical Check-up

January 16th, 2018. State of the Eunuch’s health check by Doctor Rodney King: Fat Check - was overboard. Trump tipped the scale at 240lbs. and 6’2” which is OBESE. Then a miracle occurred as to have an OBESE president would cause Kim Bong-One to have an uncontrollable laughing fit and…he grew an inch which almost snuck the MORON under the OBESE radar. Then with some NAVY medicinal knowhow, a.k.a. Dulcolax with prune juice the “Shithole” took on new meaning, and after 3-hours of anal hole heaving the weight scale was close to 239 with rounding down, we made it out of the OBESE zone, but as the Moron was getting dressed, he scarfed down a few Big Macs and a dozen orders of fries and at least 10 big gulp Cokes. Even though starting to look like Chris Christie, for a single second we did get a data stamp that proves he is just shy of OBESE so in “EXCELLENT HEALTH”. As far as Diet, No Pepsi Coke. Exercise, picking nose and jerking off. Mental cognizant - can engage in “Twitter” combat but should not be allowed around that nuclear football. Total overall prognosis, Mitt Romney was right, just a walking-dead lousy hat!

States with highest “Flu” are those states visited recently by the Moron-in-Covfefe, Donald John(Shithole) Trump. Californians very lucky as the 45th is banned from setting foot in the Golden State due "WANTED" by Surfer Hang-10 Association for allowing offshore rape, once a crime no longer against the law of the land.
BPTN - Mainlining News

From the U.S. Department of Education, Secretary Betsy Devos: New posters at school lunch programs to show Donald John Trump as the icon of “EXCELLENT HEALTH”, some recommending a diet of Big MACs and Big Gulp Cokes and only 5-hours sleep:

From the U.S. Small Business Administration, Linda McMahon: Cigna Health Commercial wins “Golden Shower Award”:

What’s A Middle Name?

John, as in Donald John Trump - Toilet, shithole, crapper.
Hussein, as in Barack Hussein Obama - Handsome, good, healthy.
“New” XXX Movie Review - By Stormey Daughter Lookalike Istinka
Doctor Ronny Jeremy: “Dick Durbin Destroys Kirstjen Neilsen’s Shithole”

What We Are Up Against - By Ted Kaczynski

Mueller Investigation: Throw the book at the Trump Tower bums, else kiss the J. Edgar Hoover FBI legacy goodbye. Had the Moron-in-Covfefe minded his own business and shown some respect to the G-Men the entire Vladimir Portnoy Putin Castration Complex affair would have been done with - Case closed as Russia had nothing to do with how a Moron was voted in as the 45th. But when we see wherein the investigation is going, to the heart of the “Tower”, and that means attacking how the Trump Dysentery Dynasty confiscates wealth - it is the 100-year high-tide that will soon drown the Moron and his pathetic filthy family. It is payback, nothing else and too late to turn back and call off the wolves. Now this is how BPTN defines PATRIOTISM, Robert Mueller holding a grudge well deserved against a Maggot Moron, FUCK YOU DONALD SUCK A BANNON DICK!

Moron Trump Prepares for Life after Impeachment:

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